Kindergarten News
Ms. Laurie -March 9th
Thank God for a much slower week!! We all needed it after our busy last week. The kids are getting more into digraphs so be sure to practice with them at home. This week we decomposed the teen numbers 11-19. In S.S. we once again touched on needs and wants and then we made our banks to help us save for some of our "wants". Sorry, not many pics this week... that's my fault!
Backwards Day!
Playing "beauty shop" in gym....guess who was the test dummy!
The girls shop was VERY expensive!!!
In Kindergarten we are putting a lot of effort into being GOOD listeners. This past week we discussed being an "Active Listener" and what that meant.
* Eyes should be on the person speaking
* Our bodies should be in a state of calm and stillness
* We should be focused on what is being said
* Are our minds actively engaged in the conversation?
* And finally do I ask questions if I need too?
So.... this got me thinking:
* Are my eyes focused on God? Am I looking to Him?
* Is my body calm and am I ready to hear His voice?
* Am I focused on what He wants me to understand/ learn?
* Do I study more/ask more/ try to decipher more of what He wants from me?
In everyday life "active" listening is important in every part of our lives. I need it in my workplace, at home, church, with my family, my spouse and in the classroom. These concepts that we are teaching right now are meant to carry our children through the rest of their lives.We are forming habits that will form our children's future in the classroom, at work , with their spouses, as parents and as Christians. Do we hear God's voice? More importantly, do we LISTEN! I am a kindergarten teacher but first and foremost I am a child of God and a messenger of His word! Do I "activiely listen to Him? Am I modeling this to my kids? What are we doing as parents? Are we modeling this to our children? Put the phones down, turn off the computers, ipads, etc. Look at your child when they are speaking this speaks volumes to them and helps them become better listeners.
Looking Ahead!!
Next week is going to be busy with many different studies! In S.S. we will be dicussing some more famous Americans: we will learn about JFK, Katherine Johnson and Neil Armstrong. Getting the theme? NASA. We will be making fact charts, doing experiments and getting some background on each.
In Bible we will be learning about the Prodigal Son. I love this story and the redemption power of our Lord!
The afternoons will be filled with many St. Patrick's Day craft projects,and a special science experiment with milk and food coloring.
March- Start that raffle ticket selling
3/14- BIA school dance- 6:00- 8:00
3/17-3/21- Lutheran Schools Week
3/24-3/28- BIA Spring Break
3/31- Back To School