Hall Happenings
April 2024
Hall Middle School Families,
As we welcome the month of April, I want to extend a warm greeting to all our students, parents, and staff. April marks a significant time in our academic calendar as we continue to progress through the school year.
Student Attendance Matters:
First and foremost, I want to stress the importance of regular student attendance. Consistent attendance is crucial for academic success and ensures that students have the opportunity to fully engage in learning activities. Please continue to prioritize attendance and ensure that your child is present in school every day, ready to participate and learn.
Tutoring Opportunities Available:
In addition to regular classroom instruction, we are pleased to offer tutoring opportunities for students who may benefit from additional support. Whether your child needs help with a specific subject or simply wants to reinforce their learning, our dedicated teachers are here to assist. Please read below for the HMS tutoring schedule, reach out to your child's teachers, or contact the school office for more information on tutoring options.
Maintaining Communication with Teachers:
Open communication between home and school is key to supporting student success. I encourage all parents to maintain regular communication with their child's teachers. Whether you have questions about assignments, concerns about progress, or simply want to check in, our teachers are here to help. Together, we can ensure that your child receives the support they need to thrive academically.
Upcoming STAAR:
As we approach the end of the school year, it's important to remind families about the upcoming STAAR. These assessments provide valuable insights into students' academic progress and achievement. I want to reassure you that your child has been diligently preparing for these assessments throughout the year. With their hard work and dedication, I am confident that they will do their best on the STAAR.
I want to express my gratitude for your continued support and partnership in your child's education. Together, we can help our students reach their full potential and achieve academic success.
Thank you for your commitment to Hall Middle School.
Sean Kenny
Hall Middle School
(817) 598-2822
Sean Kenny
Marilisa Moore
Josh Mullins
Cómo traducir el boletín al español
📅 Important Dates
3- College and Career Spirit Day
4- Hall PTA Meeting (6:00 PM, HMS Library)
5- Professional Development (Students- No School)
6- WISD Job Fair (HMS, 8:15-1:00)
8- Work Day (Students- No School)
9-12 Shoot for the STAARS Spirit Week
16- STAAR Reading (6th-8th) - campus closed to visitors
18- STAAR Science (8th) - campus closed to visitors
20- FUN DAY!
23- STAAR Social Studies (8th) - campus closed to visitors
25- PTA General Body Meeting- HMS Library, 4:30 PM
30- STAAR Math/Algebra (6th-8th) - campus closed to visitors
Coming soon...
1- College and Career Spirit Day
3- Deadline to order HMS Yearbook online
3- School Dance (sponsored by Student Council)
4- Choir Competition at Six Flags
6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
10- Choir Competition at NRH2O
13- ALL Library Books Due
13- Band Spring Concert (Durant Auditorium, 6:30 PM)
14- Choir Spring Spectacular! (HMS Cafeteria, 7:00 PM)
15- WISD Physicals (WHS MAC, 4:00-6:00 PM)
17- Band Competition at NRH2O
20- NJHS Induction Ceremony (6:30 PM, HMS Cafeteria)
23- Early Release and Last Day of School
24- Staff Work Day (No School)
27- No School (Holiday)
*Keep reading below for more information about each event!
📝 HMS Tutoring Schedule
Spanish Tutoring
If you are in need of tutoring for Ms. Gonzalez's Spanish class, please go to her classroom.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:35-8:05am
😊 Helpful Links for You!
📘 Hall MS Parent Lending Library
🆔 Student ID Badges
All secondary students are required to wear their badge on a lanyard, around their neck, every day. Students will receive a new ID card each school year. While every student's first ID card is provided at no cost, a replacement fee of $5.00 will be charged for any damaged or lost cards. If a child forgets their badge, they can get a temporary one in the front office.
- ID cards must be hung on a lanyard around the neck during the entire school day.
- ID cards must be worn with the picture facing out.
- ID cards must not be defaced or altered (no personal stickers, no coloring, etc.)
- ID cards must be worn on the outermost layer of clothing.
Please help your child build a routine so they can come to school, with their student ID, ready to learn each day. We appreciate your partnership as we work toward safety for all!
💙 Our Counselors
Melisa Hightower
817-598-2822 x3902
Dinah Stringer
817-598-2822 x3918
Sarah Reno
817-598-2822 x3913
The Family Wellness Fair is coming soon! This a great opportunity for youth and families in and around Parker County to learn about resources in their community. This event also serves as a kickoff celebration for the month of May, which is Mental Health Awareness Month. Along with some amazing vendors, there will be free haircuts provided by the Weatherford College Barber program, car seat checks, door prizes, and family fun activities!
Character Trait of the Month: COURAGE
Courage can be defined as standing up for what you know is right, even when you are afraid and other people may not stand with you. In some ways, showing courage can be a test of your character. So this month, let’s all strive to be Roos who choose to make good choices when faced with fears or obstacles - in this way, we will be building our character with courage.
😎 8th Grade Information
GRIT Academy Opportunity
What is GRIT?
In partnership with Weatherford College, the Grizzard Regional Institute of Technology (GRIT) is an innovative option for students from Weatherford ISD and surrounding districts to receive a high school diploma, an industry credential, and/or an associate degree at no cost.
8th Graders will soon be registering for their first year at Weatherford High School! Our GRIT principal, Trista Stueart, came to visit with them about their opportunity to register for the GRIT Academy in November. There will be 6 pathways available: welding, automotive technology, cosmetology, elementary education, cybersecurity, and a health service pathway (TBD).
***The application window for the 2024-2025 school year closed March 1st.***
Questions? Please contact: Trista Stueart, tstueart@weatherfordisd.com.
🩹 Nurses' Clinic
Hello Hall Families,
Parker County Hospital District will be holding a shot clinic for the required 7th grade immunizations on Friday, May 3rd at Hall Middle School. THIS IS FREE FOR ALL STUDENTS. If you would like your child to receive the TDAP or MCV (meningococcal) vaccination, please print and fill out the form below and send it with your student on that Friday or turn it in early to the nurses clinic. I will also accept the signed forms via fax or email. Please make sure your student brings a current shot record with them. There will be printed consent forms in the front office and nurses clinic as well if you do not have access to a printer. Remember the TDAP and MCV vaccinations are required by Texas state law for all incoming 7th graders. If we do not have record of these vaccinations in August your student will not be able to receive their schedule. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Kelsey Ward, RN
Kirstin Mitchell, LVN
(817) 598-2822 ext 3910 or 3976
Fax: (817) 598-2854
7th Grade Immunization Requirements
Dear 6th Grade Parents/Guardians:
The state of Texas has set requirements for students entering the 7th grade. Immunization requirements are mandatory for school attendance in public schools. They are outlined in both the Immunization Requirements of the Texas Department of State Health Services and the Texas Administrative Code. Students will not be allowed schedules for middle school classes in August of 2024 until vaccines are current, received and verification given to the school.
The requirements for 7th graders are as follows:
• Meningococcal Vaccine – one dose
• Tdap – one dose within the last five years
If your child is currently up to date on immunizations, please send us the most recent copy of their immunization records. This may be emailed, faxed or turned into the campus nurse.
Email: kward@weatherfordisd.com kmitchell@weatherfordisd.com
Fax: 817-598-2854 attention to nurse clinic
If your child has an immunization waiver, please check with your campus nurse to make sure it is up to date. In the state of Texas, a waiver expires every two years and it can take up to two weeks to receive a new waiver. If the waiver is not up to date, notarized and the original copy turned into the nurse your child will not be allowed to enroll.
The Parker County Hospital District is offering the required vaccines.
Please call (817) 458-3254 to receive information.
Kanga Care- Telemedicine
Please contact the campus nurses on Kanga Care FAQs and instructions on how to enroll your student for Kanga Care. Remember, sign up for Kanga Care now if you would like your student to be tested or seen by our PCHD doctor at any point during the school year.
If you would like your student to have medication available to them on campus, an adult MUST be the person to drop off medication in order to sign the correct forms. Students are NOT permitted to carry medication on them unless they have a doctor’s note filed in the clinic stating otherwise. This includes prescription and over the counter medication.
We are here for you if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for helping keep our students healthy and safe!
Kelsey Ward, RN
Kirstin Mitchell, LVN
817-598-2822 x 3910
🎵 Band
We have some amazing band news to share!
Our Hall Symphonic Band and Honors Band performed at UIL Contest and received 1st division superior ratings on both their stage performances and in sight-reading!! Congratulations to our 7th and 8th grade band members on this amazing success!!
Make sure to catch us at our next concert in the Durant Auditorium on May 13th at 6:30 p.m.!
🩺 WISD Physicals
🤼 Wrestling
👟 Track
🏐 📣 Summer Sports Camps 🏀 🎾
- MAY 27 - 30, K-9th Grade, Hall MS
- JUNE 3 - 6, 2nd-9th Grade Boys, Hall MS
- JUNE 3 - 6, 3rd-9th Grade, WHS
- August 12th, K-6th Grade, WHS Gym C
School Hours
8:05 AM – 3:45 PM
- Students will be allowed in the building at 7:35 each morning. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria until 8:00.
- Students will be supervised outside of the building until 4:05 each day. Please make arrangements to have your student picked up by that time.
⏰ Tardy Policy
✔️ Attendance
Each semester, you may send up to 3 parent notes for students' absences. These absences are coded (N-EN). After the 3 parent-note-limit has been reached, any further absences will be coded "A" unless there is a doctor's note or other approved circumstance. Again, the 3 parent note limit is per semester so after the holiday break it "reset."
At the middle school level, attendance is taken every class period and students are held accountable for attending each individual class and for being there on time.
WISD Attendance Policies
Regular school attendance is essential. Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student’s education. The student and parent should avoid unnecessary absences.
Two important state laws—one dealing with compulsory attendance and the other with how attendance affects the award of a student’s final grade or course credit—are discussed below.
Compulsory Attendance
Communication is required when a student is absent from school. When the student returns, they need to bring a note (doctor or parent) to be able to excuse the absence. Notes must be turned in within 3 days of the absence. Notes can be turned in to the front office or via email to tcrouch@weatherfordisd.com. A student may have three parent notes a semester each being able to excuse three consecutive days. After three have been submitted, a doctor’s note is required to excuse the absence.
Attendance for Class
The State of Texas requires students to be present 90% of the school year. If a student is absent for more than the allotted days, excused or unexcused, they run the risk of not receiving class credit. The allotted days for the 23/24 school year are 8 days for the first semester and 9 for the second semester.
Secondary Attendance
Attendance is taken every period at the secondary level. Picking up a student early/bringing them late could result in an absence for a period.
2024-2025 WISD School Calendar
HMS has five 30-minute lunch periods:
- Lunch A: 11:18 - 11:48
- Lunch B: 11:50 - 12:20
- Lunch C: 12:22 - 12:52
- Lunch D: 12:54 - 1:24
- Lunch E: 1:26 - 1:56
- Parents/Guardians may drop off lunch for their students by coming into the front office.
- There is a cart to place lunches on with markers and notes available to place the student’s name on the lunch.
- Parents/Guardians must communicate with their student that lunch is being dropped off for them, as the front office staff will not be able to call students out of class to come pick up their lunch.
- HMS front office staff is not responsible for lunches that are dropped off.
- Students will be responsible for coming to the office to pick up their lunch.
- Reminder: For safety purposes, no delivery services are allowed. Only parents/guardians may deliver lunch to their student. HMS does not accept food delivery services such as Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. for students.
- Parents who would like to eat with their student will be required to show a valid form of ID, get a visitor’s pass, and eat in a designated area. Other students will not be allowed to eat with you.
Free and Reduced Meals Application
Free and reduced meals will be available to all who apply and qualify. All families are encouraged to apply for this program.
Parents may apply:
- Online during the Verification of Enrollment process
- Online by visiting Weatherfordisd.schoollunchapp.com
- By completing a paper application (available in the front office)
Gift Deliveries
📸 Yearbooks
Title 1 Parent Information Documents
Our school receives funds for federal programs that are part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA) as amended in 2015. Throughout the school year, we will continue to provide you with important information about this law and your child’s education.