W.E.stchester Weekly

News from the Principal
Greetings, WE Families,
The big day is quickly approaching! Just a few more days until the FIRST day of the BEST YEAR EVER!!!! The classrooms are coming together. The teachers and staff have been collaborating and learning and planning. The WE Crew is excited to meet and greet our wolves tomorrow. Join us for the Back To School Meet-N-Greet from 1:00 - 3:00 PM.
Log on to the Parent Portal this afternoon to find out who your child’s teacher will be.
Make sure you complete the following items before you come
All families must complete the Annual Update in Infinite Campus.
Complete the sign up for PickUp Patrol.
Review the Need To Know information that is posted below from last week’s newsletter.
When you arrive tomorrow, visit your child’s classroom teacher, visit the auditorium for other important information tables and then join PTA and friends outside for some social time.
The WE Crew has prepared for a terrific school year. This is my 34th year in education and I could not be more excited than if I were starting year one. Westchester is a really special place. I am so thankful to walk alongside each and every wolf as they take the next step to becoming “leaders of their own learning.” Welcome to Westchester where everyone is invaluable to our learning community!
From your grateful principal,
Christine Knox
Testing Information
Parent and Families,
The form below explains City Schools of Decatur’s screening process of identifying students in kindergarten through third grade who might benefit from extra reading support, including those students who may potentially exhibit characteristics of dyslexia. The form outlines the screening process, next steps, and your right to opt out. Contact your child’s school for any questions.
Dyslexia Screener Opt-out Form
Calendar of Events
Parent Portal
It is essential for families to complete the Annual Data Update (ADU) at the start of school in the Parent Portal. Help drive YOUR school to be the first to reach 100% submission! The ADU lets you
make sure we have your current contact information
provide your student's health information
complete mandatory district sign-offs
Additional guidance and login help are available from https://www.csdecatur.net/adu – or, go straight to the Portal, select the three-line menu at the top-right, select More, and select Annual Data Update.
School Supplies
PTA News
WE Swag Available!
Cool New Swag for students and parents! Guess what, teachers love WE swag too! Buy yours before August 9th!
Share the First Day of School With Us!
Students, parents, and staff are encouraged to share first-day photos and updates about their schools using the hashtag #CSDFirstDay2024 to build excitement and community engagement.
The news and announcements in this section are sent form the Wilson center.
City Schools of Decatur Community Partners
Reminders from Last Week
Visit past newsletters for answers to your questions🤗
Westchester Elementary School
Who to Contact: Please see who the best contact is for your questions for a quicker response.
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/Westchester
Location: 758 Scott Boulevard, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404-370-4400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westchesterelementarycsd