Southgate Medallion Tribute
Welcome To Our January - February 2023 Parent Newsletter
Coordinator Corner
On behalf of all at the Agency I would like to wish you a very Happy 2023.
January and February can be brutally cold months and so it is important that children are sent to the day home with appropriate clothing for the weather. Agency policy is Educators get outside with the children as much as possible and we recommend any temperatures above -15 with wind chill are good for taking the children outside, even if it is just for a few minutes. Please ensure you are sending hats, gloves, snow pants and jackets to enable your child to be comfortable whilst outside enjoying nature.
January is our ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaire) Month. Participation in the screening tool is not mandatory but is recommended as an effective way of tracking your child’s development. The two questionnaires don’t take long to complete, so thank you in advance for participating should you choose to do so.
Emma Dajavs
Upcoming Holidays
January 2 - Office will be closed for New Year day in lieu
February 20 - Office will be closed for Family Day
Planning for Smooth Transitions
Have you noticed that many times children seem to have a hard time when moving from one activity to another? Or when they are changing from one place to another? These times of change are called Transitions. Everyday transitions can include arriving at a day home, going for a nap, moving from snack to playtime, finishing playtime and cleaning up, cleaning up after a craft, and so many other examples. So, you can say - transitions are those in-between times of what is going on in your day home. It’s important to understand that children and adults see the in-between times very differently.
To most adults, we are thinking about our next thing/place/task; that next thing is our motivation and focus. For example, like being outside to play, or nap-time, or eating lunch etc. However, children, and this is for children of all ages, see that in-between time as an activity on its own. Therefore, getting dressed to play outside is an activity and then, playing outside is an activity, or reading a book is an activity, and having a nap is another activity and so on.
Therefore, when working and taking care of children, we need to think like children do! When we don’t plan for the transitions, it's just like we are not planning for an activity - and we all know how well unplanned activities can go! Take time for ALL the activities in your home - especially the ones you see as in-between time and the children see as an activity of its own!
Why are transitions important in early childhood?
Transition times are important because they can make the day seem smooth, well-organized, pleasant, and not rushed. Allowing enough time so children can make the transition gradually is the best way to avoid stressful situations for both adults and children. Along with knowing how children view transitions differently than adults, it is also important to know that difficulty with transitions can occur for several other reasons - such as, when children are tired, hungry, confused, or not ready to end an activity. Difficulty with transitions is also common when children have communication delays or limited social and emotional skills. By considering children’s needs and abilities and planning accordingly, adults can avoid many problems at transition times. We would like you, as a parent, to put yourselves in the children’s shoes and look at the world from their vantage point.
Some helpful tools and ideas!
**Use a timer, an instrument or a funny noise to give children advance warning of routine transitions. You can even try to have the child/children with the hardest time with a particular transition help you “alert” everyone else to the upcoming event. For example, let your toddler bang a pot with a wooden spoon to let the others know it is time for lunch.
**Let the children pick out a special object or toy to transition with to the next activity or place. A nap-bear, that lays with a child at nap-time is an example here or a special towel to dry hands after handwashing (the dollar store has some baby towels that have a little stuffed animal attached to a towel-each child has their own cute towel).
**Make transition Fun! Turn that time into a game or an activity, you might be surprised at your own and the kid’s creativity at making a usually boring task way more enjoyable. Children having a hard time at drop-off? Give educator an inside shoes/slippers and she can hide before they arrive - that way the first thing they will do is play “hide- and-seek” for their slippers.
**Sing songs as you transition. Children love to hear songs as they move about their day. Make up silly songs together about what you are doing or what’s coming next. You are sure to get a laugh and likely a smooth transition.
** Give your child a job. Children are more cooperative when they can be part of the process. Perhaps your child can help stir something for lunch, unlock the house door after outside play, or pick out a diaper before a diaper change.
**Use environmental cues to help the children with the next task- for example, dim the lights at the end of lunch to get the kids settled for nap, take out the plates and cups if children are needing extra reminders to clean up for lunch.
Always remember - the more a child can predict (and participate) in the schedule and activities of his/her day, the less likely it is that challenging behavior will occur and the more likely it is that he/she will engage and even enjoy transitions. Take the time, and make the effort, to teach a child: what to expect, when it will happen, and what happens before or after the transition. You will find it both rewarding and helpful for both you and the your child.
🔦 Highlight of the Month
Holiday Food Bank Drive - December 2022
On behalf of all at Southgate Medallion, we would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to all day home educators and their families and communities who all took park in this amazing food bank drive.
🔦 Educator Spotllight
Making Gingerbread Ornaments - by Generosa Mamon
* 1 cup flour
* 1 cup salt
* 1 tsp. All spice
* 1 tsp cinnamon
* Mix all the ingredients and make a dough
* Flatten the dough and cut it into different shapes using cookie cutters
* Bake 1-2 hours @ 300 degree Celsius. To make ornaments, poke a hole before baking.
* Once dried out, kids can add sparkles or paint
Reminders 📝
Schedule changes – If your schedule is changing, please contact your educator and consultant to update before invoicing. Any changes should be informed at least three business days before the new month starts.