The J-List
February 7, 2025
Greetings JES Family!
As I visited classrooms this morning I heard the same question asked over and over - Chiefs or Eagles? Our campus has been buzzing today about the Superbowl. I've loved seeing our staff turn conversations and facts about the game into learning opportunities for our kids. Although I don't have a horse in the race this year, I'm looking forward to all the activities and fun that encompass the day. It brings back some of my favorite memories growing up enjoying this day with my family and friends. Whether you are watching the game or not, I hope you are able to enjoy some time making special memories with your kids this weekend.
Just as a reminder, our car drop-off line is a phone free zone. Please help us ensure the safety of our little Dragons and staff by refraining from using your phone and from texting while in the car line. Thank you for your help with this!
Have a wonderful weekend and know that I am so honored to be the Principal of this amazing school! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns or celebrations you would like to share with me and...GO DRAGONS!!!!!
Patrick Holladay, Principal
Thank You Mrs. Bailey!
This week, we have been celebrating School Counselor Appreciation Week, and we want to take a moment to recognize our incredible JES school counselor, Mrs. Bailey! Her dedication, kindness, compassion, commitment and support makes a world of difference in the lives of our students every day. From offering guidance and encouragement to helping foster a positive and caring school environment, she plays an essential role in the lives of our little Dragons! Please join us in thanking Mrs. Bailey for all she does to help our students learn, grow, and thrive! 💚🐉
Spring Pictures
Class and spring individual pictures will be taken on Thursday, February 13th. All students will be photographed and no money will be due on picture day. Proof cards and information on ordering will be sent out 2-3 weeks after picture day.
PTO General Meeting
All parents are invited and encouraged to join us for our next PTO General Meeting on Thursday, February 20 at 9:15 am in the JES Auditorium. Please use this form to RSVP so that we can have your visitor badge pre-printed.
Valentine's Parties
Valentine's Day Parties will take place on Friday, February 14th according to the times listed below. Parents are welcome and encouraged to use this link to RSVP so that we can have your visitor badge printed and waiting for you!
Kinder 8:00 parade, followed by party
1st 10:00 - 10:45
2nd 10:45 - 11:30
3rd 11:00 - 11:45
4th 10:20 - 11:05
Attendance Matters
Something to think about! We've had a drop in attendance over the past couple of weeks as the flu has been going around our school and community. While regular attendance is important for student learning and funding, keeping our school healthy is just as important! Please help us prevent the spread of illness by keeping your child home if they are sick. Students should be fever-free without medication and have no vomiting for at least 24 hours before returning to school. Thank you for your support in keeping our students and staff healthy!
Attendance by the Numbers...
Mon Feb 3 - 89.52%
Tue Feb 4 - 93.39%
Wed Feb 5 - 95.00%
Thu Feb 6 - 96.29%
Fri Feb 7 - 95.16%
Weekly Average - 93.87%
Inspire Excellence Teacher Nominations
Do you know a CISD Dragon Teacher or Employee who inspires excellence every day? Now’s your chance to recognize them!
#InspireExcellence Teacher Awards
Nominate a CISD teacher who makes a lasting impact on students and colleagues!
#InspireExcellence Employee Awards
Recognize a Dragon employee (non-teacher) who exemplifies high standards and continues to #ProtectTheTradition. This includes counselors, librarians, nurses, aides, secretaries, transportation, maintenance, and more!
Nominations are open through Monday, February 17th. Honorees will be recognized at the February 24th CISD Board Meeting. A huge thank you to Great Plains Bank, our #InspireExcellence Award sponsor, for supporting this program! Submit your nomination today!
Library Update
Kids Heart Challenge
A heartfelt thanks to our students who have learned Hands-Only CPR during our Kids Heart Challenge, earned ducks delivering heart-healthy messages, and are spreading awareness through texts, emails, and social media!
If you haven't already, please consider signing up to join the JES Kids Heart Challenge team on the American Heart Association Schools app. Any student who raises $200 in donations will get to attend a COLOR BLAST PARTY.
As of this afternoon, we have 251 students who have joined, 42 who have completed Finn's Mission, 52 families who have learned Hands-Only CPR, and have raised almost $20,000.
Here's how you can get started:
- Sign up on our school's Kids Heart Challenge Page: http://www2.heart.org/goto/JackJohnsonElementary
- Download the app iOS/Android
- Get started on Finn's Lifesaving Mission!
4th Grade Parents
CogAT/ITBS Scores
Scores from the October CogAT/ITBS assessments and math placement letters will be mailed home together on February 12th.
Incoming 5th Grade Parent Meeting
Please mark your calendars to attend the CISD Incoming 5th Grade Parent Meeting. Details below.
Volunteers Needed for Next Year!
Our PTO is an integral part of each child’s academic and social experience at JES and we cannot support the school without our volunteers. Please check out the form below and complete it to let us know how you are willing to help next year!
Check out the board and committee interest form HERE!
We will have a general PTO meeting on 2/20 at 9:15am and can answer any questions on available opportunities and what they entail.
Sign-up HERE to help Mrs. Pack in the Library! Opportunities daily!
Community Corner
Spring Break Camps at CISD
Check out our Community Camps page on the CISD website for more details on new camps held at CISD!
Around the Corner
13 - Spring Pictures (Individual & Class), 8am
14 - Valentine's Day Parties
17 - Student Holiday/Staff Professional Development
20 - PTO General Mtg, 9:15am
24 - Multicultural Event, 5:30pm
2-8 - Diagnostician Appreciation Week
7 - Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day
13 - End of 3rd Grading Period
14 - Bad Weather Makeup Day
17-21 Spring Break