Hollywood Hill Happenings
April 29th Edition
From the Prinicpal
Dear Hollywood Hill Families,
May - Tracking Student Progress
I hope you and your family are taking moments to enjoy all the beautiful colors that spring brings. As I walk around campus, our cherry trees have really stood out to me. Their stunning blooms continue to change and remind me of how spring is a time in the school year to stop and reflect about change. Think back to the beginning of September. Your student has changed in so many ways! They may have grown in height. Their interests may have progressed. Their academic skills have continued to improve. The list goes on…
While teachers track student progress throughout the year, May is a busy month to pause and determine how all the small steps of students have compiled to big changes. This month, teachers will be utilizing state, district, and classroom assessments as they make final determinations of student achievement accomplished within the 2023-24 school year. Here at school, we understand that each assessment just captures one moment in time, which is why it is important that we use a comprehensive assessment system throughout the year. In addition, as students engage in testing, we want to send the message to them to always give their best effort. To assist with this messaging at home, here are some practices you can usento support your child:
Staff Appreciation
We know this growth in students is related to the work of our teachers. We are so grateful for the student-centered approach our staff takes in carrying out our mission of - our foundations of relationships grounds our learning to positively impact each student, every day. Our PTA will be helping us to celebrate our staff May 6th-10th. Please see the details below in our PTA section. Thank you for taking the time to share your words of appreciation through an email, a card, or through another method. These positive messages will go a long way. After all, our staff here at Hollywood Hill are pretty amazing!
Kind Regards,
Kate Eicher, Principal
Hollywood Hill Elementary
~ A Place Where Every Star Shines!
Important Upcoming Dates
- 4/30 - Track & Field Meet - 5:00-6:30 pm at Northshore Middle School
- 4/30 - K and 1st Grade Art Walk - 5:45-6:15 pm in the Gym
- 4/30 - K and 1st Grade "Barnyard" Musical - 6:30-7:30 in the Gym
- 5/1 - 5/3 - 5th Grade Camp Cedar Springs
- 5/6 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to the Zoo
- 5/7, 5/9, 5/10 - Grades 3-5 SBA Testing
- 5/7 - Track & Field Meet - 5:00-6:30 pm at East Ridge Elementary
- 5/8 - Pajama Day
Mark your Calendars for Upcoming SBA Testing Dates
SBA Testing Schedule:
- ELA Testing: Grade 3-5 May 7, 9 and 10 (if needed)
- Math Testing: Grades 3-5 May 14, 16
- Science Testing: 5th grade only May 17
- Make Ups will be scheduled May 20-22
Volunteer Appreciation Red Carpet Event
Calling all HH Volunteers:
Please mark your calendars for our annual
Volunteer Appreciation Red Carpet Event!
Tuesday, May 14th
9:30 - 10:30am
in the Library
Questions: jrobb@nsd.org
From the School Counselor
From the Health Room
From the PTA
From the PTA President
Hello Stars!
Thank you to our community. We raised just over $20,000 from our Fun Run last week. The funds raised from Fun Run go directly back to Hollywood Hill for program enrichment, field trips, school beautification, and more!
Our students have earned:
Pajama & Stuffy Day!
Popcorn Friday! Popcorn served during recess on a Friday!
Principal Surprise!
Extra Recess Day!
We will announce all the dates soon and the dates will be in your weekly teacher newsletter.
Congratulations Mrs. Schock’s Class!
Individual class that raises the most!
Principal Eicher will eat lunch with this class one day and will bring some special treats, including a gift basket for their teacher!
First Grade raised the most funds!
Grade level that raises the most!
First grade will win an ice cream party, details to follow from your teachers.
Thank you to all our students, parents, caregivers, grandparents, and families. We appreciate you!
PTA Nominations for 2024-2025
We are also on the lookout for passionate parents & caregivers to lead committees and we need your talent and dedication.
The self-nomination period has officially been opened. We hope that you will consider putting your name forward if you are interested in any of these positions and in joining the PTA Board! You can also contact the Nominating Committee (secretary@hhilllpta.org), or President Rachel Colombo (president@hhillpta.org) and they would be happy to answer your questions.
April 30th K-1st Grade: Art Walk & Musical: HHE Gym @ 5:45pm
1 or 2 pieces of your Kindergarten and/or 1st grade student's art will be on display beginning at 5:45pm
Students will need to report to the Music Room to get ready for their musical at 6:15pm
The musical will begin at 6:30pm
All Kindergarten & First grade families are invited - we hope to see you there!
Questions: Ariana Levin at artdocent@hhillpta.org
Staff Appreciation: May 6-10
Get ready to celebrate Staff Appreciation Week at HHE May 6-10!
The theme this year is: OUR STAFF TAKES THE GOLD 🥇
Below is our itinerary for the week with suggestions on how you can get involved. Please note, these opportunities are optional and not required - families and students can show their gratitude in any way they'd like!
Tuesday: Sign-up here to contribute to our Hydration+Refuel Station
Download and print thank you coloring pages here
HHE 2023-2024 staff list here
Find teacher and staff favorites here
Thursday: Sign-up here to contribute to our Staff Potluck Lunch
We can't wait to make our staff feel like the Olympic Dream Team they are!
Questions: Lindsay Saeed: outreach@hhillpta.org.
5th Grade Photos Needed! Due May 10
Submit photos of your 5th graders soon, Parents & Caregivers!
5th Grade Celebration Committee: 5thgrade@hhillpta.org
Dine Out: Pizza Coop May 22 11AM - 9PM
We are hosting one more Dine Out at Pizza Coop, we booked the private room again! So join your friends and family for a fun night out. 25% of all sales go to HHE!.
Dine-In and Phone Orders mention Hollywood Hill Elementary
Questions: Elisa fundraising@hhillpta.org
April 30: K-1st Grade Art Walk & Musical
May 6-10: Staff Appreciation Week
May 10: 5th Grade Photos Due
May 22: Dine Out Pizza Coop
May 24: ‘24/’25 PTA Board Self-Nominations Due
May 30: 4th & 5th Art Walk & Musical Concert
June 7: Donuts with Grownups
June 11: PTA Membership Meeting
June 20: 5th Grade Picnic at Cottage Lake Park
June 21: 5th Grade Ceremony
June 24: Field Day