Panthers Newsletter
August 2024
Welcome Back Families!
Dear Families,
I hope you enjoyed summer with your students! We are incredibly happy to have them back! As we get the year back up and running I want to provide you with a few reminders:
-We have a single student drop off/pick up location on the west side of campus by our cafeteria.
-Students may arrive starting at 8:00am and breakfast is available for them in cafeteria.
-No visitors will be allowed on campus without first getting a pass from our office. We ask that parents not wait with students on campus for class.
-Instruction will start at 8:25am and end at 2:55pm (K-5) and 3:25pm (6-8) each day.
-Wednesdays dismissal is a at 1:25pm (K-5) and 1:55pm (6-8).
-Please use our pickup lane and do not park next to waiting cars.
-If your child is sick and cannot attend, please notify the front office @ 225-2700.
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your child’s life. We look forward to working with you! Please follow us on Facebook and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out by phone, email, or by dropping by our office!
-Michael Konrad, Ed.D
Principal, Pueblo Gardens PK8
Upcoming Events This Month
8/20- PG Neighborhood Association Meeting 6:00 Quincy Douglas
8/21- No school- Professional Development
8/23- Mobile Food Bank Distribution
9/2- Labor Day/ No School
9/5- Picture Day
Mobile Food Distribution
We are also in need of volunteers for our food distributions.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ms. Maribel at 520-225-2724