Young Middle Magnet School
Volume 5, Issue 8
Young Middle Magnet School Vision Statement
Young Middle Magnet School will prepare students to become global citizens through an innovative S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) integrated approach to learning.
Young Middle Magnet School Mission Statement
Young Middle Magnet School will create an equitable environment that enriches the educational experience through collaboration, diversity, respect and innovation.
STEM Black History Month Contest
Open the document below for information about the contest.
6th Grade Fieldtrip to The Skills Center
Basketball STEM Challenge
6th grade students in Ms. Smith's class were challenged to design and build a basketball shooter and goal.
Letters to a Pre-Scientist Pen Pal Program
Please help your child understand the importance of an education and that daily attendance is essential! Please refer to your child's student Code of Conduct for attendance and absence reporting requirements.
Code of Conduct:
If your child is absent, a phone call is required.
The telephone number for our 24-hour automated system is (813) 276-5739 (Press 1).
Please leave your child's first and last name AND your own first and last name on the recording.
Revised Student Academic Calendar
Open the document below for the Revised Student Academic Calendar due to Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
Camp Circle of Love
What: A weekend camp for children who have experienced the loss of a loved one.
When: February 28 - March 2, 2025
Open the document below for more information.
7th Grade T-shirt Sale
When: February 3-17, 2025.
Cost: $9.00
Open the document below to view the T-shirt:
College Shirt Thursdays
Every Thursday is College Shirt Day. Students are encouraged to wear a college shirt with their school uniform bottom.
School Spirit Fridays
Students are encouraged to wear their school spirit t-shirts every Friday with their uniform bottom.
Math Homework Hotline
Math Homework Hotline (MHH) is a free resource on Thursday evenings for students to receive extra math support. Students earn Buffalo bucks at school for calling as well as prizes from the district for calling. The link for more information is below.
Math Homework Hotline Schedule
Media News
Click the link to view the February Media News: https://secure.smore.com/n/uzrtd
February 3-5: 6th Grade Nature's Classroom
February 7: Club Day
February 13: Progress Reports
February 14: NO SCHOOL (Fair Day: West County Schools)
February 17: Presidents' Day is a full student day
February 20: Conference Night (4:30 pm to 7:00 pm)
February 28: All Pro Dad Meeting
All Pro Dad Chapters provide an opportunity for dads to spend quality time with their children before school to strengthen their relationship. For one hour each month you will get to join other dads and kids at school for a fun, memory-making event. The next meeting is February 28, 2025 (7:45am - 8:30am) in the Media Center.
Has your address changed?
"Here Comes the Bus"
"Here Comes the Bus" is an easy-to-use app that enables parents to see the location of their child's school bus on their smartphone. The app will notify parents when the bus is within a mile of their bus stop. For more information, open the attachment below.
Hello Young Families!
It is not too late to sign up for Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)!!!
This is a great opportunity to invest in your student, our school, and our staff!!! For those of you who aren't familiar, PTSA is designed to support and assist our Young staff and students! We realize that you may not have much free time, but you can still be a part and support our school in your own special way!
Students, you can sign up as well!!! Your membership will include the following:
$5 worth of Buffalo Bucks for the first 20 students who sign up!
Monthly Chat and Chews with your PTSA Executive Committee to inform you of the happenings with PTSA
Bragging rights to your friends, because you will get special prizes and privileges for being a part of PTSA throughout the school year!
The membership cost is $10 (for membership alone).
PTSA will also sell Young Wear!!! This includes t-shirts and hoodies!!!
$25 (for membership and a t-shirt). The T-shirt costs $12.00 by itself.
$40 (for a membership and a youth hoodie). The hoodie costs $24.00 by itself.
$45 (for a membership and adult hoodie). The adult hoodie costs $29.00.
Open the documents below to sign up for your membership and your Young Wear!!! Please return the forms to your child's homeroom teacher.
We look forward to you being a part of the team!!!
Your Young Middle Magnet PTSA Team
PTSA Board
LaKisha Adams - President
Rachel Graham - Vice President of Membership and Engagement
Angela Dotman - Vice President of Community Involvement
Dustin Shapiro- Treasurer
Selina Oliver - Recording Secretary
PTSA Newsletter
Open the document below to view the newsletter.
Young Middle Magnet School Dress Code Procedure
Students caught in violation of the dress code policy will be subject to the following consequences:
First Violation = Warning
Second Violation = Lunch Detention
Three or more Violations = In-School Suspension (ISS) or more
*Students will report to the Media Center to receive a dress code slip and wristband for identification.
*Students will receive a dress code violation if caught out of dress code throughout the day.
*Students will lose privileges for quarterly incentives if they have three or more occurrences.
Synergy ParentVUE
At the start of the new school year, Synergy’s ParentVUE replaced MySpot as the HCPS parent application. Parents and guardians will need to create their ParentVUE accounts to view student information like reports cards, attendance, and graduation status. Parents and guardians will continue to use Canvas to view current class grades, assignments, and for communication with teachers.
Since MySpot is being replaced, existing Canvas parent accounts will be disabled and archived. To access Canvas moving forward, parents MUST first create their ParentVUE account and then Synergy will share the account information and student relationships to Canvas. Parents will use the same username in both ParentVUE and Canvas.
What will parents need to create ParentVUE accounts?
First, it is important to know that each parent will have their own, separate ParentVUE account. Parents will need a letter from their student’s school that contains a 7-digit Activation Key and setup directions. Step-by-step directions with screenshots will also be available on the district webpage.
To request your ParentVue Activation Key contact Dr. Berry, Principal at (813)276-5739 or Henrissa.Berry@hcps.net.
Young Middle Magnet School Expectations (Buffalo Basics)
Buffalo Basics:
Be Punctual
*On time to school and class
*Attend school daily
*Submit work on time
Be Prepared
*Supplies ready
*Open mind for learning
*Set goals
Be Polite
*Show acts of kindness
*Use school appropriate language
*Proper use of school property
*Maintain self-control
Be Productive
*Actively participating
*Following schoolwide rules and expectations
*Taking ownership for the learning process
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Morning drop-off begins-- 8:05 AM. School starts at 8:30 AM.
1. Car rider vehicles drop off in front of the school (Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd). One-way traffic only.
2. Due to safety reasons, students may NOT be dropped off on side streets (17th St, 20th St).
3. Walkers and bike riders use the crosswalks in front of the school.
Afternoon dismissal begins-- 3:25 PM.
Students must be picked up by 3:40 PM.
(Early Release Day dismissal is 2:25 PM. Students must be picked up by 2:40 PM).
1. Car riders: report to the front of the school for supervised departures. One-way traffic only.
2. Due to safety reasons, students may NOT be picked up on side streets (17th St, 20th St).
3. Bus riders: report to the bus ramp when called.
4. Walkers: exit through the gate by the Media Center. Use crosswalks to cross the street.
5. Bike riders: exit through the gate between the gym and the main office building. Use crosswalks to cross the street.
Arrival Procedures
What do I do when I arrive at school?
Remember: All students may have free breakfast.
*Campus opens at 8:05 a.m.
*Once on campus, you may not leave.
Students will report to their assigned breakfast areas until dismissed by an adult.
6th graders report directly to the cafeteria.
7th graders report directly to their homerooms.
8th graders report directly to the P.E. courts.
*No going back and forth
*Walk only in the direction designated for the hallway you are in (Conversation Level 2) and remain there until movement to homeroom.
*Follow Cafeteria CHAMPS
*Students MAY NOT USE electronic devices during the school day (8:05 a.m. to 3:25 p.m.).
No Cellphones
No Earbuds or Headphones
No taking pictures or videos at any time
Electronic Devices
From the Hillsborough County Student Handbook:
A student may possess a wireless communications device while the student is on school property or in attendance at a school function: however, a student may not use a WCD during the instructional day, except when expressly directed by a teacher, staff, and/or administrative staff. Wireless communication devices will remain on silent in the backpack, lunchbox, purse, pocket or out of sight except when expressly directed by a teacher, staff, and/or administrative staff. Violation of the device policy will be handled in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and may result in confiscation of said device.
At no time shall HCPS be responsible for theft, loss or damage to cell phones or other electronic devices brought onto its property.
Young Middle Magnet School Electronic Devices Procedure
We See It, We Take It
No cell phones are allowed out once students arrive on campus. Phones must be put away once students come through the gates in the mornings.
First Occurrence: Warning (phone returned at the end of the school day)
Second Occurrence: Lunch Detention (phone returned at the end of the school day)
Third Occurrence: In-School Suspension (ISS). Parent must pick up the phone (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Every occurrence following the third: The parent has to pick up the phone. Students can be subject to suspension.
Violations of procedure disqualifies students from quarterly incentives.
Young Middle Magnet School Tardy Lockout Policy
When a Tardy Lockout is announced, the following consequences will take place if a student is caught in the Tardy Lockout:
First Tardy = Warning
Second Tardy = Lunch Detention
Three or more Tardies = In-School Suspension (ISS) and more
*Students will report to the patio and receive a tardy slip, then report to class.
*Students will have a loss of privileges for quarterly incentives if they have three or more occurrences. This includes tardies to class recorded by the classroom teacher.
Any student arriving to school after school has begun MUST report to the main office. A tardy pass shall be issued indicating excused or unexcused tardy. Students with excessive UNEXCUSED tardies will be subject to disciplinary action.
Sign-Out Procedures:
During school hours a principal or designee shall permit a child to leave school only in the custody of the following adults:
*Person listed on emergency contact card, WITH PHOTO ID.
*A law enforcement officer.
*An authorized worker of the Department of Children and Families.
Students may NOT be signed out after 3:00 PM. Regular dismissal is at 3:25 PM.
On Early Release Mondays, students may NOT be signed out after 2:00 PM. Dismissal is at 2:25 PM.
We appreciate your cooperation as we minimize classroom interruptions at the end of the school day.
Student Sign-In and Sign-Out Procedures
Young Middle Magnet School Incentives Participation Criteria
Schoolwide Criteria:
No referral resulting in ISS/OSS
No more than three or more tardy lockout, electronic device and/or dress code violations per quarter.
*A's, B's and C's in all classes (Core and Elective Classes)
*A's and B's in Conduct grades.
In addition to the above criteria, the following will be added for the End-of-the-Year Field Trips:
*No F's in any classes (Core and Electives)
*No missing state assessments or exams.
Middle School Athletics
It's time to register for Young Middle Magnet School 2024-2025 Sports!
We are the mighty Buffaloes!
Registration must be completed online at https://www.planeths.com
Fall Sports
Boys and Girls Basketball: Tryouts to be announced soon
Boys and Girls Volleyball: October - November
Boys and Girls Track: December
Spring Sports
Boys and Girls Soccer: January - February
Boys and Girls Flag Football: March - April
If you have any questions, contact AP Clayton or Ms. Ravenel.
Soccer Schedule
First Day of Practice: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
All games begin at 6:00 p.m.
Girls play first, followed by Boys
Thurs. February 6 Orange Grove vs. Young
Mon. February 10 Young vs. Ferrell/Franklin
Thurs. February 20 Young vs. Sligh
Thurs. February 27 Young vs. Memorial
Thurs. March 6 Young vs. Stewart
Flag Football
First Day of Practice: Monday, March 10, 2025
All games begin at 6:00 p.m.
Girls play first followed by Boys
Young vs. Memorial @ Hillsborough
Young vs. Stewart @ Blake
Young vs. Sligh @ Sligh
Young vs. Ferrell/Franklin @ Middleton
Orange Grove vs. Young @ Middleton
School Website
School Media
Follow us on X (Twitter) @YoungMiddleHCPS
Fortify FL
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
Click the link below to get the app.