Eagle News
Title 1 Familly Engagement September 2024
Thank You to Our Amazing Community
Thank you to our amazing community for all of the support and encouragement to our students and families at the 2024 Back to School BBQ! A special thank you to Sue Matters and Dayle Tufti for organizing and coordinating so many of the details for the BBQ!
We appreciate the following organizations and individuals for being part of our resource fair.
Best Care
OHSU On Track
Jefferson County Public Health
MAC Recreation District
PIRS Youth Sports Agility Program
21st Century After School Program
Family Access Network (FAN)
JCSD Health Services
Pacific Source Tribal Liaison
Neighbor Impact
Early Learning Hub of Central Oregon
Warm Springs Prevention
THRIVE Central Oregon
PERS by Sri Ponya
OSU Extension
CTWS Health and Human Services
Emergency Management
Fire and Safety
Warm Springs Fire Prevention
Warm Springs WIC
Treehouse Therapies
JOM Parent Committee
Family Resource Center
Oregon Department of Human Services
New Horizons In Home Care
Culture & Heritage Language Teachers
JCSD Community Engagement and District Leadership
Mt. Hood Meadows
Warm Springs Boys and Girls Club
First Day of School
Wednesday, September 4th is the first day of school for 1st-8th grade students.
- School opens at 7:45 am
- Breakfast is served starting at 7:45 am
- 1st-5th Grade students eat breakfast in the classroom and middle school students eat breakfast in the cafeteria
- Classroom lists will be posted if you were not able to attend the Back to School BBQ
- Middle School students will go to their guideroom after breakfast to get their schedules
- Kindergarten family conferences will take place on this day
- School is dismissed at 2:50 pm
Thursday, September 5th and Friday, September 6th are the first day of school for kindergarten students. To help ease the transition for kindergarten students and help them become familiar with their teachers and the school only half of the kindergarten students attend on each of these days. On Monday, September 9th all Kindergarten students come together for their first full week of school.
Bus Information
All bus routes are coordinated by the Jefferson County School District Transportation department. Below is information from our Transportation Department regarding beginning of the school year bus routes:
- Bus Routes Available Online: The bus routes for the upcoming school year can be found on our district website, https://bit.ly/3AVM2u3. Please review your child’s route to ensure you are familiar with the schedule and stop locations.
- Arrive Early: We ask that students arrive at their designated bus stops at least five minutes early. This will help ensure that the buses can stay on schedule and that students are safely on board before departure.
- End-of-Day Delays: Please be aware that there may be delays at the end of the day as we navigate the first few weeks of the school year. We appreciate your patience as our drivers and students get accustomed to the new routines.
- Group Stops for Safety and Efficiency: Not all bus stops will be directly at your door. Some stops will be grouped to balance safety and efficiency. These group stops are carefully planned to ensure the safety of all students while also minimizing travel time.
We are committed to providing a safe and efficient transportation service for all students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the district’s transportation office at, 541-475-3536 Ext. 2101
Introducing our New Teachers at the K8
We would like to welcome each of the following new teachers to our school. We are excited they are part of our team!
Michaela Begay
2nd Grade
Danielle Erickson
Special Education
Gale Arneson
Special Education Life Skills
Mathew Knotts
7th & 8th Grade Language Arts
Jessica Savalla
6th Grade Language Arts and Computer Applications
Jessica Stinson
6th Grade Science and Health
Native Language Classes
Warm Springs K-8 Academy offers Native Langauge classes in Ichishkin, Kiksht, and Numu to all students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. In order to participate students need a completed permission slip signed by their family. Permission forms can be picked up from our front office or call to have one sent home with your student.
September Character Trait
During the month of September we will focus on and practice the character trait Resonsible.
Open to 6th-8th Grade Girls
Cross Country
Open to all 6th-8th Grade Students
Open to all 6th-8th Grade Students
Fall Sports
Fall sports begin the first week of school. In order to participate students need to have all paperwork completed included a physical. Sports physicals are good for two years. Paperwork is available in the front office.
Practice will be every day after school from 3:00 – 5:00. Please pick up your child by 5:00 by the football area. All practices start on Wednesday, September 4th.
What is the Family Access Network (FAN)?
FAN advocates work with ALL families with children birth through graduation. They are here for you in all circumstances. If you have needs around accessing clothing, school supplies, food, rent or utility help, or enrolling in Oregon Health Plan, please reach out to your FAN advocate. Advocates have offices in your child’s school and are available via phone, email or text. Their goal is to make sure that your child has everything they need to be ready to learn.
My name is Jodi Begay and I serve Warm Springs K-8 Academy and Bridges High School. Please call, text, or email me if I can help or answer any questions. Work Cell: 541-647-7214 or email jbegay@509j.net. To read more about FAN please visit: https://familyaccessnetwork.org
WSK8 Counseling Team
What is Wayfinder?
Wayfinder is a new Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program that we will be using from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Students will have a weekly lesson that will cover a particular topic or skill such as building friendships, having empathy for others, self-management, and many other toipcs.
Month at a Glance
9/2 No School - Labor Day Holiday
9/3 Teacher Work Day
9/4 First Day of School for 1st through 8th grade
9/4 Kindergarten Family Conferences
9/4 First Day of Football Practice
9/5 First Day of School for Half of Kindergarten
9/5 First Day of Volleyball and Cross Country Practice
9/6 First Day of School for Half of Kindergarten
9/9 Late Start
9/9 All Kindergarten Attends Together
9/12 Cross Country Meet @ Juniper Hills 4pm
9/16 Late Start
9/16 Volleyball @ Culver
9/17 First Day for K-5 Native Language
9/17 Football Jamboree @ Culver
9/18 Cross Country @ Culver
9/19 Volleyball @ Home v. EGMS
9/23 Late Start
9/23 Volleyball @ OMS
9/24-9/27 DIBELS Reading Testing for K-5
9/24 Football @ Culver
9/25 Cross Country @ Redmond
9/26 Volleyball @ JCMS
9/27 Cross Country and Football Pictures
9/30 Late Start
9/30 Youth Truth Survey for Grades 3-8
9/30 Volleyball @ CCMS