ATA Weekly
November 1st, 2024
President's Message
As we continue to advocate for your rights and well-being, we want to emphasize the essential services ATA provides to support and empower you.
• Securing Benefits: We negotiate competitive salaries, fringe benefits, and favorable working conditions that not only set a high bar but also ensure your security and well-being.
• Providing meeting Space: Our dedicated space, a unique asset that we fully own, serves as a hub for ATA meetings and generates income through partnerships with the Alhambra Fire Department and Dream Allies, providing a unique and beneficial space for our activities.
• Supporting Grievances: We are committed to upholding our contract and protecting individual and collective rights throughout the grievance process.
• Keeping You Informed: ATA keeps you updated on crucial educational news, current legislation, and impactful actions to support or challenge initiatives that matter.
• Offering Staff Support: With a full-time President, shared Executive Director, and part-time secretary, we’re here to help—whether answering calls, organizing activities, or collaborating with district leadership.
• Member Engagement: Your guidance to site reps is crucial. Your voice shapes the policy decisions made by our Representative Council and Board of Directors, ensuring our actions reflect our collective priorities.
Our power comes from our UNITY. Every one of you is essential to our strength, and together, we’re a powerful force for positive change.
Thank you for being a vital part of ATA!
Ralph Hernandez
Congratulations to Dr. Jaramillo: LACOE's Superintendent of the Year!
ATA wishes to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Jaramillo for being honored as Superintendent of the Year by LACOE. This recognition highlights the exemplary leadership she consistently demonstrates. Dr. Jaramillo exemplifies the values we hold dear through her visionary leadership, empathetic approach, and unwavering dedication to every student, staff member, and family. Under her guidance, AUSD continues to thrive, and ATA is grateful for her significant contributions.
Share Your Thoughts: November 1st PD Day Feedback
I encourage everyone to share your thoughts on the upcoming November 1st personalized professional development (PD) day. Your feedback is crucial and, together, we can improve our future PD offerings.
A feedback form will be distributed to all certificated staff through Blackboard Connect this Friday morning. Please take a moment to complete the feedback form by November 11, 2024. Your insights are not just important, they are deeply appreciated.
Remember to Wear Your ATA Blue Every Tuesday!
Congratulations to ATA Unit Members on Their Milestone Achievements!
We congratulate our dedicated members who have reached new tenures or advanced in their probationary statuses! This milestone is a testament to their years of hard work, commitment, and resilience. Let’s celebrate their accomplishments and the positive impact they continue to have in our schools.
Reminder on Appropriate Use of Technological Resources
As per Board Policy 4040, all employees must ensure the appropriate use of technological resources provided by the district. These resources must be used primarily for purposes related to your employment. When conducting district-related business, please use your district accounts to ensure all activities are accurately accounted for.
It is important to note that computer files and electronic communications, including email and voice mail, are not private. Any communication related to district business, whether conducted through district or personal email accounts, cell phones, computers, or other electronic devices, may be subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act ("PRA").
Technological resources should not be used to transmit confidential information related to students, employees, or district operations without authorization to maintain confidentiality.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ATA at 626-289-1933. We are here to support you.
Upcoming Events
Come join us for a holiday Paint & Sip! Painting, food beverages and fun!
Alana Acosta-Martin, ATA Vice-President, Member Engagement Chair
Please Help Fill The New AUSD/ATA Food Pantry!
November is Native American Heritage Month
During Native American Heritage Month, we celebrate America's first people, whose lands we continue to occupy. Explore Native American culture during November or any time during the school year with our collection of lessons, activities, and resources.
2025 CTA Conference Grants Deadline Reminder
The deadline to apply for a Conference Grant to the Issues Conference and Good Teaching Conference North is October 31 at midnight.
To apply for an incentive grant please visit: www.CTA.org/Grants
Grant Types
BIPOC Grants – BIPOC members are defined as belonging to one of the following racial-ethnic groups: African American; American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hispanic; Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander or Multi-ethnic. These grants are offered to encourage BIPOC leadership within the Association.
Small Chapter Incentive Grants will be awarded to small chapters with a unit size of 100 or fewer members.
New Member Grants will be awarded to applicants who are within their first 5 years of CTA membership.
To learn more about upcoming conferences visit www.CTA.org/Conferences
If you have any questions regarding the online application process for the incentive grants, please email the CTA Conference Coordination Center at Grants@CTA.org
Mark Your Calendars
November 1
- Self-directed PD day
November 18- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
November 19
- Joint BOD and Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
December 6
ATA Paint & Sip
December 9
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
December 10
- Joint BOD and Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
December 17
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
Contact Us
The Alhambra Teachers Association (ATA) exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just equitable and democratic society.
Email: ataoffice3030@gmail.com
Website: www.alhambrateachers.org
Location: 3030 West Main Street, Alhambra, CA, USA
Phone: (626)289-1933
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlhambraTeachersAssociation/