RCPS Newsletter
March 3, 2025
We have almost made it through the Winter months with Spring just around the corner, which hopefully means no more snow days. Many students have enjoyed playing in the snow and sledding over the past few weeks, as well as Intermediate Archery and Basketball.
You will have received Report Cards by this time. One again, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child's teacher.
Our Library is still very much under construction, but we are seeing slow progress with carpet and flooring having been installed. Library books are still out of circulation so we have gone ahead and purchased new, curriculum and culturally relevant and recommended books by Canadian and Indigenous authors, that will be available soon in classrooms for teacher and student use.
The next few months will fly by and we are excited for the continued learning of our students and look forward to continuing to support their achievement and well-being.
Please see the information for below and as always, we thank you for your support and partnership in your child's education.
Thank you, Miigwech, Merci,
Mary Jane Corradetti
Principal, Roseneath Centennial P.S.
Congratulations to our Royal Canadian Legion Public Speaking Contest Winners:
3rd. Place - Cassidy Skutovich. Roseneath Centennial
1st. Place - Myles BELTON. Roseneath Centennial
3rd. Place - Evelyn SEMLITCH. Roseneath Centennial
We are very proud of all of our students who participated.
As always, student and family safety is of utmost importance in our parking lot. It is also a priority that our buses are able to enter the driveway and safely load and unload students, and exit the parking lot in a safe and timely manner. To maintain the safety arrivals and dismissals, the following is necessary:
- Park only in designated parking spots on the north side of the driveway so that buses can enter in the south side of the driveway and proceed to the drop off zone. Snow should melt soon to open up more spaces.
- DO NOT park in Bus Loading Zone on the north side of the driveway. Buses need adequate turning radius to exit the parking lot.
- DO NOT walk between buses.
- If you chose to park up close to the school for pick-up, you must wait for buses to exit prior to your exit.
We continue to look for more sustainable solutions to our student arrival/dismissal routines, for student safety. In the meantime, we appreciate your support in following the above.
If you would like a day off of lunchmaking and want to purchase lunch for your children, visit SchoolCash Online. Do not wait until the last minute. Once the window closes and orders are submitted to vendors, we are not able to add. All lunch purchase options will be upload and available very soon. As always, if your child is away we are unable to refund.
Thank you to Cheyenne Clapdorp and our School Council for organizing. If you would like to volunteer, give the office a call. We need help to make this happen.
Our first SUBWAY lunch was February 21. Our next SUBWAY dates are:
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, May 16
- Friday June 13
Our first Hot Dog Day has been postponed to March 28, due to the February 28 Snow Day. The next Hot Dog Day is:
- Friday, May 30
Chicken fingers are back by popular demand. Each order contain two large chicken fingers. Dates are as follows:
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, May 2
Cheese or Pepperoni options will be available for ordering on the following dates:
- Friday, April 25
- Friday, May 9
- Friday, May 23
- Friday, June 6
- Friday, June 20
Upcoming Events
- March 4 - Intermediate Science Fair
- March 5 - AFN Grade 8 students to CCI
- March 6 - Kindergarten and Grade 8 Graduation Photos
- March 7 - 16 - March Break
- March 17 - School Resumes
- March 21 - Subway lunch for those who order
- March 28 - Rescheduled Hot Dog Day
- April 18-21 - Easter Long Weekend
Contact Us
Email: roseneathps@kprdsb.ca
Website: https://roseneath.kprdsb.ca/
Location: 9047 County Road 45, Roseneath, ON, Canada
Phone: 905-352-2161