Phoenix News
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
November 3rd, 2024
Message from the Principal
Phoenix Family,
Last week, TCC Northeast hosted a wonderful event to celebrate our achievement as a National Blue Ribbon School. We are incredibly grateful for their ongoing support and partnership!
Upcoming Events and Reminders
- School Dates: Our Phoenixes will be in session on November 4th and 5th for both high school and college courses.
- Homecoming Dance: This Friday, November 8th, Collegiate Academy’s Homecoming Dance will be held at Center Corner. See below for details.
- TSIA Testing Update: If you were scheduled for the TSIA test on Friday, please note that your session has been moved to the morning to allow time for testing and also attend the Homecoming festivities.
- Juniors: For those who were scheduled for Friday TEKS check, Mr. Plotkowski has rescheduled these sessions to Tuesday and Wednesday to accommodate the Homecoming festivities. Please see the communication that he sent on 10/31 to make sure you test on 11/5 or 11/6 during 3rd period.
Parents, thank you for your feedback! We have made some adjustments to Friday afternoon TSIA testing and History 1301 TEKS checks so that our Phoenixes will be able to participate in all of the Homecoming festivities.
Election Day Reminder
Tuesday is Election Day! Be sure to check out the section below for more information from GCISD. Thank you for staying informed!
All In, All Together,
Mrs. Jackson
Collegiate Academy will be in Session on Nov. 4th & 5th
Phoenix Spotlight
GCISD Collegiate Academy Celebrates National Blue Ribbon School Distinction
GCISD’s Collegiate Academy at Tarrant County College Northeast held a well-deserved celebration Tuesday, October 29, for their recent National Blue Ribbon School designation, as CA is one of only 356 schools across the nation selected by the U.S. Department of Education. To put that into perspective, there are more than 8,500 schools in Texas alone! Congratulations!
This past Friday we enjoyed having CTMS AVID students on campus. Once again, our students did a fabulous job showing these potential Phoenixes around that CA and TCC campuses, engaging them with team-building activities, and sharing all the incredible things that CA has to offer.
Juniors & Seniors' Students and Parents - November 7th
TCC will host an event on November 7th and has created a presentation on what our students need to transition to a 4-year university, covering the basics about FAFSA, how to transfer all their college credits, as well as tips on how to get the most out of this ECHS program when picking their college classes. This event will take place at TCC NE - Center Corner from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.
Pizza and drinks will be provided, and we will have tables with advisors from other universities available to answer questions about transferring and what they have to offer students.
For any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Aguirre yvonne.aguirre@gcisd.net
TCC organizará un evento el 7 de noviembre y ha creado una presentación sobre lo que nuestros estudiantes necesitan para hacer el cambio a una universidad de cuatro años, cubriendo los aspectos básicos sobre FAFSA, cómo transferir todos sus créditos de colegio, así como consejos sobre cómo aprovechar al máximo este programa ECHS al elegir sus aún clases de colegio. Este evento se llevará a cabo en TCC NE - Center Corner de 6:00 a 7:30 PM.
Se proporcionarán pizza y bebidas, y tendremos mesas con asesores de otras universidades disponibles para responder preguntas sobre la transferencia y lo que tienen para ofrecer a nuestros estudiantes.
Para cualquier pregunta, comuníquese con la Sra. Aguirre. yvonne.aguirre@gcisd.net
November 4th through the 8th - Homecoming Dress Up Days
November 8th - Homecoming
November 15th - Senior Ad Deadline
November 20th - Parent Meeting @ CA
November 25th through the 29th - Thanksgiving Break
Friday School - November 8th
Our next Friday School is November 8th from 1:30-4:30pm.
We are grateful at CA to have extra time for targeted support. Friday School provides essential intervention from our teachers and is assigned with specific intentions.
If students are assigned Friday school, parents and students will receive a notification from their teacher(s). Thank you in advance for your partnership in reminding your students that attendance at Friday School is mandatory when it’s in session.
Students assigned to Friday School MUST be in attendance from 1:30-4:30pm to be allowed to attend the Homecoming Dance later that same evening.
We have one more date for Friday School for the 24-25 fall semester: December 13th.
If you have any questions, please reach out to jessica.heaton@gcisd.net. Thank you!
PSAT and SAT Score Reports
PSAT and SAT Testing went smoothly this past week. Thank you to our students, staff, and families for all their incredible support. Students can get their scores on November 7, 2024.
Please reach out to Ms. Heaton if you have any questions.
Clubs & Organizations
On this Friday 11/8/25 all boys and girls soccer players will be giving back to our community by volunteering their time at a meal marathon event hosted by Colleyville Compass Church. Each player will package food for families in need living in Haiti. It’s a great opportunity for our players to integrate academically relevant service activities that address human and community needs into a course or team sport. It’s also a great opportunity to serve together with classmates or teammates. The families they impact by packing meals is more than a meal! Permission slips were sent home with each player. Please have them signed and returned by Thursday 11/7 to be allowed on the bus.
Additionally, as our soccer season approaches we will be hosting our annual parent/player soccer meeting on 11/12/25 from 5:30-6:30pm in the Collegiate Academy common area @ our school. All information regarding the upcoming season will be shared. Hope to see you all there!
Coach Indelicato, Brown, & Geer.
Hello Collegiate students and parents! Cooking Club is looking for chocolate and strawberry donations for this year's 2024-2025 homecoming! Here is the link for the Sign Up Genius if you're considering on bringing something. Note that donating supplies and strawberries can get up to 2 volunteer hours!
Thank you!
Repeated Information From Last Week
Homecoming - November 8th
HoCo tickets will be on sale starting next week on Wednesday, October 30th, during lunch! Tickets are $10 each and $15 at the door (cash only). If you are interested in bringing a non-CA guest to the dance, see Mr. Geer or Ms. Marie-France for a Guest Permission Form. See important information below regarding bringing a guest.
Before your guest will be allowed to attend the 2024 Homecoming Dance, you must:
1. Fill out the form completely.
2. Submit the form to Mrs. Heaton’s office by Wednesday, November 6, by 4:30 PM.
1. Guests must be sponsored by and attend with a student currently enrolled in CA.
2. Only one guest per CA student is allowed.
3. No guest over the age of 20 will be allowed.
4. The CA Code of Conduct applies to all participating guests.
5. The CA sponsoring student assumes all responsibility for the guest.
6. Guests must submit a copy of his/her driver’s license (if applicable). NO FAXED copies will be accepted.
7. CA Administration reserves the right to refuse admittance to and/or remove any guest from event.
November 4th - November 8th
District Information
GCISD Holiday Greeting Card Art Contest
All elementary, middle, and high school students are invited to submit original artwork for the cover of GCISD’s official holiday greeting card. This year’s theme is "Show Others Kindness." Three student designs—one each from the elementary, middle, and high school levels—will be selected and sent out on behalf of the GCISD Board of Trustees and Superintendent Dr. Brad Schnautz. Cards are sent to community leaders, area businesses, organizations, and other school districts.
Each student will submit their artwork to their campus art teacher or other designee.
Each school will select campus-based winners whose art will then be submitted to the district level for final selection.
Each high school will choose up to 10 finalists; each middle school will choose up to 5 finalists; and each elementary will choose up to 3 finalists. Final designs for the cover will be selected by the Superintendent and his designees based on originality, the theme, use of the elements of art, and overall design.
The three students whose works are selected for the GCISD Holiday Greeting Card will receive $25 and recognition at the December meeting of the Board of Trustees. The selected artwork and the artists’ names will be featured on the district’s website and used in district publicity.
Please see your school's art teacher for entry forms.
Concurso de de felicitación para días festivos oficial de GCISD
Se invita a todos los estudiantes de primaria, secundaria, y preparatoria a presentar sus obras de arte originales para el diseño de la tarjeta de felicitación para días festivos oficial de GCISD. El tema de este año se llama “Muestra Amabilidad a los Demás” (en inglés, “Show Others Kindness”). Se seleccionarán los diseños de tres estudiantes – uno de nivel de primaria, secundaria, y preparatoria- y se enviarán en nombre de la Mesa Directiva de GCISD y del Dr. Brad Schnautz. Las tarjetas se envían a los líderes comunitarios, empresas locales, organizaciones, y otros distritos escolares.
Cada estudiante presentará su obra de arte al maestro de arte de su escuela o al individuo designado.
Cada escuela seleccionará a los ganadores a nivel escolar cuyo arte luego se presentará al nivel del distrito para la selección final.
Cada escuela preparatoria seleccionará hasta 10 finalistas; cada escuela secundaria seleccionará hasta 5 finalistas; y cada escuela primaria seleccionará hasta 3 finalistas. Los diseños finales serán seleccionados por el Superintendente y los individuos designados según su originalidad, tema, uso de color, y diseño general.
Los tres estudiantes con obras seleccionadas para la Tarjeta de Felicitación para Días Festivos de GCISD recibirán $25 y serán reconocidos en la reunión de la Mesa Directiva en diciembre. Las obras seleccionadas y los nombres de los artistas se publicarán en el sitio web del distrito y se utilizarán en la publicidad del distrito.
Election Day is November 5! Check Out These Resources for your Questions about GCISD’s Proposition A?
Still have a question about GCISD’s Proposition A, otherwise known as the voter-approved tax ratification (VATRE) election? In addition to our FAQ and Clarifications pages, please check out the resources below:
Is a VATRE Unique to GCISD?
Watch this video to learn why districts across the state are placing a VATRE on the ballot.
Proposition A Ballot Language
Tax Rate Comparison with Surrounding School Districts
Impact on the Tax Rate and the GCISD Average Home
Superintendent’s Letter
Read Dr. Brad Schnautz’ October 22, 2024, Letter to Families and Community detailing why a VATRE was called, the impact on the district and other resources available to answer any questions.
Voting Hours and Locations
Remember, to vote! Early Voting continues through Friday, November 1. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5. Hours are 7 a.m.‐7 p.m. Registered voters may vote at ANY Tarrant County Early Voting or Election Day location.
Still Have a Question?
Visit GCISD’s Proposition A (VATRE) webpage where the district has posted presentations, videos, documents and more about the referendum, or watch the district’s full Facebook livestream, which is also separated by topic so you can find the answer fast.
Remember to vote!
¡El 5 de noviembre es el Día de las Elecciones! Consulte estos recursos para preguntas sobre la Propuesta A de GCISD.
¿Aún tiene preguntas sobre la Propuesta A de GCISD, también conocida como la elección de ratificación de impuestos aprobada por los votantes (VATRE)? Además de nuestras páginas de Preguntas Frecuentes y Aclaraciones, por favor consulte los recursos a continuación:
¿Es un VATRE único para GCISD?
Lenguaje de la Boleta para la Propuesta A
Comparación de la Tasa de Impuestos con Distritos Escolares de los Alrededores
Impacto en la Tasa de Impuestos y el Promedio de Vivienda en GCISD
Carta del Superintendente
Lee la carta de Dr. Brad Schnautz del 22 de octubre de 2024, dirigida a las familias y la comunidad, donde detalla por qué se convocó un VATRE, el impacto en el distrito y otros recursos disponibles para responder cualquier pregunta.
Horario y lugares para votar
¡Recuerde votar! La votación anticipada continúa hasta el viernes, 1 de noviembre. El Día de las Elecciones es el martes, 5 de noviembre. El horario para votar es de 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Los votantes registrados pueden votar en CUALQUIER lugar de votación anticipada en el Condado de Tarrant o en su centro de votación el Día de Elecciones.
¿Todavía tiene una pregunta?
Visite la página web de la Propuesta A de GCISD (VATRE) donde el distrito ha publicado presentaciones, vídeos, documentos y más sobre el referéndum, o vea la transmisión completa en vivo en el Facebook del distrito, que también está separado por tema para que pueda encontrar la respuesta rápidamente.
¡Recuerde votar!
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
Website: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Domain/2203
Location: 828 W Harwood Rd, North Richland Hills, TX 76180
Phone: 817-515-6775
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Grapevine-Colleyville-ISD-Collegiate-Academy
Twitter: @GCCA_PHX