Moore's Message
October 2024

I continue to be blown away by the amazingly supportive families we have here at Moore Elementary! There are so many great things happening - Fill the Nest fun (AND fundraising), iReady goals being surpassed, Moore Melodies students making awesome music, and so much more! It's hard to believe that the quarter will be wrapping up soon, as it has been a fast and furious few weeks with a tremendous amount of learning, activities, and events. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me any time here at school (615-790-4700), by email (munizama@fssd.org), or by calling or texting my cell (615-642-1984). Your continued partnership is a priority, and we are so grateful for each and every one of you!
Dr. Muniz, MES Principal
Parent/Teacher Conferences
These will be taking place through Friday, October 18th. If you’ve not done so already, please be sure to schedule a time to meet with your child’s teacher. Your partnership is so important - parent support plays such a big part in student success in the school setting!
Lost & Found
We are already accumulating multiple items in our lost and found. PLEASE write your child’s name on their jackets, lunchboxes, and water bottles so we can return them to their rightful owners. Items not claimed will be donated periodically throughout the year, so be proactive when possible in locating items that may have been misplaced!
Counselor's Corner
Has anyone ever suggested to you “Just calm down!” in the midst of having a “moment?" If you are like me, this “helpful” phrase likely does the opposite and adds to the angst! For children it is the same, so we need to provide them opportunities and tools to do so.
Give them space: Unless there are safety concerns, allow your child to “take a break” or remove yourself from the situation until they have calmed and can discuss rationally. Too often, attempts to engage and “help” only fuel the feelings.
Have a plan: Does your child have a few methods of calming so in those “moments” he/she will know what to do and what is expected?
Validate their feelings: It’s ok for your child to feel what they are feeling. Once calm, listen to him/her and rephrase what is shared so he/she feels heard and understood.
Empower: When appropriate, be sure to have your child come up with and choose solutions to the problem.
Honest feedback: Once the moment has passed, be sure to compliment what they did well, but also discuss what needs to be done differently and maybe re-visit the plan.
As always, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do
to support your child’s success!
Mr. C -- Your MES School Counselor
615-790-4700 x. 3307
Remote Learning Drill
Tennessee law requires all school districts to conduct an annual remote learning drill to ensure that schools, students, and parents of students can easily transition from in-person to remote learning in the event of an emergency.
The Franklin Special District will conduct its Remote Learning Drill on Tuesday, October 22. This will be a regular school day; however, all K-8 students will bring home their assigned tablet/laptop. Students will be asked to complete a simple online assignment with the device to fulfill the drill requirement. Teachers will practice this task at school with students ahead of the drill so they understand the expectations. We wanted you to know the upcoming date and why we are conducting the Remote Learning Drill.
ParentSquare Tips
If you can't sign into ParentSquare with your email or phone number, please reach out and let us know!
If you can sign in, please follow these steps:
1. Check your email and phone number in ParentSquare. Click on your name in the top right and click My Account. If corrections need to be made, share the correct information with Ms. Zehring in the front office.
2. Check your Notification Preferences on My Account page. Are your notification preferences on?
3. Check your spam folder for emails from donotreply@parentsquare.com.
4. Add the domain ParentSquare.com or the email address donotreply@parentsquare.com to the safe senders list in your email client (Gmail, Yahoo, aol, etc.) You can search online how to do this. If using Gmail:
- Go to Settings.
- At the bottom of the pane, click Mail.
- In the left pane, select Mail > Accounts > Block or allow.
- Under Blocked Senders, select the address or domain you want to unblock, and then select.
Eat Better, Eat Together!
Did you know that October is Eat Better, Eat Together month? If you're concerned about what your child does (or doesn't) eat, the solution could be as close as your kitchen table. Gathering around the table to eat as a family has all kinds of benefits. Family meals allow parents to be role models who create a supportive environment that promotes healthy eating.
Family meals don't just mean better nutrition. Children of families who regularly eat together also are more likely to have higher intakes of fruits and vegetables and have a healthy weight, and are less likely to have behavior problems. Plus, they're closer to their parents. No wonder family meals are on the upswing!
Try these easy-to-follow tips to make family meals happen more often in your home:
- Keep it simple: Build a small collection of go-to recipes to help you get in and out of the kitchen in under 30 minutes.
- Choose ingredients that multitask: Ingredients you can use for more than one meal can be a major time saver.
- Make it a habit: When everyone expects to enjoy dinner at 5 p.m. on Sunday, they'll begin to look forward to this family time and will arrange their schedules around it.
- It's OK to ask for help: You have a little army of helpers right at your fingertips. Asking kids to set the table, pour drinks or help make a salad doesn’t just make your job easier — it also teaches them that taking the time and effort to eat together as a family is important. Younger kids can practice counting skills by getting the correct number of forks and napkins for the table.
- Make it fun: Add some fun and excitement .Keep everyone involved in conversations by asking each person to share something that happened during the day or week that was funny, weird, scary, good or bad.
Start your new family meal tradition today by making a commitment to eating at least one meal together each week. Many families look forward to and love their Sunday dinner tradition. Before you know it, family dinner will be a time that everyone looks forward to!
Save the Date...
Tuesday, Oct. 1 - Moore Melodies, 6 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 2 - National Custodian Appreciation Day
Thursday, Oct. 3 - Moore Miles!
Friday, Oct. 4 - Early Dismissal (12:30)
Monday, Oct. 7-Friday, Oct. 11 - Fall Break
Tuesday, Oct. 15 - Fire Department visits 1st Grade
Friday, Oct. 18 - Report Cards come home
Tuesday, Oct. 22 - Remote Learning Drill
Tuesday, Oct. 22 - FSD Special Education Parent Support Group (6 p.m.)
Tuesday, Oct. 22 - Chick-fil-A Spirit Night (4-7 p.m.)
Sunday, Oct. 27 - FSD Founders Day
Tuesday, Oct. 29 - Kindergarten Field Trip to Gentry's Farm
Thursday, Oct. 31 - 3rd & 4th Grade Field Trip to the Symphony
Friday, Nov. 1 - Fall Party Day (2:15 p.m. for all grades except 4th; 1:30 p.m. for 4th grade)