Sunset View Newsletter
Week of August 12th
Message from Jennifer
You will find quite a bit of repeat information in this Newsletter, but we want to make sure you have the relevant information you need to make your first week a success. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Thank You KidsFirst!
On behalf of the entire Sunset View staff I would like to say a huge thank you to KidsFirst for catering a delicious welcome back lunch last Wednesday afternoon. Diana Jones and Charlie Ruthven set up the lunch arbor in such a welcoming way and he entire staff took some time to sit, eat, and catch-up. This is one of our favorite traditions at Sunset View.
A special shout-out goes to Jessica Bunster and Jamie Cooper for updating our front office and lunch arbor bulletin boards with a fresh new look for the new year.
We are so thankful to have the support of all of our families!
Opening of School Dates
Save the Date
- August 12th - First Day of School - 9:00am
- August 22nd - Back to School Night - 5:00pm-6:45pm
All students in UTK and Kindergarten will follow a minimum day schedule the first week of school to allow for continued assessments. Dismissal will be at 12:45 each day.
Planning Ahead
Put Names on Everything
You will hear this a lot! Please write your children's first and last names on their backpacks, sweatshirts, hats, water bottles, and anything else that can be separated from their body. We say this all the time and yet, our Lost and Found is always overflowing. If an item has a name on it, we happily return it to the owner.
First Day of School Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Before School:
The gates open at 8:40am. On the first day of the school year students should be dropped off at, or walk independently to, their classroom. After the students' first day the teachers will communicate with families the specifics about drop-off and pick-up locations for their individual classrooms.There is no before school running club for any students during the first week of school. More information regarding that will be in a later communication.
Pick-up After School:
Students are released at 3:35 PM each day except Thursdays and other minimum days. On Thursday and other minimum days students are released at 12:45 PM.
UTK pick-up is at the interior classroom door.
Kindergarten Pick-up is at the exterior classroom door.
1st & 2nd grade teachers will walk their classes to the flag pole to meet parents.
3rd & 4th grade students will be released from their classrooms and meet their parents outside the school gates.
Playgrounds Closed Before and After School
Please do not send your child to school when they are sick.
When your child must be absent for any reason, please call the office at 858-988-2000 by 9:30 a.m. every day of non-attendance, giving the exact reason for the absence. You can also email
Any child arriving after 9:00 a.m. must stop in the office and pick up a tardy slip. Let's set good habits early in the school year to arrive on time.
All students must be up to date with their immunizations prior to the first day of school. The office must have a copy of complete vaccination records. If your child is not up to date with their CA Immunizations, they will not be able to attend school on the first day.
You may want to provide your child with a backpack, a re-usable water bottle, and a morning snack daily. All other school supplies are provided by Sunset View to each child. If you want to go " back to school" supply shopping feel free to do so and set up a "homework station" for your child with all the supplies they would need at home.
Food Services Information - Universal Free Meals
EVERY student is welcome to join us for FREE Breakfast and Lunch each school day.
Universal FREE Meals start the first day of the 2024 - 2025 School Year.
We have very limited parking around Sunset View Elementary. The front of the school is now a 3 minute loading zone. Please be kind to our neighbors by keeping their driveways open and free. The staff parking lot is only for staff and we kindly request that you do not enter the lot. We also strongly encourage you to model good habits for your children by using the crosswalks. Running across Hill St. in front of the school and/or having children exit cars in the middle of the street is dangerous. Please pass this important message along to anyone who may be picking up your children (grandparents, child care provider, etc.). Your child's safety is always top priority and never an inconvenience. We appreciate your help.
Cell phones/smart watches:
Although we love your pets, they are not allowed on campus. Please do not bring pets past the school gates. Please see the district policy below.
Policy Reminder - Animals on Campus
- Animals are permitted at school only when needed for the instructional program and when
under the strict control of qualified instructors or handlers.
-Animals must be obtained from a reliable source and have written certifications that
they are in good health and are not carriers of dangerous disease-causing organisms.
- Hamsters, white rats, black widow spiders, rattlesnakes, and banded psittacine
(parrot-like) birds are too dangerous to have at school.
-Therapy and Service Dogs are allowed with proper certification.
Pets at school: Domestic pets shall not be allowed in classrooms, on or around campus.
Health Office Information
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
Physical Education Modifications for Injury or Illness
Physician’s Recommendation for Medication During the School Day
Leader in Me!
Sunset View is a proud Leader in Me school! “The Leader in Me" is Franklin Covey's whole school transformation process. It teaches 21st century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader.” Our school is so proud of our work with this program and looking forward to expanding our learning this year!
We are Hiring!
We are have openings for Noon Duty Assistants and we need your help! This is a crucial position at the site as it ensures a safe environment for students while eating and playing. We are currently looking for parents, grandparents, college students, etc. who are willing to help supervise our lunch times. Hours would be 12:40pm-1:40pm (Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri). This is a paid position.
We are also looking for someone interested in helping with UTK PE and Visual and Performing Arts. This is a paid position at the noon duty supervisor rate.
Please reach out to Denyse Johnson at if you are interested.
Save the Date
Upcoming Events:
8/12 - First day of School!
8/12 - 8/16- Minimum Days - 12:45 Dismissal for all UTK/Kindergarten Students
8/22 - Back to School Night
Useful Resources
Sunset View Elementary
Location: 4365 Hill Street, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: 858-988-2000