ESA Weekly Parent Update
November 12, 2023
Upcoming Events/Dates
11/13 - World Kindness Day
11/13 - 11/17 Spirit Week (see the flyer)
11/15 - 4th and 5th Grade Trip to Widener University for Peter Pan
11/15 - Parent Caregiver Association meeting in the cafeteria @5:00 pm
11/21 - 1/2 day for students - Parent Teacher Conferences from 1pm - 6pm
11/22 - Teacher In-Service Day - no school for students
11/23-11/24 - Thanksgiving Holiday - school and office are closed
Did you know that every time we read, we get smarter? Your child should be reading for a minimum of 15-30 minutes per day. Please encourage your child to read at home. Here is an article on encouraging children to read.
How to Motivate Your Child to Read • Reading Tips (
Winter Coat Drive at ESA
October Employees of the Month
Mr. Covington - School Security Officer
Here at ESA we encourage our scholars to SOAR every day.
S - Safety
O - Ownership
A - Achievement
R- Respectful
Help us shout-out our ESA Staff!!
Thank you for helping us to keep our staff encouraged, feeling appreciated, and giving their best to your children for a successful year!
Please fill in the short form below:
TOYS For Tots
Parent Caregiver Association Updates:
The Parent Caregiver Association will be holding their first meeting THIS WEDNESDAY, November 15th at 5:00 pm in the cafeteria. Please come out and help up build a strong connection between home and school. All are welcomed!
If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to volunteer please email us: