News from Sundling Junior High
November 26,2024
Principal Message
I hope this communication finds you well as we move quickly through the month of November. With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our teaching staff, the parent community, and our students for their continued work, support, and resilience over the past few months of school. I am grateful to work with a staff that is dedicated to supporting and enriching the lives of our students, an involved parent community that supports our work and provides necessary help and feedback for our continued success, and of course, our Sundling students; that roll out of bed each day and find new and innovative ways to engage with school, their friends, and more. Together, we can, and will, help our students to grow by showing kindness, perseverance during difficult situations, growth academically and socially, and promoting self-advocacy. No matter what the situation, these are important skills for life! I hope that whatever your plans are for the remainder of this month, that you find time time to be grateful and thanfkul; and the you find time for yourself, your family and friends.
Our students are moving swiftly through the 2nd quarter of school, which will end on Friday, January 31, 2025. Winter Break begins on Saturday, December 21st and ends on Sunday, January 5th. School will resume again on Monday, January 6th.
During the holiday season, Sundling Middle School has always looked for opportunities to give back to our community and help families in need. This year is no different. Our annual Toys for Tots Drive with the Palatine Police and Fire Departments is going on now through Friday, December 6th. Please consider helping a child enjoy the holidays by donating a new toy. Collection boxes are located in the front foyer of our school, and will be there through December 6th.
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!
#iagdtbap #sundlingstrong
Jason Dietz
WRS- Winter Sports Registration Information
Girls Volleyball & Wrestling Registration will be sent out by District 15 on December 5, 12, 19, and Jan. 2.
Winter Sports Physical cut off date is 12/15/23 or later
All students grade 6-8 are eligible for tryouts for GVB(girls) and to join WR (Girls and boys).
Student Spectators at AWAY games
Dear Sundling Families,
We realize that the Middle School athletic events are fun to attend and we have enjoyed having spectators come to the games. If students choose to attend away games at Carl Sandburg, Plum Grove, Thomas Jefferson or Winston Campus, it's expected that a parent comes with the students to the basketball game and stays the entire time.
The CHAMPS expectations for spectator behavior are the same at each school in our district. Please remember you are a representative of our school when visiting another school.
Students, from another school, who come in without a parent or guardian will not be permitted to attend the game.
D15 eLearning Information
In the event of inclement weather this year, our district/school conducted an eLearning practice day. This will ensure that our school year ends on our scheduled date and summer construction can begin as scheduled.
On Thursday, 11/9, we practiced an eLearning day at school. During this practice day, all students practiced joining their virtual Google Meet link in their classroom so that they have some experience with how they will access the Google Meet link in the event of an eLearning day. On that practice day, all students will bring home their devices, case, and charger including our K-2 students. All students will be expected to complete an online activity on their Chromebook to ensure that they are able to log in to their Chromebook at home and connect to their home WiFi. Here are directions if you need assistance connecting the Chromebook device to your home WiFi.
8th Grade Graduation and D211 HS Summer School
As shared in recent district communications, all 8th graders will graduate on Wednesday, June 11, 2025.
For families considering summer school in District 211 in June, Superintendent Small shared that although their summer school start date cannot be changed, District 211 is ready to work with families to accommodate any missed days.
They understand our extended schedule and are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for students. Families should coordinate directly with their child’s new high school to develop a plan.
Chromebook Reminders for Students
In order to be prepared every day, please bring your Chromebook to school fully charged. If you do not have a charger, please visit the Library. Additionally, Chromebooks should be carried and stored in a district-issued case with a student name clearly visible. Please visit the Library if you are in need of a new case or a new card/label for your Chromebook case.
What are the appropriate arrival procedures at Sundling!
Parents who transport their students to school are asked to enter the traffic circle on the south side of the school or use the parking spots located along Smith St. directly in front of the building. Please be sure to drop off your child at curbside, ensuring that they do not have to cross through moving cars. For safety reasons, the north lot (main parking lot) in front of the school is reserved for bus loading and unloading, bike riders and parking for staff and visitors!
Students may not enter the building prior to the 7:15 AM bell unless they are participating in jazz band or choral rehearsals, working in the Library, attending breakfast, have a prior written pass from a teacher, or are directed to do so by a staff member due to inclement weather. Students may not wander or loiter the hallways prior to the beginning of the school day.
All exterior doors except the main entrance of the building will be locked at all times. Late arrivals must use the front entrance in order to maintain building security. All visitors to the school must first come to the main office to present appropriate identification and sign in. All visitors must wear a provided Visitor’s Badge while inside the building. This procedure is in place for the safety of our students and staff. Students who enter the building after the 7:30 AM bell will be considered tardy!
Reminder- School begins at 7:30 AM
As we wind down the month of November I wanted to send a reminder for school start times. Please remember that school starts at 7:30 AM each day, and students should be in class and ready to learn at that time. The school doors are open for students to enter at 7:15 AM, which gives them 15 minutes to get organized, say a quick hello to friends, and start the day. Please be aware that if a student comes to school after the 7:30 AM bell, or is not in class at the time of the 7:30AM bell, they are considered tardy. Multiple tardies to school will result in administrative follow up, and problem solving to help support student attendance.
December 2024- Important Dates
December 4- WRS PTA Portillo's Dine & Share 5:00-8:00 PM
December 5- WRS Winter Orchestra & Chorus Concert 7:00 PM
December 9- Mental Health Awareness Program (MHA)- 7th Grade Students
December 9- WRS School Spelling Bee
December 10- 8th Grade Field Trip to Palatine High School (10:30-12:30)
December 11- D15 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 PM
December 16- December 20- WRS Spirit Week
December 21- January 5- Winter Break (No School)
January 6, 2025- School Resumes
WRS Family Assistance
If you are someone who is in need of community resources, please fill out this form. After you have completed and submitted it, one of the social workers will reach out to assist you.
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School
Location: 1100 North Smith Street, Palatine, IL, USA
Phone: 847-963-3700
Twitter: @SundlingJH