April Showers
April, 2024
April Showers☔
Bring May Flowers
Upcoming Events☔
April 1-5th- Spring Recess
April 11th- Play and Relay (4:30 pm - 6:00 pm)
April 12th- Girls Basketball Fish Fry (Pre-Orders Only)
April 18th- Play and Relay (4:30 pm - 6:00 pm)
April 23rd- Awards Assembly
April 25th- Play and Relay (4:30 pm - 6:00 pm)
April 26th- Half-Day for Students (12:45 Dismissal)
April 30th- NJSLA Testing Begins
Half Day for Students
Friday, Apr 26, 2024, 12:45 PM
Girls Basketball Fish Fry
2 Pieces of Fish -$12
3 Pieces of Fish- $15
Comes with 2 sides
Pre-Orders ONLY! Use link below.
April Calendar☔
Message From The Superintendent☔
Safety & Security
Dear Parents and Families,
The safety and security of our students and staff is our top priority in the Lawnside School District. We want to remind you about some important security measures we implement at school. We ask that you continue to assist us with making the Lawnside Public School a safe learning environment.
Arrival & Dismissal
We ask that parents please refrain from driving into the school parking lot in the morning between 8:00 am - 9:00 am and in the afternoon between 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. We ask that everyone entering in to the parking lot drive at an appropriate speed taking into consideration the movement of our students.
Entering Into the Building
We ask that all visitors to the school report to the window for the Main Office for service. If you would like to see a member of the school staff, please schedule an appointment with that individual during non-instructional times. Once you have entered into the building, please report to the school security desk for further instructions. We additionally ask that parents please refrain from picking students up between 2:30 pm - 3:10 pm unless in cases of emergency. The constant removal of students during this time period in a disruption to the learning of students.
Security Cameras
We have upgraded our security camera system throughout the school to provide full coverage of all entrances, hallways, and common areas. These cameras record 24/7 and the footage is actively monitored.
Regular Safety Drills
We are required to conduct two drills per month, one fire drill and another emergency drill such as lockdowns/evacuations. The drills are conducted to ensure staff and students are prepared in the event of an actual emergency situation.
If you have any questions about these or other security measures, please don't hesitate to contact the my office. Working together, we can maintain a safe and secure learning environment for our school community.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Dr. Johnson
Curriculum Department☔
Family Academic Night.....A Big Thank you!
We would like to thank all students, families, and community members that participated in Family Academic Night! It was a time for us to be together as a community and share resources that will assist us in achieving our district goals. We look forward to our next Family Academic Night, and our hope is to make it bigger and better.
Comprehensive Support and Identification: End of Cycle 2 Update
Lawnside Public School has been identified as a Comprehensive Support District. Every Student Succeeds Action State Plan sets the expectation that all students have equal access to high quality educational experiences so they may all reach their greatest potential. In order for this promise to be fulfilled the New Jersey Department of Education is obligated to identify schools in need of comprehensive support and improvement. This identification resulted in the development of measurable goals that would improve student achievement. These goals are measured quarterly, and February 15, 2024 was the End of Cycle 2. We have some amazing “glows” regarding the progress towards the goals, and we still have some “grows” to work towards as well. Glows are areas of strength, and grows are areas of improvement. A plan has been devised by stakeholders to continue to work on areas of growth, and that plan is monitored closely by the Office of Comprehensive Support. We will continue to seek partnerships with the community to ensure our students receive the best education possible, and we will continue to work towards our district goals. It will take a village to keep our young people encouraged, and we will continue to strive for excellence.
Department of Special Services☔
Health Office☔
Dear Parents/Guardians of asthmatic students,
With spring just beginning, asthmatic students are using their inhalers more often. The
state of New Jersey mandates that all students with asthma have on file at school, a
completed asthma action plan signed by their doctor and you, the parent/guardian.
Your child’s doctor should have the asthma action plan. If not, please let me know by
using the phone number or email above and I can make sure you get one.
Please make sure the inhaler is in the original box with your child’s name on it.
If you have any questions about whether or not your child has an up to date asthma
action plan and inhaler at school please call me.
Also, the asthma action plan must be renewed EVERY NEW SCHOOL YEAR.
Thank you so much for your attention.
Sharon Hughes RN, BSN, CSN
Contact Us☔
Mrs. Sabrina Forrest, Board President- sforrest@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Dr. Ronn Johnson, Superintendent- ronnjohnson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Mrs. Karen Willis, School Business Administrator- kwillis@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Mr. Mark Gordon, Assistant School Business Administrator- mgordon@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Mrs. Alyssa Miller, Director of Curriculum & Instruction- amiller@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Dr. Carmen Henderson, Director of Special Services- chenderson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Ms. Niphon Kirk, Assistant Principal- nkirk@lawnside.k12.nj.us
Ms. ShaNell Wilson, Technology Coordinator- swilson@lawnside.k12.nj.us
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." —Muhammad Ali