Hillside News Brief
April 3, 2020
Principal's Message
Parents and guardians, teaching children and guiding children is what educators live to do! This is our mission in life, and it is our staff's professional purpose. We want to make the best of this very difficult situation. We invite you to partner with us, and please let us know how we can help with our extended campus learning for these final six weeks of school. We are all in this together!
Reminder: Spring Break is Monday, April 6-10
Westside Extended Campus Information
We have much to be proud of as a district and school as we have all come together to continue to have a student-centered focus and want the best learning opportunities to be available for Hillside students. We continue to refine and redesign our approach as Westside's Extended Learning Campus continues to evolve. As a District and school, we have taken multiple learning scenarios into consideration in designing student learning that will continue until May 13th.
We are confident Westside has designed an effective plan that creates consistency across all buildings and grade levels. This decision was made to make it as simple as possible for students to successfully/independently complete work within an approximate 2-hour timeframe with minimal new content. Each grade level across the district will have a consistent Monday-Friday schedule for each week where only a few assignments differ. Math and reading/writing will have instruction Tuesday- Friday. Science will occur on Tuesday/Wednesday and Social Studies on Thursday/Friday. The specials schedule will continue in the current rotation. Second Step social-emotional lessons are provided to families once a week and taught at a time that best meets the needs of each family.
Monday - General Student Learning Day. Students will have a learning plan that will not require teacher or parent instruction (e.g. read for 30 minutes). Teachers will communicate a suggested plan for students and families. Families also have the flexibility to design their own Monday learning schedule. The goal is for the Monday routine to be consistent and for learning to still occur.
Tuesday - PE, Math, Reading/Writing, Science
Wednesday - Art, Math, Reading/Writing, Science
Thursday - Library, Math, Reading/Writing, Social Studies
Friday - Music, Math, Reading/Writing, Social Studies