The Multilingual Message!
Amazing things are happening in the world of ELs!
Hot off the Press! You do not want to miss this edition! Great Strategies for English Learners!
Please check out this newsletter to learn more about strategies that work and specific data about the English Learners in your school community! Dive in and enjoy!
" If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart." --Nelson Mandela
Hands On Learning Makes a Big Difference for Students!
Curiosity and the Scientific Method
Close Observation
There's Nothing Spooky about Learning in October!
Planting seeds of new learning through hands on learning experiences!
Students rolled up their sleeves and put their all into learning about pumpkins. The students learned new concepts and vocabulary all through real experiences. This experience has far reaching implications for learning transfer to the science and social studies units of study. Activities like these can make students feel included into American culture. ( Photos courtesy of Mark Twain)
Young Botanists!
Sorting by Attributes
Second grade students get involved in the world around them. Realia helps English Learners understand descriptive words.
Writing a Full Paragraph
Giving children hands on experiences can lead to more in depth writing with rich language, content vocabulary, and writing editing skills, like perfect punctuation! (Photos courtesy of Whittier)
Writing Skills Flourish with this key instructional strategy!
Using sentence frames can help students develop their writing skills. Sentence frames are scaffolding tools that promote more confidence in writing while allowing for gradual release as students become more independent authors. ( Photos courtesy of Wilder and Hanby)
Spreading our wings to connect language development through mathematical concepts!
Elementary EL students are spreading their wings and flying into the academic language of math. Here students created a model of an eagle's wing span. Students measured, discussed and were filled with awe over the enormity of an eagle.
Secondary ELs fly into reading with the UFLI Phonics Program!
Our secondary staff and students are enjoying the systematic approach to reading instruction with the UFLI ( University of Florida Literacy Institute) Program. The students soar into the science of reading phonics skills with hands on activities. ( Photo courtesy of the secondary schools)
Heritage Students are hungry for learning!
The paraprofessionals at Heritage provided a healthy hot breakfast buffet for their hardworking students. The students have been applying their language learning in their academic content classes.
Connecting Culture and Knowledge!
All learning takes place within the context of culture. As educators, we can begin with knowledge of cultural backgrounds. Looking for tips on how to grow as a culturally responsive educator? Check out this article.
Celebrating the kaleidoscope of languages in our school community!
Fun Fact: WCS has 1,612 enrolled in our English Learner program. That is about 11% of our total student population. Below you will find a graph of the many languages spoken and a key to the language codes.To learn more about the languages at your school click here.