Hornets' Nest News
Everything you need to know about Castle Rock Elementary
November Newsletter
November Upcoming Events:
Please note that the following events are scheduled as listed, however, are subject to change.
- Friday, 11/1: Local Holiday- No School
- Sunday, 11/3: Daylight Savings Time Ends
- Friday, 11/8: Monthly Awards Assembly @ 9:15 AM
- Monday, 11/11: Veteran's Day- No School
- Wednesday, 11/13: Minimum Day- School Dismissal @ 1:00 PM
- Wednesday, 11/20 & Thursday, 11/21:
- Minimum Day- School Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- Parent Conferences (Schedule with your child's teacher)
- Friday, 11/22:
- Fall Feast- 11:45 AM-12:15 PM (Families Invited, See Flyer Below)
- Minimum Day- Dismissal @ 1:00 PM
- Monday, 11/25-Friday, 11/29: Thanksgiving Break- No School
- Friday, 12/6: Trimester & Monthly Awards Assembly @ 9:15 AM in the Cafeteria
All Fridays are Spirit Days- Wear your Castle Rock Elementary Spirit Shirts!
Here is a link to our November Breakfast and Lunch Menus: https://5il.co/30gym
Other events may occur that are not yet scheduled, but we will keep you posted.
Fall Feast Family Event Flyer
Parent Conference Flyer
October Happenings
Fun Educational Activities from October
Find below pictures of some of the activities from the month of September.
TK-K Classroom Fun
1st and 2nd PE Time
Volleyball vs. Gazelle
Volleyball vs. Gazelle
Volleyball vs. Golden Eagle South
Volleyball vs. Golden Eagle South
Volleyball vs. Golden Eagle South
Volleyball vs. Golden Eagle South
Volleyball vs. Golden Eagle South
Volleyball vs. Golden Eagle South
Volleyball vs. McCloud
Volleyball vs. McCloud
Volleyball vs. McCloud
Volleyball vs. McCloud
Volleyball vs. McCloud
Volleyball vs. McCloud
Volleyball vs. McCloud
Volleyball vs. McCloud
Volleyball vs. McCloud
Volleyball vs. McCloud
Volleyball vs. Shasta Valley
Volleyball vs. Shasta Valley
Volleyball vs. Shasta Valley
Volleyball vs. Shasta Valley
Volleyball vs. Shasta Valley
Volleyball vs. Shasta Valley
Volleyball vs. Shasta Valley
Volleyball vs. Shasta Valley
Volleyball vs. Shasta Valley
MVL Volleyball Tournament
MVL Volleyball Tournament
MVL Volleyball Tournament
MVL Volleyball Tournament
MVL Volleyball Tournament
MVL Volleyball Tournament
MVL Volleyball Tournament
TK-K Halloween Coloring Contest
1st-2nd Grade Halloween Coloring Contest
3rd-5th Grade Halloween Coloring Contest
6th-8th Grade Halloween Coloring Contest
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Decorations
3-5 Haunted House
Halloween Decorations
Family Movie Night
Halloween Decorations
Family Movie Night
Halloween Carnival
Lion's Club Provided Student Treats
Lion's Club Provided Student Treats
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Halloween Trick or Treat Parade
Monthly Awards Assembly
Monthly Awards Assembly Information
Our November Monthly Awards Assembly will be held on Friday, November 8th at 9:15 AM in our school cafeteria. A parent invitation letter was sent home to the parents of the students that will be receiving awards the week prior.
Student of the Month Awards
One student from each class is chosen by their teacher as Student of the Month for working hard on exhibiting both the Monthly Value and our Positive Behavior Expectations. Student of the Month Award winners will receive a certificate, a small trophy, and a book of their choice at the assembly.
Our Student of the Month Winners for the month of October that will receive their award on November 8th are:
TK-K: Bearett Ortega-Dumlao
1st-2nd Grade: Emery Poole
3rd-5th Grade: Edward Windus
6th-8th Grade: Madison Goodrich
Pictured below are the Student of the Month Award Winners from October.
Perfect Attendance Awards
Monthly Perfect Attendance Awards are given to students that were able to attend school every day for the entire month. These students will receive a certificate, pencil, and a perfect attendance brag tag. We encourage perfect attendance on a regular basis as "the more students are here, the more they will learn".
Our October Perfect Attendance Award Winners that will receive their award on November 8th are:
Fin Apple
Keanan Ball
Axel Bruce
Madison Goodrich
Muira Nicora
Jesse Perry
Emery Poole
Jace Poole
Wesley Poole
Jacob Pudwill
Orion Riddle
Elijah Smith
Aiden Stout
Kayson Stout
Pictured below are the students that had Perfect Attendance for the month of September:
Monthly Attendance Reminder
How Sick is Too Sick
It can feel like the school year passes so quickly; it can be easy to lose track of absences. Mark absences on your family calendar so everyone is aware, and strive for less than two absences per month. Students with regular attendance are far more likely to meet or exceed expected academic growth, and do not have the added burden of catching up.
Here is a great video regarding the importance of school attendance from the Shasta County Office of Education/Reach Higher Shasta: https://youtu.be/6Iq_OiQ8B4c
Superintendent's Message
Message from Leslie Rames
As Parent/Teacher Conferences days approach, I hope that you will take the opportunity to meet with your child's teacher regarding their academic and behavioral progress so far this school year (See the flyer at the top of this newsletter for more information). Conferences are an important component in ensuring that we all work together to maximize your child's full potential. Often it is difficult to schedule the time out of your work day to attend parent conferences, but I would like to stress the importance of doing just that. If you cannot meet during the days and times available for Parent/Teacher Conference, please check with your child's teacher to see if he or she can schedule to meet on a day and time that you are available.
School attendance is super important. The more students are at school, the more they will be able to learn. We are now in the cold and flu season so wanted to let you all know that the school has a limited supply of free COVID-19 at home tests. If your child is ill and you would like a COVID-19 test you can stop by the office to pick one up as supplies last. Please see the information above from the Shasta County Office of Education regarding attendance, "How Sick is Too Sick".
Winter weather is just about here. I want to remind families to dress for the weather. Wear or bring layers as the weather changes throughout the day. Make sure to label your student's belongings with their names so that it is easier to find and/or return misplaced items.
Don't forget that Daylight Savings time changes on Sunday, November 3rd. Time falls back 1 hour.
I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Vacation and Holiday in a few weeks!
Castle Rock Elementary School
29373 Main St.
Castella, CA 96017