Oct 2, 2023
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Opening Announcements
Pledge of Allegiance: Logan Summers
This Week
Tuesday: Girls Tennis @ Payson Jr. @ 3:30 PM
Thursday: Girl's Tennis vs. Springville Jr. @ 3:30 PM
Friday: Cross Country @ Payson Jr. @ 3:15 pm
- Student Strengths-Based Survey
upcoming dates
Friday, Oct 6th - Student Strengths Based Survey
Tuesday, Oct 10th - Student Make-Up Day 2:40 PM (Counts for double detention)
- Fall Choir Concert @ 7PM - SFHS
Friday, Oct 13th - Lobo Spirit Day! Wear your Lobo (or SFHS) gear!
- Cross Country District Finals @ 3:30PM - SFHS
Friday, Oct 17th - Band Bash @ 7PM - SFHS
Wednesday, Oct 18th - End of Term 1
Thur - Mon, Oct. 19th - 23rd - Fall Break
Thursday, Oct. 26th - School Dance @ 5:00 PM
Student Strengths-Based Survey
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On Friday, October 6th, our school is participating in a strengths-based survey to understand the well-being and school experience of students. The survey asks questions like the following:
If you fail to reach an important goal, how likely are you to try again?
How much respect do students in your school show you?
How often were you polite to other students?
If you would like to view all the questions of the survey, please click the following link.
We will use the feedback from this survey to help students achieve success in their education. As a parent, you are welcome to request a copy of your student’s responses along with skills that can improve success.
Thank you in advance for your ongoing support. If you have questions, please reach out to us. If you choose to opt your student out of the survey, please email jennifer.dahl@nebo.edu by Thursday, October 6th.
SFJHS Administration
Student Make-Up Day!
Our first student make-up day will be Tuesday, October 10th, from 2:40-4:00pm.
This is a great opportunity for our students to stay and get caught up on their grades, as well as work of detention hours!
Any detention hours that are worked off during the Make-Up day will be doubled! Hope to see you there!
LOBOS Cross Country!
Interested in Starting a Student Club?
PTA Volunteering Opportunities
Greetings from your friendly neighborhood SFJHS PTA,
If you would like to help with any of the following needs, please sign up!
- Monthly Munchies (Oct. 12th)
Thanks for being awesome!
Amy Rosenvall
If you are in a Family and Consumer Science class (a class from Mrs. Thacker or Mr. Cloward) sometime this year you can join FCCLA. FCCLA is the CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) for Family and Consumer Sciences. Joining FCCLA allows you to participate in lunch activities, after school activities, region activities, region competition and possibly state competition. It's a great way to make friends, learn more about Family and Consumer Sciences, possibly get future scholarships, and gain leadership and life skills.
It costs $25.00 to join FCCLA. If you are interested in joining, talk to Mrs. Thacker or Mr. Cloward and/or pay $25.00 in the finance office.
Virtual Love and Logic Parenting Workshop
Chromebook Insurance
Students have now been issued a chromebook that will be used at school as well as taken home each day to work on homework. We encourage students to carry their chromebook in their backpack or a protective case to keep it from getting damaged. The cost to replace a damaged or stolen chromebook is $300 and will be charged to the student unless an optional $30 Protection Plan is purchased at the beginning of the school year. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND PURCHASING THIS PROTECTION PLAN ALSO KNOWN AS CHROMEBOOK INSURANCE IN CASE OF LOSS OR DAMAGE
The Protection Plan may be paid online through myschoolfees.com under "optional fee." It may also be paid by calling the finance office, coming into the school or sending payment with your student.
Even if you have already opted to participate in the Nebo Chromebook Protection Plan when filling out the Chromebook Usage Agreement you still need to pay the $30 fee in order for the Plan to be in effect. Please see Mrs. Fay in the finance office.
Student Clubs
SFJHS Social Media
Follow us on Instagram at sfjh_lobos and Facebook at Spanish Fork Junior High!
Website: https://sfjhs.nebo.edu/
Location: 600 South 820 East, Spanish Fork, UT, USA
Phone: (801) 798-4075
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sfjhs
Twitter: @sfjrhigh