Wildcat Update
September 1, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! It's been a long but worthwhile wait. I hope you enjoyed an extra-long summer filled with fun and new memories. It was wonderful seeing so many faces at Popsicles with the Principal! The staff and I can't wait to see these faces fill the halls and classrooms this week.
This year, the Wildcat Update will be sent every other Sunday, and hopefully, it will answer any questions you may have. If not, please don't hesitate to contact Heidi and Jane in the office.
We look forward to a new year of limitless possibilities for all.
Go Wildcats!
Theresa Drogos
Teacher Line-up for 2024-2025
First - Jenny Mahn, Irene Salman, Shari Schmidt, Kristin Zourkas
Second - Carolyn English, Michael Kowalcyzk, Angela Meacham, Maria Sorrentino
Third - Victoria Anelli, Annette Christensen, Jessica Coop, Makenna Cotten, Emily Thornton
Fourth - Anastasia Dama (Berthold), Carly Funk, Melissa Kovathana, Kristin Rhyan
Fifth - Allie Cerniglia, Nicole Denz, Julie Miller, Andy Tieman
STAR - Natalie Cerrone, Alana Fisher, Emily Happel
New Faces at Whiteley School
Please join us in welcoming the following new staff members for the 2024-2025 school year! We are very excited to have many new faces join our amazing school community.
⭐Olivia Gentile-Velilla, Student Services Coordinator
⭐Jane Myszka, Clerical
⭐Hailey Goodwin, Kindergarten
⭐Cathy Tsokas, Kindergarten
⭐Jenny Mahn, First
⭐Shari Schmidt, First
⭐Michael Kowalcyzk, Second
⭐Angela Meacham, Second
⭐Annette Christensen, Third
⭐Emily Thornton, Third
⭐Anastasia Dama (Berthold), Fourth
⭐Carly Funk, Fourth
⭐Melissa Kovathana, Fourth
⭐Allie Cerniglia, Fifth
⭐John Smart, PE
⭐Dave Wilkie, Band
⭐Beth Wec, Art Itinerant
⭐Keeley Nauman, Music Itinerant
⭐Anthony Draegert, PE Itinerant
⭐Alana Fisher, STAR
⭐Amanda Fischer, SPED Resource
⭐Haley Henninger, SPED Resource
⭐Emma Groner, Building Itinerant
⭐Karyn Paciorek, Instructional Coach
⭐Mary Hansen, Psych
⭐Sarah Cismesia, Social Work
⭐Amanda Carlstrom, Speech
⭐Lineya Andrews, OT
⭐Jill Kent, OT
Meet the Teacher
Tuesday, September 3, is Meet the Teacher from 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM. During this time, students in grades K-5 can find their new classrooms, meet their teachers and classmates and drop off supplies. This is also a great time to drop medications for the school nurse as well as any forms to the office.
🏫 First Day of School!
All students in Grades K-5 will have their first day of school on Thursday, September 5. This is a full day of school beginning promptly at 8:25AM and ending at 3:05PM.
🌟As is Whiteley's tradition, students will line up behind their new teacher on the back blacktop for the first day of school.🌟
All students will also dismiss at 2:15PM for early release on Friday, September 6, so please plan accordingly.
We can't wait to see our students!
Transportation Update
Transportation information for the 2024-25 school year is now available via the MyRide K12 parent app. Please visit the MyRide K12 page for instructions on how to acquire the parent app in English or Spanish. Please contact your school office if you need to request an alternate pickup or dropoff location for your student(s). No changes will be made until September 16, 2024.
Thank you for getting out to the bus stop a full five minutes before the stated pick up time.
School Visitors
We love our school visitors! If you are coming into the building, please stop to check into our school office for assistance FIRST. If you are here to stay and volunteer, please bring a photo ID as well. *Please note, no adult will be able to enter the building without a photo ID that is scanned through our Raptor System. There are no exceptions to this.*
All school visitors will receive a red visitor lanyard and sticker to wear. This is a visual reminder to all in our building that you have been welcomed in our school office. Please also kindly remain in the area you been designated to be in during your time at Whiteley. Thank you for helping keep our building safe and secure during your stay with us. We appreciate all that you do for our school community.
School Hours
As a reminder to our parents, the start time is the time that teachers plan to begin instruction. Students arriving after the start time will be marked tardy. Doors will open in the morning 10 minutes prior to the official start time.
Monday-Thursday (K-5th grade)
Friday (K-5th grade)
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
All detailed Drop-Off and Arrival Procedures can be found on the school website here.
**New**Kindergarten Dismissal
With the addition of full day kindergarten, all full day kinder WALKERS will be dismissed through Door 12. You should receive a detailed dismissal plan from your child's kindergarten teachers this week.
If your child is changing their regular dismissal plan, please be sure to alert the office in addition to the classroom teacher. Thank you for your help with this.
Parent Orientation
Parent Orientation will be on Thursday, September 19th. Grades 3-5 will be from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm and Grades K-2 will be from 6:45 pm to 7:15 pm. During this time, your child's classroom teacher will present curriculum and general school information. We kindly ask that you leave your children at home as we unfortunately do not have child care on site.