September 6, 2024

September 6, 2024
All Schools News
For this week's information about our School Committee, after school enrichments, community events, sports, fundraisers and more please click the orange box below to read this week's All Schools News.
An archive of previous All School News' can be found here, or by clicking the link on the front page of the Wayland public Schools' website.
Dear Happy Hollow Families,
It was a wonderful first week back to school filled with many smiles, hugs, and laughter. It was amazing how after summer break many students are taller, wiser, and have missing teeth! We hope that students are sharing all of the wonderful things they are learning about in their classrooms and are excited for a joyful school year.
Once again, we are fortunate that our colleague Deb Pellerin will continue to provide a wealth of literature resources for our community. This week's Bookstop Buzz includes new titles available through the support of our PTO. Be sure to stop by in our main lobby and sign out a copy of any of these books to read at home!
Additionally, I am asking all caregivers to review our HH Family Handbook. After reviewing the contents, please complete this two question Google Form by September 11th.
Most importantly, please remember to maintain safety in the parking lots, while driving or walking towards the building. Please make sure that you use crosswalks and do not walk across the parking lot/rolling drop off. Remember to drive forward all the way past the main entrance door when participating in morning rolling drop off. This is very important as stopping earlier backs traffic up into the road. Furthermore, for safety reasons, students should exit their vehicles on the passengers side. Please make sure you practice this and/or strategically change seating assignments in your cars.
Here is this week's Family Newsletter which I hope you find helpful for future planning! As always, reach out if you have any questions.
Nicolette Foundas, Happy Hollow Principal
Anyone who walks the halls of our building must be CORIed or escorted. This means that everyone who visits their child's classroom, volunteers in the building, visits the book fair/field day or attends field trips must be CORIed.
- CORIs completed with other town departments are NOT transferable to the schools.
- We cannot allow you into our building without a valid Wayland Public Schools CORI on file
To complete a CORI application please present in person at any Wayland Public School Office (or central office) with valid government issued photo identification
The Garden Crew
The Happy Hollow Garden looks beautiful and delicious, thanks to all the parents and caregivers who helped with the garden over the summer!
The Happy Hollow Garden offers a hands-on learning experience for our students with help from the Garden Crew, a group of dedicated volunteers who like getting their hands dirty. Parents and caregivers are always welcome to join our Garden Crew. Interested? Email hhptogarden@gmail.com.
Room Parents
Huge thank you for those who signed up, communications coming soon.
Have you ever wanted to be a personal shopper? Buying classroom gifts is one of the responsibilities of a room parent:
We still need support with 4th – Ms. Gray (2) and 5th – Ms. Leo (2) as well as K – Ms. Bergeron (1), 1 – Ms. Weig (1), 2 – Ms. Aronian (1), 2- Ms. Reardon (1), 5 – Ms. Ekmekji (1).
Please use this link to sign up: Signup Genius Link
Gift Your Child
Have you enjoyed a PTO sponsored event (Movie night, Ice Cream Social, Science Fair)? These can only happen with your donations and this is the only direct fundraiser we have! So cross one more thing off your to do list and donate with this link TODAY!
5th Grade Families
This year is basically one long party with field trips, beach bashes and HH swag! But we can’t do it without you. We're looking for:
· Committee Chair (CEO of the whole shebang)
· Class Trip
· Elementary School Bash
· T-Shirt
· Class Gift
· HH Beach Party
Please email HappyHollowPTO@gmail.com to sign up!