Alternative Dispute Resolution
FND PEN Workshop, Video and Resources
Alternative Dispute Resolution- AI Presented
Please join us on May 24th at 6 PM (EST) as we present an AI version of our webinar, "Alternative Dispute Resolution in Special Education".
Sometimes parents disagree with the school district about their child and special education. When you disagree or feel that the school is not meeting its legal obligations, there are several ways for parents to resolve these disagreements.
It is usually best for everyone involved to work out differences at the lowest possible level with the least amount of conflict. This presentation has information about:
1. Informal ways to resolve differences.
2. Formal options offered by the State.
3. Preparing and communicating your concerns.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Friday, May 24, 2024, 06:00 PM
Facebook LIVE
Workshop Resources
FND Resources
FND- Procedural Safeguards
FND- Filing a State Complaint FLDOE
FND- Filling a State Complaint Frequently Asked Questions
FND- Filling a State Complaint 2
POPIN- Parents Offering Parents Information & Networking
We assist parents with no-cost, up-to-date and vetted knowledge about the IDEA, the IEP process, transition from Early Steps to the Voluntary Pre-K Program for Students with Disabilities, transition out of school and into the community, as well as disability-related community and governmental resources. Best of all, we here at FND, are all the parents of children with special needs, and can give a more rounded view of all the options and resources available to us!
Family Network on Disabilities
Phone: 800-825-5736
Twitter: @FND_USA