August 9, 2024
August 9, 2024

August 9, 2024
DCHS Events
August 14: First Day of School (late start Wednesday)
August 29: DCHS Open House
August 30: Remote Day
September 2: No School, Labor Day
Click here to see our full high school calendar for more events.
Residency Verification
Please complete the linked form and submit a current utility bill (electric, gas, or water) with a service date (not the due date) reflecting July or August.
Please submit the entire bill showing the homeowners/leaseholders name, service address, and service dates. We cannot accept utility bills with a cutoff notice.
If you have any questions please email
Residency Instructions and Forms
You will receive an email notification that the process is complete once it has been reviewed.
*If you have already completed this step, thank you.*
Building Hours
Monday-Friday: 7:45 a.m.-3:20 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:45 a.m.-3:20 p.m
First Day of School: Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Remember, Wednesdays are "Late Start Wednesdays," including the first day of school. Students start classes one hour later (9:15 a.m.), and classes end at 3:10 p.m.
Every day, students can be dropped off starting at 7:45 a.m. (8:45 a.m. on Wednesdays), report to a cafeteria, or go directly to their 1st-hour class. Student IDs will not allow students into buildings any earlier than 7:45 a.m. (or 8:45 a.m. on Wednesdays). For student safety, please do not drop students off before this time.
Office Locations
On our campus, we have three offices, each serving a specific purpose: the Main Office, the Academics and Counseling Office, and the Annex Office, which is dedicated to registration, withdrawals, and transcripts/diplomas. See the image below indicating the location of each office.
Our DCHS Main Office is located off MacArthur, between the DC Administration building and the PAAC. This entrance will be where all visitors will report, and students will check in/out. This is an adjustment from previous years, and it will provide one secure location for all to access.
The office formerly known as the 11th-12th grade office will become our Academic and Counseling office. For visitors to use this entrance, an appointment must be made with a school counselor.
Student Drop Off
The map below indicates where car-rider students can be dropped off in the morning and picked up at the end of the day. Please do not block areas when dropping off or picking your student up. The bus loop is for bus traffic only from 7:15 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Thank you for helping us keep students safe on our campus.
Yellow= Bus Loop
Red= Car-Rider Drop Off
See the map below for designated areas for student drop off and pick up
Bus Riders
If your child rides the bus this school year, please download the My Ride K-12 app to view their route, live track the buses, and more. Routes are now available to view in the app; however, please be sure to check the app again before the first day of school, as there may be some changes between now and then.
All returning students will need their bus badge to ride the bus. Please purchase a new bus pass if your student has misplaced your bus badge. If you need to purchase a new bus pass, you can click here on this link for directions.
Student IDs
Student IDs can be picked up from the DCHS Main Office on August 12-13 if your student has completed the registration requirements and can see their schedule on Infinite Campus. All remaining IDs will be distributed within the first week of school.
Student IDs and school-issued lanyards should be worn at all times on campus. These will also allow students to gain access to buildings.
Student Parking Permits
If you will be parking in the school parking lot you will need a parking permit.
Parking Lots available for student parking:
- General Parking: PAAC and West parking lots.
- Reserved lot: parking lot between the PAAC and the DCHS Main Office. There is a limited number of Reserved Lot spaces and are first come, first serve.
- Staff parking: No students should park in the Staff lot near the Central and Annex buildings or any spot marked with a “DC”, these spaces are reserved for our staff.
** see the map below for reference on all parking lots
Parking Cost:
- General Parking-- $53
- Reserved Parking-- $132
To purchase a parking permit, you will need to complete the following steps:
- Click the link attached here and fill out the DCHS Parking Permit Google Form.
- Pay for the parking permit on My School Bucks.
- Pick up your parking permit (car window sticker) at the parking table during schedule pick up or visit the Annex office if you can not be at schedule pick up.
You must complete all steps to purchase a parking permit and be eligible to park on campus.
If you have questions, please email DCHS Financial Secretary Rebekah Seward at
Schedule Questions
If something on your schedule is not correct, please email your counselor. Please remember that we are only able to change schedules in the following instances:
The schedule is incomplete (missing classes) or incorrect (no science, two social studies, etc.)
Moving from AP to On-Level of the same class (space permitting)
Dropping or adding a sport, work-study, concurrent enrollment, or service leadership.
If you see a course titled "see a counselor," please email your counselor or stop by during that hour on the first day of school. This indicates that they need to see you to correct a missing class.
Counselor Emails:
9th/10th Last Name A-K:
9th/10th Last Name L-Z:
11th/12th Last Name A-K:
11th/12th Last Name L-Z:
Francis Tuttle:
UCO Concurrent Information
UCO classes begin on Monday, August 19th.
If your student is taking an on campus UCO class, their schedule will show their concurrent class teacher as Mon Teacher Concurrent or Tues Teacher Concurrent. A Mon class meets on Monday/Wednesday and a Tues class meets on Tuesday/Thursday. Class times are below:
- 1st/2nd hour course - 8:45 - 10:00
- 3rd/4th hour course - 10:05 - 11:20
- 5th/6th hour course - 12:30 - 1:45
- 6th/7th hour course - 1:25 - 2:40
UCO will also be holding a concurrent orientation for students only on August 16th in the Student Center. Students will attend during their assigned concurrent time and need to bring their chromebooks. Reach out to Ericka VanCleave at with questions.
Francis Tuttle
Francis Tuttle classes begin on Thursday, August 15, 2024. Any Deer Creek student who does not have a ride on Wednesday, August 14, will be supervised in the DCHS Student Center. Students, if this applies to you, please report to the Student Center during your Francis Tuttle times.
Have more questions? Contact DCHS Francis Tuttle counselor, Lindsey Williams at
Student Lockers
Student lockers are not assigned to everyone but are available upon request. If your student needs a locker, they should select a locker number and location that will work best for them. Students need to provide their own lock. Once a locker is selected, students should then go to the Academic & Counseling office and get the locker assigned to them for the year.
Do you need to drop off medication to our school nurse, Kendra Davis?
Nurse Davis' office is located in the Academic and Counseling office. Parents need to complete the required form linked below. Medication must be checked in with the nurse before being administered.
If your student regularly needs over-the-counter medications, please fill out a medication form and bring it along with an unopened bottle of your preferred medication. All prescription medications must be in their original packaging with the prescription label. Parents must bring the medications to school and drop them off, and they must also pick them up at the end of the year.
Medication forms are required to be on file with the nurse. There is a link below to all of the medical forms. One medication form must be filled out for each medication, and it must also include things like inhalers and insulin. Students may self-carry prescription inhalers, epi-pens, and insulin only if the self-administration section of the Medication Form and have emergency action plans.
Please email the school nurse with any questions or concerns.
Class Supplies
Teachers will share any required materials for their class within the first week of school. If you have specific questions about classroom supplies, please email your student's teacher directly.
My School Bucks Invoices
Student Fee
Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, we are implementing an annual student fee of $15 to help support new initiatives to make our school safer. This $15 fee will also cover the cost of your student’s first ID Badge each year. Student fees can be paid through My School Bucks invoices.
Technology Device Protection Plan
All technology device protection plans can be purchased through My School Bucks. Click below for details. The price for this will increase after August 31, 2024.
Back to School Prep
Start looking for your Chromebook and charger!
All of these items were sent home with all returning DCHS students and will be needed for the first day of school. Any new students will receive their devices and bus passes once school begins.
If you need to pay for a lost device or charger, go on My School Bucks and pay for these items. You can also stop by the novel table at schedule pick-up if you have any questions. All new DCHS students will receive their Chromebooks once school starts.
Be sure to charge your Chromebook and have these ready for the first day of school!
Freshmen Orientation
If you registered for freshman orientation on or before July 26th, and did not receive your t-shirt at freshman orientation, please reach out to Sydney Wilkens at with your child’s name and t-shirt size by Friday August 16th so we can ensure you get your shirt!
All other t-shirts for those who registered after July 26th will be available for pick up within the first weeks of school. Thanks for coming out and making freshman orientation a great night!
All Sports athletic passes are now available for purchase through My School Bucks. Each pass is $75 and gets you entry to all regular season home games for the 2024-2025 school year.
Other Information
Understanding Type I Diabetes
The State Department of Education released type 1 diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students, as result of State Statute 70 O.S. § 1210.196. You can view these materials online anytime at this link.
Free & Reduced Lunch Application
It's time to fill out the free & reduced lunch application!
This form helps with more than just meals. Qualification provides:
- Reduced fees for the Deer Creek Device Protection Plan
- Free or discounted fees for SAT, ACT and AP Tests, as well as scholarship opportunities
- Discounted or free college applications
- Additional funding for your child's school
- Free or reduced meal prices
Get Involved!
Student Visionaries of the Year Application now open!
Student Visionaries of the Year is a groundbreaking philanthropic leadership development program for high school students. Every year, courageous young leaders embark on an exciting 7-week journey with a goal to create a world without blood cancers, striving to earn the Student Visionary of the Year title.
DCHS was well represented last year and some of our own leaders helped meet the Oklahoma goal of $222,000!
Visit the website below or see the attached flyer for more details!
Do you have a question that wasn't covered in this newsletter?
Reach out to your students assistant principal or counselor
9th & 10th Grade A-K
Assistant Principal -
Counselor -
9th & 10th Grade L-Z
Assistant Principal -
Counselor -
11th & 12th Grade A-K
Assistant Principal -
Counselor -
11th & 12th Grade L-Z
Assistant Principal -
Counselor -
Francis Tuttle & College/Career Counselors
Francis Tuttle -
College, Career, & Concurrent -
Testing & Academics
Academic Assistant Principal -
Testing Coordinator -
Athletic Director -
HS Athletic Director -
HS Principal
Principal -
Helpful Links
Online Payments
- Lunch/Breakfast Accounts: Pay & View Account Balances Through the Parent Portal
- MySchoolBucks
- District Website
- Board of Education
- Communication Update
- Enrollment
- Employment Opportunities
- Guest Teachers Employment & Training
- Lunch Menus
- School District Calendar
- KREF Livestream - View DC Events Online
- Digital Tickets - Download the Hometown Fan App
- Title IX
Deer Creek Schools Foundation