The Next Couple of Weeks at Creek
July 28th
Open House for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors
Tates Creek High School will host an Open House for grades 10-12 on Monday, August 12th from 5:00-7:00 pm. Stop by to tour the building, meet teachers, and learn about clubs and sports.
Student Schedules
Student schedules will be viewable in Infinite Campus on Thursday, August 1st.
First Day of School
School begins on Wednesday, August 14th. Classes begin at 8:25 am and all students will be screened utilizing our district safety protocols which include metal detectors and bag searches. Please allow plenty of time for these procedures as well as possible heavy traffic around our campus.
We Have A New Number
As part of a district-wide update, we have a new phone number. Our new number is 859-422-0041.
Student Code of Conduct
Complete AUP and 1:1 Forms
All families have been emaield links to complete the AUP and 1:1 Chromebook agreements for their student; please complete these as soon as possible.
TCHS Is A CEP School - Free Lunch and Breakfast
We want to make sure you were aware of some important news related to breakfast and lunch for this school year. Again this year we are classified as a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) School. Community eligibility schools are high-need schools that offer breakfast and lunch to all students at no charge and use significant administrative savings to offset any additional costs. This means ALL students that attend our school eat for free for the 2024-2025 school year!
Despite this designation, it is important that we collect all free and reduced lunch applications from families for two reasons:
1. These applications are important for us to collect information to remain a CEP school in future school years.
2. Families that qualify for free and/or reduced also get instructional fees waived and we have to have these forms to verify waiver status.
Please make sure when you get these forms that you fill them out completely and return them promptly. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Beginning August 1st, families may complete this form online. More information may be found HERE.
Threat and Assault Letter
Click HERE to read important information about our policy of threats and assault in our schools.