The Greencastle Gazette

Principal's Message: February 16, 2025
Dear Greencastle Families,
Congratulations to all the Green and Gold winners this past week! Our students are doing amazing things and we are so proud! Two grade levels went on field trips this week and the students came back so excited about their visits to Imagination Stage and the Baltimore Aquarium. Great things are happening at the Castle and we are looking forward to what the next few weeks have in store.
I hope each family enjoys President's Day as a time to rest and rejuvenate. This is the last holiday for a while. The next school closing is March 31, 2025 for grading and planning, but there is an early dismissal on February 28th for interims. Have a great weekend!
Ronnie Mathewson, Acting Principal
Mark Your Calendar - IMPORTANT DATES
This Week
- Monday, February 17: No School
- Tuesday, February 18: Positive Parenting Training from 6:30-8:00 on Zoom and/or in the MPR
Upcoming Dates
Friday, February 28: Early Release for Students
Positive Parenting Training
Come out and join us for a Positive Parenting Training on Wednesday, February 18th from 6:30pm-8:00pm. This training will be in the Multipurpose room and on Zoom. We hope to see you there!
Zoom link:
Saturday School Opportunity
Take a look at February's edition of the Paint Branch Saturday School Newsletter. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to engage in extra academic support, specifically in reading, language arts, and math. Our enrollment numbers are increasing, but we would love to see even more of our Knights take advantage of this special program. The 2024-2025 Saturday School Calendar outlines the schedule and the website is full of information, if you have additional questions.
Gifted & Talented (GT) Identification Process
All families of students who are in second grade, many third grade students, and some fifth grade students received an email and a letter in the US mail with directions on how to complete the online GT Parent Input Form for your child. Use the directions on the email/letter to tell us about your student’s strengths by completing the online Parent Input Form by February 28th.
Recommendations and Reminders:
Watch a video demonstration of how to complete the form.
You must use your student’s MCPS Google Account using their username and password to complete this form.
Use the Google Chrome internet browser to complete this form. Upon login, enter this URL address: https://bit.ly/24-25parentinputform (URL is case sensitive)
If you have questions on how to complete the Parent Input Form, please contact the Greencastle GT Liaison, Katie Raviv at katie_t_raviv@mcpsmd.org or 240-740-1420.
Black History Month Guest Author
Black History Month Spirit Week
As we close this dynamic month, we want to encourage our scholars to join us in attire celebrating Black excellence and honoring the history, achievements, and culture of Black Americans.
Kindergarten Registration
Pre-Kindergarten Enrollment Information
Entrance into a Prekindergarten and Head Start programs is determined by age, income and residency. Children who will be 3 years old or 4 years old by September 1 can apply for a program. Interested parents must apply through ParentVue using the Registration information on the MCPS website. The application process for Fall 2025 will begin on March 3.
The Spelling Bee Is All the Buzz
We are excited to announce that our school will be hosting a Schoolwide Spelling Bee. This event will give students an opportunity to showcase their spelling skills and compete for a chance to move on to the next level. Here is how the Spelling Bee process will work:
Written Spelling Test: All students will first participate in a written spelling test. This will help identify the top 25% of spellers in each class.
Classroom Bee: The top 25% of students from the written test will then move on to participate in a classroom bee.
Schoolwide Bee: The top two spellers from each classroom bee will advance to the Schoolwide Spelling Bee. The Schoolwide Bee will be held at Greencastle on:
March 5th for Grades 2-5
March 7th for Grade 1
Cluster-Wide Bee: The winners of the Schoolwide Bee in grades 3-5 will have the exciting opportunity to compete in a Cluster-Wide Spelling Bee.
Your child’s teacher will send home the spelling lists for students to practice and prepare. We encourage all students to practice their spelling words and participate in this exciting challenge. More details regarding the specific times and preparation will be shared soon. If you have any questions, please reach out to Belinda Cofield and/or your child's teacher.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing our students shine!
STEAM Day and Night
Greencastle will be hosting an all day STEAM day on Thursday, March 20th. Students will engage in a day of activities including community speakers and visitors, STEAM activities, class and student project sharing, books, videos, makerspace activities, art projects, gallery walks, and so much more!
Families are invited back that evening to keep the STEAM energy moving full force with dinner, hands-on stations, engineering, robotics, microscopes, community visitors, class and individual projects, art projects, and gallery walks.
Do you work in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, or Math and want to share your knowledge with the students at Greencastle? Please complete the form and submit it to Lyndsay Fetrow or Valerie Patel by Thursday, March 6th.
Literacy & Math Resources to Help Your Student at Home
Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a language arts program for Grades PreK–5 that combines a multi-sensory approach to phonics with rich texts carefully sequenced to build content knowledge—so that students learn to read and read to learn at the same time.
Every day in Grades PreK–2, students complete one full lesson that builds foundational reading skills, as well as one full lesson that builds background knowledge. In Grades 3–5, students start to master the skills of reading, further opening up their worlds.
MCPS Curriculum Overviews (Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5)
Family Resources --> A Letter from Ms. Cofield, Greencastle ES Reading Specialist
Family Mathematics Support Center
MCPS schools and families building mathematics proficiency for all through:
- A better understanding of the curriculum.
- Building a deeper understanding of concepts, skills and practices.
- Providing additional support and practice opportunities for parents and students.
Elementary domains of mathematics learning include:
- Counting and Cardinality (PreKindergarten and Kindergarten only)
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking (PreK-5)
- Number and Operations in Base Ten (K-5)
- Number and Operations: Fractions (3-5)
- Geometry (PreK-5)
- Measurement and Data (PreK-5)
Visit this link for additional support for math help at home (Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5)
Introducing MealViewer - The New Way to View Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Greencastle ES Breakfast and Lunch Monthly Menus: https://schools.mealviewer.com/school/GreencastleES
Addressing Chronic Absenteeism & Health Guidance for Students (Attendance Works)
By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, the percentage of Greencastle students who are chronically absent will decrease from 32% to 27%.
We decreased 2% this week. Way to go, Knights! We want to continue to work to get this number to continue to decline so that it is closer to the average for MCPS which is 17.84%. We can do it, Greencastle! Help us to continue to meet and exceed our goal by decreasing the number of students chronically absent.
Click on the link below from Attendance Works that outlines the Health Guidance for Attending School when your student is not feeling well.
Do You Have a Change in Your Student's Dismissal Plan?
If you have a change in how your student(s) will dismiss from school for the day, week, or any length of time, please communicate the change using the Greencastle Attendance Note. This will ensure the main office, teachers, and administration are aware of the adjustment in how your student is dismissing from school. This is very important because safety is paramount. We appreciate your assistance and cooperation.
MCPS Things to Know
Greencastle Elementary
Capture this year's school memories
by ordering your yearbook TODAY!
Capture los recuerdos escolares de este año
¡ordenando tu anuario hoy! No te lo pierdas.
Online Store: https://shop.yearbookmarket.com/greencastleelementary
Sales Period: January 6, 2025 - April 18, 2025
Soft Yearbook Cost $17.00 plus Tax and Convenience Fee
Hard Yearbook Cost $22.00 plus Tax and Convenience Fee
Personalization: plus $3.00
The Schoolyard Scoop From the PTA
Hello Knight Community!
When I say the Castle showed up and showed out at Chuck E. Cheese, I mean it! You all came through in a big way, and because of your support, we earned $881.51—that’s 20% of total sales! Thank you so much!
But we’re not stopping there… Our next Family Fun Knight is in the works at Urban Air, so stay tuned for details!
🎭 What’s that? A dance?! 🎭
We’re “Sneakin’” into Spring on Friday, March 14th, from 7-9 PM with our 2nd Annual Sneaker/Masquerade Ball! Put on your fanciest outfit, rock your freshest kicks, and get ready for a night of fun!
🎟 Ticket Info:
•Tickets go on sale Tuesday, February 4th, and will be available until Friday, March 7th.
•$20 in advance | $25 at the door
•Ticket includes entry, a slice of pizza, and a beverage
•CASH ONLY for additional concessions
📲To purchase tickets in advance, click HERE
📸 Yearbooks are on sale NOW!
Every grade level is included, so don’t miss out—order yours online today!
Thanks for your continued support, and have a fantastic week!
#KnightPride #FamilyFunKnight #SneakerMasqueradeBall #YearbooksOnSale
Past Greencastle Gazette Newsletter Links
02.09.2025 Greencastle Gazette
02.02.2025 Greencastle Gazette
01.26.2025 Greencastle Gazette
01.19.2025 Greencastle Gazette
01.12.2025 Greencastle Gazette
01.05.2025 Greencastle Gazette
01.01.2025 Greencastle Gazette
12.15.2024 Greencastle Gazette
12.08.2024 Greencastle Gazette
12.01.2024 Greencastle Gazette
11.24.2024 Greencastle Gazette
11.17.2024 Greencastle Gazette
11.10.2024 Greencastle Gazette
11.03.2024 Greencastle Gazette
10.27.2024 Greencastle Gazette
10.20.2024 Greencastle Gazette
10.13.2024 Greencastle Gazette
10.06.2024 Greencastle Gazette
09.29.2024 Greencastle Gazette
09.22.2024 Greencastle Gazette
09.15.2024 Greencastle Gazette
09.08.2024 Greencastle Gazette
09.01.2024 Greencastle Gazette
08.23.2024 Greencastle Gazette