Woodland Specials Winter Update
Winter 2025
"We are like snowflakes, all different in our own beautiful way."
Art with Ms. Beebe 🎨
Happy New Year, Woodland Families!
We ended 2024 with some beautiful displays of art for the winter concert, which was a combined effort with Mrs. Brown's amazing tessellation project in STEM class! I hope you had the chance to see it, the beautiful winter trees really brightened up the gym space and made it festive. Mr. A didn't want us to take it down! ❄️
January is all about learning about artists and winter themes. Kindergarten students are wrapping up their arctic polar bear scenes, Grade 1 is learning about the artist Paul Klee, and Grade 2 is learning about the surreal artist, Salvador Dali. I hope you're all staying warm and I can't wait for you to see what we're creating!
🎨 Ms. Beebe
Tree Tessellation Display!
Mrs. Brown taught students about tessellations in STEM class and created this beautiful display! STEM + Art = STEAM! ❤️
Mustache Day!
Mrs. Garvey's class voted for Mustache Day as their marble jar reward in Art, and Camila and Noah really got into character!
Inspiration is EVERYWHERE!
Artist Ana was inspired by the Starry Night artwork on my bulletin board, and created her own incredible version!
The Cat and the Bird
Winter Landscape
Snowmen at Night
Artist Colby showing off what HIS snowman would do if it came to life!
PE with Mr. Archambeault
During the month of January, K-2 students in physical education class have been learning about sport-stacking! Students use sets of 12 cups to practice up-stacking and down-stacking the cups in different patterns as fast as they can. This fun activity teaches hand-eye coordination and when paired with games in class provides great fitness-based lessons!
Our next unit, during the month of February, will focus on paddle and racquet sports. Students will participate in skills and lead up games in pickleball, table tennis and badminton activities.
During each class, we always spend time talking about our Woodland CARES and how to show good sportsmanship while participating in PE class!
We are also focusing on Exhibiting Effort this term!
If you have any questions, please contact me at marchambeault@stgrsd.org
Stay Active!
Mr. A
Music with Mrs. Peirce
Warm greetings on this cold month!
I have to say, once again, how impressed I was of the student performances in the Winter Concert. I am so incredibly lucky to teach such talented musicians and I can't wait for the Spring Concert in May!
Second graders spent a few weeks in centers learning to use 2 music notes from the scale - sol and mi. We are now getting ready to learn about a new, higher note. Any guesses which one? First Graders have just learned about silence in music and will be practicing musical patterns on classroom instruments, like the BoomWhackers. In Kindergarten, we are learning to use our "just right" singing voices and singing together and by ourselves. Please check out January's Musician of the Month - Ravi Shankar. We've really enjoyed listening to his music.
Keep sending in those Walk-Up songs if you haven't already done so. We love being able to hear everyone's favorite song!
Mrs. Peirce
Digital Literacy with Mrs. Murray
Second graders are halfway through our coding program, typing like professionals, and will be using our new Ozobots within the next week! First graders are focusing on learning parts of the computer, moving further along with block coding, and are able to help each other when finished with a lesson!
Kindergarten has also been working on typing, coding, and are using Beebots and Coding Critters to solve puzzles and complete mazes!
We have many exciting things coming up this year in Digital Literacy, and all students are doing an amazing job!
Mrs. Murray
STEM with Mrs. Brown
Hello again Woodland families,
Students came back from winter break ready to learn, and we got right to work. In STEM we are currently learning about different habitats. A habitat is a place where something lives and has everything it needs to survive. First and Second grades have already learned about the polar and desert habitats. (Did you know Antarctica is a desert? Your kids do!) We will be learning about the rainforest and ocean habitats next. Kindergarten has been learning about the Arctic and polar bears, and Antarctica and penguins. As always, I’m so impressed by all of the amazing facts and information that students in every grade level have to share!
--Mrs. Brown