Superintendent Community Update
May 24, 2024

A Message From Superintendent Presta
Dear JUHSD Community,
As we enter the final week of this school year, I'd like to share a few numbers with you...four to be exact. ONE week of school remains until we start our summer vacation. TWO more months until we open our new District Office and Adult Education Campus. THREE graduation ceremonies are now in the books. FOUR additional graduation ceremonies to go.
The last day of the 2023-2024 school year is on Friday, May 31. During the summer break, I encourage our rising students to rest and relax for their return to JUHSD on August 7. To our graduates, use this time to fully live in the moment, as you prepare to enter a wonderful new time in your lives.
In mid-July, we'll officially open the doors to our new District Office and Adult Education Campuses housed at 123 Edgemont Drive in Daly City, close to Westmoor High School. The unveiling of our cutting-edge District Office and Adult Education Campus marks a special moment in meeting the long-standing needs of our District. Appreciating the years we spent in our current Serramonte Del Rey building (formerly Serramonte High School), the transition to our new LEED Certified green buildings is a well-deserved upgrade for both our dedicated staff and eager students.
This past week, graduation ceremonies were held at three of our sites: Thornton High School (May 21), Terra Nova High School (May 23), and Oceana High School (May 23). Attending all three ceremonies was an honor and I was filled with immense pride throughout each one. Witnessing families and friends erupt in joyous cheers for the graduates, hearing student leaders share inspiring commencement speeches and staff members delivering heartfelt words of commendation to their students, and seeing our seniors make their grand entrance in their caps and gowns was absolutely awesome. I enjoyed every moment of this milestone occasion for our Class of 2024. Scroll below to see photos from these three ceremonies!
As we approach the culmination of the school year, I eagerly anticipate attending the remaining four graduation ceremonies. I look forward to the opportunity to celebrate the successes of our graduating students from Westmoor High School (May 29), Jefferson High School (May 30), Adult School (May 30), and the Adult Transition Program (May 31). Click here to see site graduation schedules.
Memorial Day Holiday
As Monday is Memorial Day, please take this three day weekend to reflect on the sacrifices of those who served and honor their memory, while also taking time to rest and rejuvenate with loved ones. In observance of this day, all District sites will be closed on May 27.
Toni Presta
Memorial Day Holiday
No School on Monday
Thornton High School, May 21
Terra Nova High School, May 23
Oceana High School, May 23
⭐ Student Spotlight ⭐
Rheyeana Jaeyz Estacio, WHS
For this week's Student Spotlight, JUHSD would like to recognize Westmoor High School 12th grader Rheyeana Jaeyz Estacio.
Throughout her time at WHS, Rheyeana has been an stellar student, actively engaged in a variety of extracurricular activities. From her involvement in student government to her performing with the school's award-winning choir, along with her invaluable contribution to our school's cafeteria as a student employee, Rheyeana has demonstrated a commendable work ethic, leadership skills, and a passion for service.
Beyond her commitments within the school, Rheyeana has also fostered a diverse set of interests and hobbies. Whether she is indulging in gaming adventures, whipping up treats in the kitchen, delving into the pages of a good book, or signing along to her favorite tunes, she embodies the spirit of exploration and creativity.
After graduating from WHS next week, Rheyeana plans to take a mental health break and explore possible job opportunities within the District and community. After this break, she plans to pursue a college degree in cybersecurity.
Rheyeana understands the importance of prioritizing mental health and well-being. When asked about giving wellness advice to other students, she had this to say: "Take breaks! Mental health is very important; everything else can wait when you need that break. Wellness has helped me get through school and I couldn't be more grateful for allowing myself to take these breaks."
Rheyeana thanks WHS Choir Director Stephanie Stewart, Activities Director Michael Simon, Cafeteria Manager Zoyla Acuna, and Wellness Counselor Michael Fung, along with all of her teachers, for their never-ending support of her.
JUHSD wishes Rehyeana the very best as she embarks on her post high school journey and beyond! #juhsdproud
Shine Family Day Celebration in Daly City
Photo: JUHSD Board President Kalimah Salahuddin and Superintendent Toni Presta ride in the 10th annual Shine Family Day parade held in Daly City this past Saturday, May 18.
Photo: Jefferson High Principal John Harrigan (right) presents the school's Helping Hands Volunteer Award to Reyna Meafua, Ruth Matavao, Theresa Faapua, and Ken Gonzalez during this past Saturday's Shine Family Day community event in Daly City.
We Want Your LCAP Feedback
Each year, JUHSD actively engages with our community stakeholders to help refine our District's Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Your insights are pivotal in this process and we invite you to take a moment to review the LCAP actions and metrics summary and share your feedback with us by filling out this Google Feedback Form. We thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!
Summer School 2024 Info
Summer School Begins June 5
Dr. Sterling He, a current Vice Principal at Westmoor High School, will serve again as this year's Summer School Principal, working closely with Thornton High School Principal Dr. Dennie Marenco and District Deputy Superintendent of Educational Services Ms. Kareen Baca.
This summer, the District is proud to offer a number of learning pathways to support your students and their learning experiences here at JUHSD. To learn more about course offerings, and the summer school registration process, please take a look here (Spanish Version, and Tagalog Version). Summer School 2024 will be held on the Westmoor High School campus, with the first day of school taking place on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.
Parents and Guardians are asked to note that students can also complete the summer school registration process through the Westmoor High School Main Office and that drop-in counseling will take place between June 3-7, 2024, 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. To schedule a time for this, please complete this request form.
Please contact Dr. Sterling He, (650) 550-7472, with any summer school-related questions or concerns.
Free Lunches This Summer
Returning this summer, Monday through Friday, June 5 to July 12 (excluding June 19 and July 4), the District Food Services Department will serve a free meal to current JUHSD students, one meal per student, from the Westmoor High School Cafeteria, Edgemont Drive side of the campus, 10:30-11:00 am. For additional information, please contact District Director of Food Services Danielle Sweeters, (650) 550-7961.
Earn College Credits While in High School
CTE Capstone Presentations
Congratulations to JUHSD's 2024 Career Technical Education (CTE) Completers! The CTE Department thanks you for all your hard work over the past two years in your CTE Pathway. CTE Completers exemplify the JUHSD's Career Technical Education Student Profile which indicates that they are global citizens, effective leaders, industry-ready in their pathway, critical thinkers, problem solvers, and leaders. Rising students! If you are interested in learning more about the CTE Pathway available at your school site, click here to view the CTE website.
Below photos: CTE Completers demonstrate the above skills during their CTE Capstone Portfolio Showcases held at Westmoor, Terra Nova, and Jefferson High Schools this past week.
Westmoor High School, May 15
Terra Nova High School, May 16
Jefferson High School, May 17
Sophomore Exhibition at Oceana High School
Oceana High's annual Sophomore Exhibition Night was held on Wednesday, May 15 in the school's cafeteria to an enthusiastic crowd of Grade 10 students, their families, and staff. The Sophomore Ex showcases two years of learning through their usage of writing and social studies skills, research, and presentation. The focus of this project is on current human rights issues happening outside of the United States. To learn more about the the Sophomore Ex, click here.
Inset photo: Sophomore Piper Killian shares her project "Bride Trafficking in Myanmar" with JUHSD Superintendent Presta during the May 15 event.
Pacifica Pride Volunteers Needed
Local students and community members are needed to help decorate for this year's Pacifica Pride Festival, held at Ingrid B. Lacy Middle School in Pacifica, on May 31, 3:00-5:00 pm and again on June 1, 9:00-10:30 am. If interested, please reach out to Pacifica Pride Committee Member Mary Bier, mbier@jeffersonunion.net.
Join San Mateo County's YAB!
The San Mateo County Behavioral Health Commission Youth Committee's Youth Action Board is seeking student members, especially from JUHSD!
This board believes that young leaders, like those in our schools, are essential in addressing the mental health needs of our community. Their unique insights and enthusiasm can drive positive change and create a more supportive environment for all.
If you are passionate about mental health advocacy, then this is the board in which to apply. The deadline to apply is June 1 and interested individuals can learn more and apply by clicking here.
Upcoming Events in Daly City
San Mateo Pride Festivities on June 8
Pacifica Treasures & Trivia Hunt on June 8
Annual Disaster Prep Event in August
Scholarships from the Women in CA Leadership Foundation
The Minerva Scholarship
The Minerva Scholarship program was established in 2015 by Women in California Leadership to support the advancement of postsecondary education for women. The scholarship offers female students financial assistance to meet educational expenses by annually awarding over one hundred scholarships of $3,000 each and one $10,000 Golden Minerva Scholarship. Requirements to be eligible for a Minerva Scholarship:
• Applicants must be enrolled full-time, in good academic standing at an accredited California college or university OR
• Applicants must be a graduating senior from a California high school with written proof of acceptance at an accredited institution of higher learning.
• Eligible students must identify as female.
• Have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5.
• Submit a completed online application with all required supplementary documents by the application deadline.
Please note: Applications and all supplementary documents must be submitted together online. Submissions will not be accepted via mail, in-person delivery, or through legislative offices. The deadline to apply is May 31, 2024. Learn more here.
Breaking Barriers: Supporting Women in STEM
Breaking Barriers is designed to help women successfully pursue and complete education or training in a STEM field. For 2024, Breaking Barriers will provide 5 multi-year awards of $3,000 to $5,000 per year for female students enrolled in certification, apprenticeship, or other STEM-specific job training programs, or who are pursuing a STEM degree at an accredited institution of higher learning. Requirements to be eligible for Breaking Barriers:
• Applicants must be enrolled in good standing apprenticeship, certification, or other program that provides job training for a STEM field, or supply written proof of acceptance for an apprenticeship, certification, or other program that provides job training for a STEM field; OR
• Be a student in good standing with written proof that their degree program is in a STEM-related field at an accredited college or university, with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.8.
• Eligible students must identify as female.
• Submit a completed online application with all required supplementary documents by the application deadline.
Please note: Applications and all supplementary documents must be submitted together online. Submissions will not be accepted via mail, in-person delivery, or through legislative offices. Complete requirements and details for the Breaking Barriers (including the application) are now available on the Women in California Leadership Foundation’s website
Free books, scholarships, and more from the Daly City Public Library!
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Every May, we celebrate the historical and cultural contributions of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) – a group that includes more than 24 million Americans across the country, with 6.7 million in California alone.
The AANHPI community has made lasting contributions to our nation’s economic prosperity, technological advancements, and social/political change while navigating significant cultural and systemic barriers. Learn more through the National Endowment for the Humanities, which provides resources centering around the experiences, achievements, and perspectives of the AANHPI community. Learn more here.
Jewish American Heritage Month
Jewish American Heritage Month provides an opportunity for all to celebrate and draw inspiration from Jewish Americans’ many contributions to our nation’s history and culture.
Jewish Americans have faced discrimination and adversity, with many continuing to be impacted by antisemitism. This year, we recognize May as Jewish American Heritage Month and encourage all to celebrate Jewish Americans and work to erase antisemitism in our communities and nation. Learn more here.
Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental health is essential to our overall well-being, yet schools across San Mateo County are reporting increasing numbers of students are experiencing mental health challenges.
School-based mental health services help address barriers to learning and provide appropriate student and family support. As we enter Mental Health Awareness Month, we encourage all educators, students, and families to prioritize their mental health and support others in receiving the help they need. Needing extra support? Visit the District's Wellness Page for more!
Summer Vacation Mental Health Resources from the JUHSD Wellness Department
2024 JUHSD Graduation Ceremony Schedules
JUHSD's Equity Statement
Contact JUHSD: communication@jeffersonunion.net