Welcome Back
Welcome Back to the 2024-2025 School Year
Our Meet the Teacher Event will be Monday, August 12th from 4:30-6:00. This come and go event will be a fun time to meet your student's new teacher, connect with other families, purchase Smith spirit items from our PTA, and interact with students from our feeder schools. We can't wait to see you!
Teacher Letters for Class Placements
Our office staff has been hard at work updating enrollment information and scheduling students for their new classes! Information from the office and newsletters from new homeroom teachers have been mailed to all families who have updated information and completed online enrollment. Check your mailboxes at the end of the this week to learn who your new homeroom teacher will be for the coming school year! All letters should arrive by Friday, August 9th or Saturday, August 10th.
School Supply Lists
Below is the Smith specific school supply list for each grade level
Please note that headphones are not required for each student to use with their chromebook as the school has some headphones that students may share and use in the classroom. However, parents may purchase individual headphones for their child's personal use at school. Headphones will be used in all grade levels. There are many affordable wired headphone options available in stores and online that work great. Remember to label your students headphones if you decide to purchase these.
Our school supply list is also available on our website: https://www.lubbockisd.org/o/smith/article/1653951
You're Invited to Help Chalk the Walk
Our PTA is excited to host the annual "Chalk the Walk" event for all community members and families who are interested in attending. Bring your chalk and leave encouraging messages around the sidewalks the evening before school starts as a fun way to help welcome our Smith Stars back!
Arrival & Dismissal Maps
Drive safe and help keep our students safe at arrival and dismissal times. Ensure your student is prepared to quickly exit your vehicle each morning at designated drop off areas to ensure that traffic flow is not interrupted. Please remember that students and adults should only cross roads and driveways at designated crosswalk areas. Our coaches, administrators, and 5th grade safety patrol students are always available to help keep our Stars safe at arrival & dismissal times!