Aspen High School
Student and Family Weekly Update
September 4th
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Dear Students & Families,
I hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend. We had an incredibly successful Ex Ed week this year; hopefully your students have shared with you all that they learned and experienced. Now we are getting into all of our academics, so students will begin to take assessments on summer work, pre-assessments to determine what they might already know, and have the opportunity to switch classes if they have been placed in the wrong course. Students have until September 13th to change classes; after that time no changes will be made unless it is a teacher recommendation.
IB Spotlight
We are excited to celebrate the synergy between IB & Ex Ed. While students were out on their courses, they reflected during daily journal time; they highlighted the relevant IB Learner Profile Traits (e.g., risk taking, caring, and open-mindedness rose to the top), and some students found inspiration for both Personal Projects and CAS Projects!
Students and staff should stay home if they are sick. They may return to school/work when symptoms are resolved and fever/vomit free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
Traffic and 8am Start Time
Many people experienced the traffic today and were really late. Please carpool, bike, walk, or use the bus if you can. If you must drive, please leave early to ensure you arrive on time!
Virtual Fall Sports Parent Meeting TONIGHT!!
As the Fall sports season is underway, we would like to invite you to our Virtual Fall Sports Parents Meeting. This meeting is a crucial opportunity for us to discuss important information regarding the season, introduce coaching staff, and address any questions or concerns you may have.
Meeting Details
Date: Wednesday, September 4th
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Via Zoom (ZOOM LINK)
Meeting ID: 898 0849 6604
One tap mobile: 719-359-4580
Please make every effort to attend this meeting, as it will provide valuable insights and help ensure a successful and enjoyable fall sports season for both the student-athletes and their families.
Immediately following, student-athletes / parents will transition to sports specific meetings with your fall coaches.
High School Bus Routes
There are only two buses that run on NON-Early Release Wednesdays. One bus goes down the Highway 82 corridor ending at Aspen Village and one that goes up to Snowmass.
We are not offering transportation to Aspen, Cemetery Lane, or Woody Creek. They are the last listed routes on the full route page, and should show up on the second page.
The Bus Loop Order shows how the buses line up outside the high school.
Buses leave campus at 3:32 pm on regular release days, and at 2:02 pm on early release Wednesdays.
Lunch Volunteers Wanted!!! AES, AMS, & AHS
Are you passionate about promoting healthy eating habits and making a positive impact in our community?
Come and join us as a lunch server volunteer!
Picture Day, September 20th
CLICK HERE to view the ordering flyer!
You can also order online by going to www.mymjthomas.com and entering our school's event code. (Event Code: C363)
If you have any questions or concerns about pictures please call MJ Thomas Photo at
College Outreach
Colorado Western Slope College Fair Details:
Date: Sunday, October 6, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Location: Aspen, Colorado
Find Your Future At The Fair - Click here for the English Flyer, or the Spanish Flyer
Visit the website: https://www.cwscollegeoutreach.org/
From Post Secondary
For September 4
Seniors: Application Workshops start Tuesday September 10th
Three times per week, seniors have the opportunity to sit down with Karen, Brennan, and Susanne to fill out their applications and work on essays and activities sections. No matter where students are in the process, Application Workshops will help seniors move forward. Please join us!
Community Events, Volunteer & Job Opportunities, and MORE!!
If you would like to join the Aspen High School Parent Group, learn more about volunteer opportunities or other ways to stay connected to the school community, please take a moment to fill out this form with your contact information and areas of interest. We are also looking for a few families to sponsor/co-sponsor our teacher appreciation back to school events. If you are interested in sponsoring or have any questions regarding opportunities for parent involvement, please contact Alyssa at aspenhighschoolparentgroup@gmail.com.
AHS Booster Club
The AHS Booster Club needs your help! Become a Family Member https://sfnd.io/897j2 or a Corporate Sponsor https://sfnd.io/5yr88. Gain free access to home games and events AND publicly link your business with Skier Country! We can also use your help at one of our home games- come work the Red Wagon or volunteer at the Booster table. aspenbooster@gmail.com. Go Skiers!
New Youth Program Launching in the Fall!
Join as a founding member of a new program empowering youth to build inter-faith understanding and serve their community with a unified sense of purpose and compassion.
The program, called "Aspen Teen Giving Circle: Bridging Communities Through Education and Service," aims to cultivate an understanding of shared values and foster cohesion among Roaring Fork Valley teens. Through exploring Judeo-Christian shared ethical, moral, and cultural values, participants will discuss how different faiths encourage community service and support for the needy. The Aspen Community Foundation (ACF) will provide the infrastructure for the teens to put to practice the values they learn about by engaging in charitable work through both philanthropy and volunteerism.
Program Overview:
- Monthly educational sessions led by spiritual leaders and educators - Rabbi Sima Oster (Aspen Jewish Congregation), Dan Dangler (Young Life Area Director), and Allison Alexander (ACF Director of Strategic Partnerships and Communication)
- Exploration of ethical imperatives of giving back as outlined in various religious scriptures.
- Analysis of fundraising principles and methods.
- Fundraising and service activities benefiting selected non-profits in the Roaring Fork Valley.
- Kickoff Event: Sunday, September 15, 5-7pm
Seven Sessions (Wednesdays, 7-9pm):
- September 25, 2024
- November 6, 2024
- December 4, 2024
- January 8, 2025
- February 12, 2025
- March 12, 2025
- April 9, 2025
Register to become a founding member of the Teen Giving Circle by completing this FORM
Seeking Colorado Youth Applicants for Climate Summit Leaders
The first ever statewide Colorado Youth Climate Summit for youth 16+ and young adults across Colorado. The 2-day Youth Climate Summit will be held in Carbondale, Colorado May 2-3, 2025.
Seeking motivated, passionate young people 16 and older to apply to serve on the Youth Summit Leader Team, as well as adults interested in serving as advisors. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, September 17th.
The mission of the Colorado Youth Climate Summit is to create engaging opportunities for rural Colorado youth to become empowered as climate action leaders and advocates statewide. It is a youth driven program that ensures students are deeply involved in every aspect of the program, including summit design, planning, and implementation.
Sarah Strassburger
Principal, Aspen High School
School Phone #: (970) 315-3516
Email: sstrassburger@aspenk12.net
Website: https://ahs.aspenk12.net/en-US
Location: 235 High School Road, Aspen, CO, USA
Aspen School District Main Phone #: (970) 925-3760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AspenHighSchool