4J Parent News
June 2024, Volume 1

Information for Eugene School District 4J parents and guardians
In this message
• Summer is Here: School's out; we hope you have a fun, relaxing and safe summer break
• Class of 2024: Congratulations to our more than 1,300 high school graduates
• Summer Programs: 4J will offer academic enrichment, free meals and more over break
• High School Intensives: Sign up now for summer short courses that are educational, fun
• New Leaders: Meet the new principals, district leaders selected for coming school year
• New Curriculum: Attend June 18 open house to learn more about secondary ELA materials
• Firearm Safety: Follow five easy step to protect your child over the summer
• Getting Ready: It's not too late to register and prepare your child for their first year of school
• Fun Runs: Save the date — third annual fundraising runs set for October 6
• School News: Promoting eighth graders, electric car racers, cereal box designers, and more!
• Work for 4J: Serve local youth and the community — apply for a job at 4J today!
Have a relaxing and safe summer break and we'll see you in September! The first day for Kindergarten and grades 6 & 9 is on Sept. 4. All students attend on Sept. 5. For 2024-25 and 2025-26 calendars, visit 4j.lane.edu/calendars.
They learned, grew, worked hard and now they've graduated! Congratulations to the more than 1,300 graduates of the Class of 2024 who received their diplomas during six graduation ceremonies over the last week.
Summer 2024: Enrichment, Free Meals and More!
Students may be out of school, but they will still have the opportunity to enrich themselves, connect with peers and enjoy free meals over the summer.
4J provides services to support our students year-round, and this summer is no exception. 4J teachers and staff will lead high school short courses, ready incoming kindergartners and ninth graders for the coming school year, and provide additional academic supports to students. And that's not all. 4J will offer free meals over the summer and help enroll students for the coming school year. You can learn about all 4J's summer program on the 4J website.
More Opportunities for Summer Learning
4J’s high school summer intensive program is back for another season. The program offers fun and exciting short-span classes for students entering 9-12 grade to extend their learning into the summer months. Courses are designed and led by outstanding 4J licensed educators and reflect the curiosities and passions of both students and teachers. Students can register for up to three classes now with the possibility of additional classes later, depending on availability. Questions? Email summerintensives@4j.lane.edu or call 541-731-0199.
Meet Your New School Leaders For the Coming Year
Several 4J schools and departments will have new leadership in 2024–25. Some administrators are moving to new positions in 4J, others are new to our district. Welcome to these education leaders!
Secondary English Language Arts Adoption Update
We are excited to announce that our school district has adopted a new English language arts curriculum for both middle school and high school. This comprehensive video update provide more information about the adoption, part of our ongoing commitment to provide the highest quality education for our students.
The new middle school curriculum is Amplify ELA, and the high school curriculum is HMH Into Literature. Both have been carefully selected following a comprehensive review involving teachers, educational leaders and families following district policy to ensure they meet the diverse needs of our student body, align with state standards, and promote equitable access to educational materials for every student. We believe these adoptions will enhance our instructional practices and better prepare our students for future academic and personal success.
Families are invited to invited to attend an open house on Tuesday, June 18, from 2–4 p.m., at 2295 Four Oaks Grange Road (the former Bailey Hill Elementary School building) to learn more about the selected curriculum materials. If you have any questions or need further information about the new curriculum, please do not hesitate to complete this form to contact us.
Summer Safety: Secure Your Firearms
Secure firearm storage is an essential part of home and vehicle safety. Storing firearms securely can help prevent unintentional shootings, suicide by gun, and theft of guns later used in crimes. Unintentional shootings occur most frequently at times when children are likely to be home, including during the summer. Firearms are now a leading cause of death of children, both in Oregon and nationally.
Be SMART for Kids national, nonpartisan safety program focusing on secure gun storage, provides families with five simple steps to help prevent a gun-related tragedy: Secure all guns in homes and vehicles; Model responsible behaviors; Ask about firearms in other homes your child visits; Recognize the role of guns in suicide; and Tell your peers to Be SMART. Details for each of these steps can be found on the Be SMART for Kids website.
Register & Ready Your Kinder for Coming School Year
Help us and your child prepare for their first year.
You can register using the online and paper methods with details found on the 4J website. Stop by our district office at 200 N. Monroe St. from 3:30–6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 10, Wednesday, July 10, and Tuesday, Aug. 6 for assistance completing the paperwork and get answers to any questions you have. You can also call 541-790-7712 or email enroll@4j.lane.edu.
Familiarize yourself with the schedule for 4J's Kindergarten Smart Start schedule on the 4J website. The program's staggered start allows for smaller classes and time to connect with families, giving teachers the opportunity to understand your child’s unique strengths as well as their academic and social needs from the very beginning. In addition, Kids in Transition to School has added a waitlist for its summer program, which runs June 28–August 8. The waitlist closes July 3.
Save the Date: Fundraising Runs Set for Oct. 6
Join Eugene Education Foundation, 4J schools, and the community for the third annual 5K for 4J and Fun Run, Roll & Stroll on Sunday, October 6 at Alton Baker Park. Proceeds help support 4J schools by funding 4J educator-requested grants, directly impacting the lives of our students. Mark your calendars now, we can't wait to see you there! More details will be released as we get closer to the big event.
In The News ...
Join The Team, Apply for 4J Jobs
Athletic Director • Behavior Consultant • BEST Site Program Coordinator • Bus Aides • Bus Drivers • Counselor • Communications Director • Educational Assistants • Human Resources Administrator • Human Resources Director • Jewish Student Union Program Coordinator • Occupational Therapist • PE/Health Teacher • Plumber Specialist • Risk & School Safety Administrator • School Psychologist • Science Teacher • Senior Groundskeeper • Special Education Teacher • and more!