Metro West GLRS
2024-2025 Professional Learning Offerings
Serving Clayton, Cobb, Douglas, and Forsyth Counties; Atlanta Public Schools and Marietta City Schools; Metro Atlanta State Commisioned Charter Schools and the Department of Juvenile Justice.
This 5-session professional development series for school teams will focus on developing a deeper understanding and application of Specially Designed Instruction (SDI). ATSI schools will have priority registration.
SDI Cohort Kickoff: July 22nd or August 6th @ 10am-11pm (school teams choose one to attend, virtual)
Pre-school and Early Learning
This professional learning is geared toward school-based staff who work pre-k learners. This training will address innovative ways to adapt curriculum and modify instruction, and highly effective techniques to foster and maximize student independence.
Click Here to register.
Special Ed Instructional Coaches Cohort
This in-person cohort is specially designed with the participant feedback and personalized goals in mind. Each gathering will be hosted by a different district in the Atlanta Metro area. Topics will include Specially Designed Instruction, HLPs, Assistive Technology, Explicit Instruction, Instructional Coaching mindsets, and best practices.
Click here to register.
IEP Meeting Facilitation Training
During this 2-Day (12 hour) workshop, Key2Ed provides intensive training in conflict prevention and IEP Meeting Facilitation for school districts throughout the country. This training concentrates on providing the specific tools and techniques for improving positive communication, reducing conflict, and focusing the meeting on the needs of the student. Participants will practice facilitation in IEP meeting simulations based on real-life IEP meeting situations so that they have the chance to practice the skills presented in a safe learning environment and are prepared to go out and implement these skills the very next day.
Click Here to register.
Individualized Education Programs
Designed specifically for special education teachers. This in-depth IEP training will cover best practices for developing, implementing, and monitoring Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Participants will learn how to create effective, compliant IEPs tailored to meet each student’s unique needs. The training will include hands-on activities, case studies, and collaborative discussions to enhance understanding and application of IEP processes.
Click Here to register.
Knowledge of Practices and Standards (KPS) Literacy and Dyslexia Cohort
his cohort will engage in professional learning surrounding topics that focus on Knowledge of Practices and Standards (KPS) related to diverse reading profiles and the following topic(s):
- Addressing pathways Georgia Early Literacy Act HB 538- with TA support.
- High-leverage practices to bring awareness to literary practices to support Dyslexia and Dysgraphia.
- Increased awareness of instructional practices and training available from the GADOE
Click Here to register.
Building Relationships: Focus Co-Teaching Pairs Mid-Year Check-in
This course is designed to help general educators and special educators strengthen their professional relationships as co-teachers. Participants will explore strategies for effective communication, conflict resolution, shared planning, and mutual support. Through interactive and practical activities, group discussions, and reflective opportunities, educators will strengthen their collaborative partnership that will impact teaching and student outcomes. Join us in this journey to build stronger, more effective relationships with your co-teacher and create a thriving educational experience for your students.
Click Here to register.
Cross Functional Monitoring Overview for Metro State Charters
This professional learning course is specifically for Metro State Charters that will be going through Cross Functional Monitoring in FY'25. Instructors will provide an overview of the special education Cross Functional Monitoring process to metro charter schools' special education directors. The instructors will also provide targeted support and assistance with districts Policies, Practices and Procedures Manual using the GA State Rules Outline and student records using the Due Process Checklist. The directors will be allotted time to network with each other as they evaluate their manuals. They will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive specific feedback.
Click Here to register.
Utilizing Explicit Instruction
Utilizing Anita Archer’s 13 Elements of Explicit Instruction, participants will gain a deep understanding of how to design and deliver content efficiently and effectively. Additional High Leverage Practices (HLPs) will be embedded in this evidence-based pedagogy for special education students. We will dive deep into the importance of opportunities to respond, memory retrieval, direct instruction of vocabulary, and judicious practice.
Click Here to register.
Facilitating Restorative Conferences
This two-day professional development opportunity should be taken after the Intro to Restorative Practices and Circles course. Facilitating restorative conferences is an advanced-level practice on the responsive side of the restorative continuum. Participants will dive deep into discipline data, the fair process, what role shame plays in the restorative process, and the conference cycle. Role-playing and facilitating rehearsal will be slated for Day 2.
Click Here to register.
Georgia Teacher Provider Retention Program (State Charter)
For State Charter Schools with priority for ATSI Charters.
This professional learning series will provide opportunities for New Special Education Teachers to learn and practice strategies for implementing HLPs and supporting the development of IEPs as part of the Georgia Teacher Retention Program (GaTPRP). New Special Education Teachers will have an opportunity to interact and practice lessons with Avatars as part of a Mixed Reality Simulation. This is a collaboration with Kennesaw State University and The Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL).
Specially Designed Instruction Book Study
Author Anne M. Beninghof provides practical insight on how to plan and implement specially designed instruction for our most vulnerable populations in her book “Specially Designed Instruction: Increasing Success for Students with Disabilities”. We will gather virtually for facilitated dialogue amongst peers and develop action plans to equip teachers in the 2024-2025 school year.
Click Here to register.
Check & Connect Prep & Implementation
Check & Connect is an evidence-based mentoring intervention for K-12 students who show warning signs of disengagement with school and who are at risk of dropping out. This training provides education administrator and lead staff (decision-making stakeholders) with a thorough overview of Check and Connect and its background as well as information about how to prepare their site for implementing Check and Connect.
For more information contact Kimberly Simmons at
Digging Deeper into Processing Deficits Online Module
This self-guided learning module will equip participants to understand and utilize best practices related to 5 of the most common processing deficits.
- Session 1: Executive Functioning
- Session 2: Auditory Processing
- Session 3: Visual Processing
- Session 4: Memory and Processing Speed
- Session 5: Reasoning
Click Here to register.
Consortia / Job-Alikes
Contact Kimberly Gregory (
Check & Connect Professional Learning Community
Contact Kimberly Simmons (
Metro Atlanta Restorative Practices Professional Learning Community
Contact Beverly Maxwell (
Colleague Cafe Compliance Consortum
Contact Kimberly Simmons (