The Dolphin Dispatch
"HERE WE GROW" January 20th, 2024

Important Dates Ahead:
Important Dates Ahead:
2/05- Carlo, Monica, and Brian out for Math Framework at the COE
2/07 Fire Drill 11AM
2/14- No School Lincoln Day
2/17- No School Presidents Day
2/21- 4th/ 5th Grade Invention Convention- parents welcome! 10AM-11:30AM
2/20- Pages and PJ's-Thursday 6-7pm (more details to come)
2/26- Home and School Club Meeting 6-7:30pm
2/27- IEP Parent University Night, led by Laura Currier, Carissa Lemos, and Carlo Albano
2/28- Spirit Day PJ Day
Daily Bell Schedule
SUESD Elementary Academic Calendar
TK/ Kinder Academic Calendar
Principal's Message
Hello SCG Community,
Before anything else, a big shout out to Ellie Andes and all of the community and staff that rallied to make the "Help LA" Fundraiser a true success. It is top tier and the very best we can do when a student, in this case a 3rd grader, has an idea for a noble deed that we can help turn into a reality. Thank you for the yard sale donations, the bakery and drinks, and the company! $2,300 has been donated from this event to neighboring LA community Altadena.
A second shout out to parents helping with Home and School Club- this is truly an essential task. It helps our school to function in ways that are vital and meaningful to our kids- enrichment, events, fundraising, our SAGE program. We need your help. Thank you for reaching out and attending Home and School Club events and Meetings.
It was a productive week of Winter Conferences last week and the themes of the The Great Kindness Challenge Week coincided. Thank you for all you do to support your children and our greater SCG community of kids and families.
Please keep an eye on the dates and events at the top of the Dispatch and in the Snapshots below. Thank you for making SCG great! Here We Grow!
Please read the important updates, exciting news, and need-to-know's about our school below.
In Partnership,
Principal Carlo Albano
SCG Kindness
Ellie Andes, Community, and the Help LA Fundraiser
Coach Cody, Mr. Eric, and Tsunami the SCG Dolphin
Counselor Sue's Corner
It was a wonderful highlight of our Kindness month in January to infuse a Great Kindness Challenge Week. What's more important than getting a good education and spreading the virtue of kindness in the world?! More to come for February and the theme of Cooperation and Teamwork.
Snapshots, Links, and Upcoming Event Details
SAGE Video and Op Ed- More to come on the creation of a SAGE Video and Op Ed to begin marketing and fundraising for our program... to keep our SAGE program as a model of 21st century educational greatness and graduating eco-steward leaders of today. I am currently working on a video with a team of amazing, dedicated adults and students.
Pages n PJ's- Thursday 2/20, 6-7pm- The next Art Contest Begins. This Art template flier will be in your children's backpack soon! Please Hype up Pages and PJ's and have your student do their art piece- "Mother Language" is the theme again this year- please talk about what this means as a home discussion.
February's themes- Character and First Thursday Assembly- Teamwork and Cooperation! The SAGE Emphasis this month is Cause and Effect, Harvest of the Month is Brassica (like cabbage)
COAT- An easy doc for reference to how student talk is going in our classrooms- Getting strong talk for all students our kids in 2025- 1) Posing Ideas 2) Supporting Ideas 3) Clarifying ideas 4) Active Listening skills
The principal and one of the DLI teachers at Soquel Elementary will be holding a virtual Dual Language Immersion Parent Information meeting for the 2025/26 school year on February 5th, at 5 pm. It will consist of a short presentation, information about the DLI daily student experience, and time for questions. Here is the Zoom link for the meeting:
You can also find more information about the DLI program by clicking on this link.
Please help to spread this awesome news to our community- free college money in CA! Feel free to copy and paste. Did you know that all students born July 1, 2022, are eligible for a free college account (a 529 Plan)? Also, some students born earlier than that are eligible for even larger amounts of college funding. It's easy to check eligibility on CalKids. If you have any questions please reach out to us so we can help you. Don't pass up the chance for free money for college! For your information:
Newborns: Up to $100
School-Aged Students: $500 for Low-Income, Foster, or Housing Challenged
Measure P Master Facilities Plans- new Field this summer, vital upgrades to follow- linked here.
- Home and School Club Calendar of Events- You make our community better! : )
Upcoming and Current 2025 SCG SAGE Projects underway with more updates to come :
Winter/Spring: Native Bird Garden 2.0
Spring: Pollinator Data Collection Boxes
Spring: Native Bee Boxes Project in SAGE Garden
New Articles on the website:
1) 2024 in review- SCG's Top 10! Our most viewed and monumental Website Articles in Review
2) SCG recognized by County Supervisor Manu Koenig for Achieving Green School Certification
3) Upper Grades Create New Compost Sifters for the Living Classroom including video
4) Carlo Featured as the statewide Transformative CalHope Leader
TK/ Kinder Calendar (keep a copy at the ready to refer to TK/ K Families- there are some differences to the other grades).
Whole School Elementary Calendar- new families, note that all Fridays are Minimum Days with release times by lunch.
SCPL Library Offerings: Awesome reading programs, homework help and more!