The Bulldog Newsbites
Week of August 12, 2024
We have had a great start to the 2024/2025 school year. It is going to be an amazing year of growth and learning for all of our students. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we work together to make Eden CISD a place of growth, integrity, and community. Here's to a wonderful start and a successful school year ahead! GO BULLDOGS!
Eden CISD Student Drop Off and Pick Up Areas
Morning Drop Off (Doors will open at 7:30. Tardy bell rings at 7:50--students should be in the classroom when the tardy bell rings).
Elementary: Drive North on Kelly Street. Pull into the drop off/pick up lane (marked by blue arrow on the map). Students will exit vehicles onto the sidewalk. They will go up the stairs or ramp into the building (marked by an orange dot on the map). This is a drive thru lane only. Several vehicles can unload along the sidewalk at the same time (notice the blue rectangular drop off/pick up area). Do not drop off students in the parking lot.
JH and HS: Drive East on Tillman Street. Pull into the drop off/pick up lane (marked by the green arrow on the map). Students will exit vehicles onto the sidewalk. They will go into the building through the single door (marked by a yellow dot on the map). This is a drive thru lane only. Several vehicles can unload along the sidewalk at the same time (notice the green rectangular drop off/pick up area). Do not drop off students in the parking lot.
High school students who have registered to park on campus will park in the high school parking lot. The parking spaces closest to the building are reserved for teachers and staff. After parking, high school students will enter the building through the entrance by the high school parking lot.
After School Pick Up (Dismissal is at 4:20 pm for all students).
Elementary: Drive North on Kelly Street. Pull into the drop off/pick up lane (marked by the blue arrow on the map). Teachers will help students into their vehicles along the sidewalk. Several cars can load at the same time (notice the blue rectangular drop off/pick up area). Do not park in the parking lot or across the street to pick up students.
JH and HS: Drive East on Tillman Street. Pull into the drop off/pick up lane (marked by the green arrow on the map). Several cars can load at the same time (notice the green rectangular drop off/pick up area). Do not park or drive through the parking lot to pick up students.
Junior high and high school students (6-12 grade) who are passing all of their classes will have a 45 minute lunch period this year. We will be checking grades at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 9 weeks. Any student who is failing any class at the grade check will be required to attend a 15 minute tutorial each day at the beginning of lunch UNTIL the next grade check three weeks later. If they are required to be in tutorials, they will only have a 30 minute lunch break for that 3-week period.
High school students (9-12 grade) may leave campus for lunch. Students must be in their 5th period class when the tardy bell rings. The first time a student fails to return to class on time after lunch, they will receive a warning. The second time will result in a loss of off campus lunch privileges for 9 weeks.
Junior high students (6-8 grade) may only leave campus for lunch with their parent/guardian.
Friday, August 23 is the end of the first 3 weeks. We will be running grade checks at that time. Please remind your students to have all work turned in by that date.
We will conduct various emergency drills throughout the school year in compliance with TEA requirements for student safety. We will have our first fire drill of the year this week.
We have challenged every student and staff member to help us reach a campus goal of reading 5,000 books this year. We would like for you to partner with us and help us reach this goal by encouraging your children, including junior high and high school, to read every day and by reading to your children as well. Elementary teachers will be sending home information on how you can record what your child has read. Junior high and high school students have been provided pages to document their reading.
In addition to our school library and classroom libraries, we have set up three bookshelves in the halls filled with books that students may pick up at any time and take home to read.
Literacy is foundational for your child’s success, influencing their ability to learn, communicate, and thrive academically and socially. Strong reading and writing skills boost confidence, enhance problem-solving abilities, and open doors to future opportunities. By supporting literacy at home, you help your child build a solid foundation for lifelong learning and achievement. Engaging in reading together and encouraging writing can foster a love for learning and set your child on a path to success.
August 16--Varsity scrimmage @Santa Anna 6:00 pm
August 22--Varsity scrimmage @Abilene Christian 6:00
August 23--End of 3 weeks progress check
August 27-Sept 6--Beginning of Year Assessments for K-2 reading
August 30--Varsity vs Paint Rock at Paint Rock 7:30