SST Sugar Land Dolphins Times
Weekly Newsletter September 12-18, 2018
Welcome to our First Newsletter
Dear SST Dolphins,
We are very excited to share our first newsletter. Every Wednesday, the school will send a newsletter to our SST Sugar Land learning community about what is going on at our school.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
1. We will have early release this Friday at 12:35 PM. There will be parent-teacher conferences between 1:00 PM. and 3:30 PM. Please contact our teachers for the details.
2. Our school uniforms have arrived. If you did not get them yet, please come and get it from our front office. All students need to wear their school uniforms.
3. We would like to introduce our admin and front office team:
Mehmet Okumus, Principal, mokumus@ssttx.org
Murat Atakov, Vice Principal, tatakov@ssttx.org
Joseph Oz, Operations Manager, joz@ssttx.org
Flor Ortega, Registrar/Lunch Clerk, fortega@ssttx.org
Victoria Stremmel, Medical Aid/Attendance Clerk vstremmel@ssttx.org
Ajdina Selimovic, Office Assistant,aselimovic@ssttx.org
4. Some of our parents wanted to spend some time during breakfast with their children. We understand this, for our first week of school. Starting on Monday, we will appreciate if you can let our front office know if you would like to spend your time with your child during breakfast or lunch.
5. Starting on Monday, each homeroom teacher and core subject teacher will be sending an email about what your child will be learning that week. We thank you so much for your trust and cooperation with us. SST Sugar Land Administration Team.
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SST Sugar Land School Pillars
SST Sugar Land School Mascot
SST Sugar Land
SST Sugar Land
The mission of the School of Science and Technology is to create a safe and healthy learning environment that nurtures, motivates, and enables our middle and high school youth to develop into mindful and responsible people who contribute to their community and to the diverse society in which we all live.
Email: info.sstsugarland@ssttx.org
Website: www.sstsugarland.org
Location: 10007 Clodine Road, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: 832-406-0955
Facebook: facebook.com/sstsugarland