Jessie Lee Parent Newsletter
November 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Parents, Students, and Families of Jessie Lee Elementary,
As we approach the end of Term One, we would like to thank the Jessie Lee student and parent community for making our first term such a great success. Thank you to each of you for making Jessie Lee such an amazing school. We appreciate your contributions as we work together as a team to enhance student learning and opportunities for social, emotional and academic development. We feel very fortunate to be part of this community of learners.
One of our school’s greatest strengths is that we encourage regular home and school communication. We encourage parents to reach out and stay connected. Telephone conversations, written notes, planner messages, scheduled face-to face meetings, and email messages can all be effective for keeping in touch as we work together to support students.
We would also like to provide a huge thank you to our PAC for their ongoing support in providing additional resources for our students and school. They have organized weekly hot lunches, Purdy’s orders, our upcoming Jessie Lee Christmas Store on December 3 and 4, our Jessie Lee pancake breakfast on December 10, and are organizing our concession for the upcoming Snow Ball on December 19. These events help fund supplemental classroom purchases with $200 per division, as well as student field trips, library resources, and more. We are very grateful for your support!
We are looking forward to a fun-filled month, and the many festivities ahead!
Warm Regards,
Ms. M. Helland and Ms. K. Beauregard
Principals, Jessie Lee Elementary
Spirit Days
Jessie Lee's Spirit Committee has put together a newsletter detailing all the spirit days this year. Please see the attachments and add them to your calendar! In addition to the spirit days in the attachment, every Friday is Spirit Wear Friday and everyone is encouraged to wear Jessie Lee attire or our school colors (blue & black). December's spirit day themes are below.
PAC Christmas Store
The Jessie Lee Christmas store is coming to Jessie Lee On Dec 3rd and 4th!
Students will be able to find fun and affordable gifts for their families and friends!
What is the Christmas Store?
Like a garage sale, PAC will be collecting new and gently used items for students to shop for their loved ones.
Take the opportunity this weekend to clean out your cluttered closets and cupboards. We are looking for donations of gently used, clean items for our Christmas store, keeping useful items out of the landfill!
Dates: We will be collecting items up until December 2nd @ 2:30pm. The Christmas store will be open to students for shopping on December 3rd and 4th. Mark it on your calendars!
Time and Place: During school hours in the Gym. The store will be open to students only. Each class will be brought down throughout the day to have the opportunity to shop.
Cost: All Items will be $1. No large bills, please. Please send a bag with your child to carry their treasures.
Drop-Off: Please drop off your donations in the boxes by the office on or before Dec 2nd @ 2:30pm.
Desired Items:
Kitchen items: mugs, dishes, bowls etc. ** Ornaments & Decorations: seasonal items or other trinkets ** Books Unopened bath/beauty products ** Jewelry/watches ** Frames, Art, pictures, posters ** Toys (unbroken and clean) ** Unused (but no longer wanted) candles ** “Complete” games and puzzles ** DVD, CD, Video games ** Sporting equipment, tools, garage and car stuff ** Small unwanted appliances that work ** Other wonderful things we have not thought of!
NO STUFFED ANIMALS!! (please save for Fun Fair donation)
This year, we hope students can wrap their gifts before bringing them home. To make this happen, we need your unwanted wrapping paper, gift bags, boxes, bows, ribbon, tape, etc.
Our time for sorting items will be limited, and we will not be able to clean or check if they work, so please be mindful of what you are donating. All leftover items will be donated to charity.
This store is a lot of fun and gives our students a sense of pride as they shop for their loved ones. It's also a great way for parents/guardians to clean out closets before Christmas, and if nothing else, it’s worth a million laughs on Christmas morning!
As always, we appreciate your support!
Sincerely, Jessie Lee PAC
eConnect Online
Foundry Virtual BC
Foundry Virtual BC is thrilled to share the launch of a provincial awareness campaign geared towards male-identifying youth (see our Surrey Schools news story). The campaign features a powerful 1-minute video that illustrates the “negative” voice in your head that wants to be honest and express how you’re feeling when you’re not okay – but often don’t.
EMS Parent Learning Evening
Earl Marriott Secondary will be hosting social media expert Jesse Miller on Thursday November 28th at 6pm in the Wheelhouse Theatre. Please RSVP here. Where it asks which EMS child you are connected with, please put Jessie Lee. Admission is by donation and all proceeds will go to Alex House.
YMCA Before & After School Care
Are you looking for before and after school care?
The YMCA Kids Club has opened a before and after school care program at this school site.
Part time and full-time spaces.
For more information or to register please email ymcakidsclubs@bc.ymca.ca
Student Absences
If your child will be away please ensure that you are emailing jessielee@surreyschools.ca to inform us. You can also leave a message at 604.531.8833 - Option 1. You can email or call at any time of the day or night. Every child needs to be accounted for and this saves our staff a lot of time in follow up phone calls.
Important reminders about our parking lot:
The parking spots at Jessie Lee are for staff only. Please do NOT pull into any spots in the parking lot. If you have a handicapped decal, you may park in the designated handicapped spaces.
The parking area is one way only and a drop off lane only. Please do not park in the lane and get out of your vehicle. Stay in your vehicle while you say goodbye to your children and have them exit on the side closest to the curb.
The road directly in front of the school on 154th St. is also a NO PARKING zone. Please do not park there.
Surrey Police will be patrolling the road and issuing tickets to those that do not follow the parking rules.
If any parents would like to volunteer to monitor the lot in the morning please let the office know.
Dec 3 & 4 PAC Christmas Store
Dec 10 PAC Pancake Breakfast
Dec 13 Report Cards go home
Dec 16-20 Spirit Days Winter Break Theme (See below)
Dec 19 Snow Ball (Dance) for Families
Dec 20 Last day of school before Winter Break
December 16: Red and Green Day - Show your holiday spirit by wearing festive red and green.
December 17: Tinsel Tuesday - Wear your sparkle! Tinsel will be available at the office for students who would like to attach it to their clothing.
December 18: Holiday Sweater Day - Feel free to wear a regular sweater and decorate it with holiday items! Craft supplies such as bows will be available at the office to attach to sweaters.
December 19: Winter Hat Day - Wear your coziest winter hat or a fun holiday-themed one!
December 20: Pajama Day - Stay cozy in your favorite pajamas for the last day before winter break!
Jessie Lee Elementary
2064 154 Street, Surrey, BC V4A 4S3
(604) 531-8833
Website: https://www.surreyschools.ca/jessie
email: jessielee@surreyschools.ca