What's Quackin' at Sussex?
Sussex Monthly Newsletter * October 2024
Message from the Principal
Hello, Sussex families!
It is hard to believe we are already one month into the school year! In just a few short weeks, we have had some QUACK-tastic things happening here at Sussex- from students developing a passion for writing, to many positive office referrals, to growth in our problem solving skills, we are off to an exciting start to the school year.
Recently, all grade levels participated in BCPS Student Handbook talks with me. During our 'talks,' we discussed what the BCPS Student Handbook is, students' rights and responsibilities as a member of Team BCPS and our Sussex family, logical consequences for unsafe choices, resources for social-emotional skills, and resources for monitoring one's attendance. Each student received a copy of the 2024-2025 BCPS Student Handbook and are required to sign the last page with a parent or guardian and return the page to school. Links to the BCPS Student Handbook and other resources are provided for you below! Thank you for your continued support in keeping Sussex a safe community for all students!
Beginning Monday, October 7th, we will be making one small adjustment to our dismissal procedures based on feedback from parents and guardians- The entrance to the bus loop will be closed prior to the start of dismissal. We remind families that the entrance to the bus loop (which provides access to the staff parking lot, the bus loop, and the visitor lot) closes at 3:50 p.m. Early dismissal/pick-up of students ends at 3:40 p.m. for the safety of students. Recently, we have had an increase of cars entering the top of the bus loop to access the staff parking lot, the bus loop, or the visitor lot to avoid the car rider line. While we understand the car rider line takes a few minutes, we want to ensure the safety of all students and families walking across campus is maintained and respect the cars that are following dismissal procedures by coming down Woodward and waiting in line. If you choose not to wait in the car rider line, you may park your car and walk to your student's classroom door to pick him or her up at the end of the school day.
Beginning Monday, October 7th, a staff member will close the top of the bus loop with the use of a saw-horse provided by the BCPS Office of School Safety. We thank everyone, in advance, for their cooperation with addition to our dismissal procedures.
As always, Ms. Bissell and I are here to serve you and welcome your communication. The best way to reach the administrative team is via phone to the main office, 443-809-0182, or email at jszymanski2@bcps.org and mbissell@bcps.org.
Jen Szymanski
Fall Picture Day!
Monday, October 14th
Monday, October 14th, is fall picture day! Information from LifeTouch will be sent home the week before. All students will have their picture taken in order to have an updated photograph in the BCPS FOCUS (student identification system). As with previous year, purchasing photos is optional and there will be a spring picture day later this year!
School Hours (repeat)
For safety purposes, early dismissal of students ends at 3:40 p.m.
Dismissal begins at 4:00 p.m. * Dismissal ends at 4:15 p.m.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures & Expectations (repeat)
(Note on Exterior Classroom Door Numbers, Please read! 🙂)
Arrival and dismissal procedures will be very similar to last year! Please be sure to review our school hours, including the ending time for early dismissal, listed above! A map of arrival and dismissal procedures is linked below!
This summer, BCPS added numbers to all exterior exits on school buildings for emergency purposes (all exits- not just exterior classroom doors). These numbers were placed in the upper, left corner of exterior doors. Unfortunately, these numbers DO NOT align with our actual classroom numbers! Again, these new numbers are for emergencies purposes and are shared with local authorities.
How do I locate my student's exterior classroom door- the CORRECT door, during dismissal?!
To help families and caregivers locate students' classrooms, we have added the actual classroom numbers to the center of all exterior doors. When you are looking for your student's exterior door for dismissal/pick-up, look for the small number posted in the center of the exterior classroom door!
We have provided an example in the photograph and attached document below:
The photograph below shows the exterior classroom door to Sussex classroom 10, Ms. Maynor's (5th grade) classroom. All family members picking-up students at their classroom door should reference the smaller number in the center of the door (the 10 in the photograph) and disregard the number in the upper, left corner.
Dismissal Procedures- Safety & Patience (repeat)
Throughout last year, THANKS TO MANY OF YOU, our dismissal procedures became more efficient and safer! This year, we will continue to support traffic flow in our car rider line. Understanding that the first few days of the school year can be a little hectic and it takes time to fall back into routines, we ask for everyone's patience and support while reminding everyone of the information below!
During dismissal:
- Vehicles are not allowed to enter the car rider line from Cedar Ave. as it impedes the flow of the car rider line (no right turn from Cedar Ave. into the bus loop).
- Vehicles are not allowed to make a left when exiting the car loop (no left turn from the bus loop onto Cedar Ave.).
- Be sure to follow Maryland traffic laws when coming to and from school to pick-up/drop-off your student.
- Do not block driveways of our community members when you arrive for dismissal.
Dismissal begins at 4:00 p.m., during which our car rider line moves along and last year was generally complete between 4:10-4:13 p.m.
- We encourage families to not line up in the car rider line significantly before 4:00 p.m. as it is causes stand-still traffic on Woodward Drive.
- This creates a chain reaction of events such as: buses are not able to reach the school, families trying to park are unable to reach the school, and community members are unable to get to/from their homes.
- Our dismissal line moves efficiently once it begins at 4:00 p.m.
- We encourage families to arrive at 4:00 p.m. to join the car rider line in an effort to prevent the length of time stand-still traffic occurs on our neighborhood streets.
We greatly appreciate everyone's support, patience, and flexibility!
Early Dismissal * Photo ID Required, Procedure Changes, & Ending Time (repeat)
Per BCPS Policy and for the safety of all students, photo ID is required when picking-up students. For the safety of your student, your child will not be released unless a photo ID can be presented by the individual picking up. Please be mindful that this includes parents and guardians. As we welcome many new staff members to Sussex, there may be new faces when picking up your child- Please do not assume someone will be able to recognize you.
Students Called to Office Upon Arrival
For the safety of students and to minimize the loss of instructional time, students will be called to the office for early dismissal once the adult picking-up the child arrives at Sussex. All adults picking-up students must come in to the main office and show photo ID.
Early Dismissal- Ending Time
To ensure all students are dismissed safely, all early dismissals will end at 3:40 p.m. This will help alleviate any miscommunication or confusion at the end of the school day. If you are picking a student up for a doctor appointment, please be mindful of the 3:40 p.m. end time for early dismissal.
School Communication (repeat)
If your contact information (phone, address, e-mail address) has changed over the summer and/or if you never provided the school with your email address, please be sure to update your information with our main office!
We regularly send important school-related messages via phone, email, and text using our automated School Messenger system.
To opt-in to text messages, text the word “Yes” to 67587.
Sussex Community School Promise
Cell Phones at School- Reminder!
Each morning, students will turn in their cell phones at the front desk upon arrival at school. Students will be assigned a number for their cell phones. When students turn in their cell phones, they will place a checkmark with their name and number for their cell phones. Cell phones are locked in a cabinet throughout the school day.
Students will be dismissed to the front desk at dismissal and sign out their phones. A staff member will give the phone to each student based on his/her number. Students will place a check by their name and number when they pick their phone up at the desk.
Each year, BCPS provides an updated version of our Student Handbook to students and families. All families are required to review and acknowledge the Student Handbook each year. The following resources are linked below:
- 2024-2025 BCPS Student Handbook
- BCPS Student Code of Conduct 2024-2025
- BCPS Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Information
BCPS Code of Conduct- Safe and Supportive Learning Environment- Referenced Above
Meet your Community School Facilitator, Liz McLaughlin
My name is Liz McLaughlin and I am your Community School Facilitator. I have enjoyed getting to know many families this past month and look forward to connecting with more. If you have any ideas for our school community or need support, please feel free to reach out! I am here for you.
Please click the image below to learn about me and how to connect.
Meet your Community School Facilitator
Meet your Community School Facilitator- Spanish
Meet your Community School Facilitator- Arabic
Upcoming Dates/Events * BCPS & Sussex
Wednesday, October 2nd * PTA- Fall Dance
6:00 p.m. * Sussex gymnasium
(See flyer below)
Thursday, October 3rd * Systemwide Professional Learning Day for Teachers & Staff
No school for students!
Tuesday, October 8th * Shared Decision Making Team
Sussex Elementary School Library
Open to all grades and staff members
(See flyer below)
Tuesday, October 8th * PTA Pizza Johns Spirit Night
Location: Pizza Johns
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 15th * First Fruits Farm Produce Distribution
Fresh produce will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Beginning at 4:00pm in front of school.
Friday, October 18th * MSEA Conference for Maryland Educators
No school for students and teachers.
Monday, October 21st- Tuesday, October 29th * Pumpkin Decorating Contest with the PTA
The PTA is excited to bring back the pumpkin decorating contest again this year!
We have limited pumpkins to giveaway- Please reach out to our Community School Facilitator if you would like to pick up one to decorate ~ Mrs. McLaughlin (emclaughlin3@bcps.org or 443-809-3751)
(See flyer below)
Tuesday, October 22nd * PTA- Trunk or Treat
Sussex Elementary parking lot.
Students are welcome to wear a Halloween costume, but not required!
Monday, October 28th * PTA- Joe Corbi's fundraiser delivery date!
Thursday, October 31st * Fall Character Parade
Approximately 9:30 a.m. * Outdoor parade, weather pending.
More details to come!
Thursday, October 31st * End of Marking Period 1
3-hour early dismissal for students * Sussex dismisses at 1:00 p.m.
Friday, November 1st * Systemwide Professional Learning Day for Teachers & Staff
No school for students!
Tuesday, November 5th * Election Day – Schools and Offices Closed
No School for students!
Monday, November 11th * Veterans Day
Sussex Elementary School
Students are invited to bring a veteran to school and share their day.
Tuesday, November 12th * PTA Meeting
Sussex Elementary School- Library
Meeting begins at 5:30
Sussex Fall Dance
Sussex Fall Dance- Española
Shared Decision Making Team
Shared Decision Making Team- Española
PTA Pumpkin Contest
PTA Pumpkin Contest- Española
November PTA Meeting
November PTA Meeting- Española
Message/Updates from the PTA
The PTA would like to thank everyone for their support of the Joe Corbi's fundraiser. We expect the delivery to be on October 28th. We will send out an update with the time when we have it.
We invite all parents, guardians, and staff to join the PTA! You can join by visiting sussexespta.givebacks.com. We will be hosting our first spirit night of the year on October 8th at Pizza John's. A flyer will be sent home with your student! We are hosting our 2nd annual Trunk or Treat on Tuesday, October 22nd. If you are interested in participating by decorating a trunk and handing out candy, please email us at sussexpta@yahoo.com or call the front office. Thank you to all parents and staff who have already signed up for this event! We appreciate your continued support.
School Breakfast and Lunch at School (repeat)
We are pleased to share that free breakfast and lunch will continue to be available to all Sussex Elementary students this year. Students will be able to purchase snacks at lunch!
To learn how to add money to your student's 'meal account balance' so he or she can purchase a-la-carte items, snacks, and beverages, use the link below!
BCPS Wellness Policy- Food at School
Reminder as the Holidays Approach
If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday, please consider donating a book to your child's classroom library! Other ideas include donating items for recess or mindfulness resources. If interested, please contact your child's teacher and/or administration to discuss possible/appropriate donations.
Complete your BCPS Volunteer Training Early! (repeat)
Don't forget, BCPS volunteer training is required annually! All volunteers must complete the BCPS volunteer training. Click the link below for easy access to information and directions on this process!
Our Sussex Volunteer Coordinator is Ms. Tate, school counselor.
Nurse's Corner
Important Reminders from Nurse DeLynda
My name is DeLynda Brown, and I am the school nurse at Sussex. My direct line is 443-809-6062. You can also email me at dbrown30@bcps.org. Please call me about any medical concerns, such as injuries, illnesses, new medical diagnosis, etc. I am here for you and your child.
- Students must stay home if they have a fever of 100 or more. If you are unsure as to whether or not you should keep your student home, please call or email me.
- A listed contact will need to pick your student up from school if you receive a call from school that your student has a fever of 100 or more.
- If your student goes home with a fever of 100 or above, he/she will not be able to come to school the next day. He or she cannot return to school until fever-free, without medication for 24 hours.
If students are sent home for diarrhea or vomiting, they can return the next day if they haven’t had any more episodes since being sent home and are fever free.
- If a student has red crusty eyes upon waking up, he or she may have pink eye.
- If sent home due to suspected pink eye, he/she will need to be evaluated by a doctor before returning to school.
- If students are required to have medication administered while at school, the nurse will provide you with the form that needs to be completed by the doctor.
- A doctor’s note needs to be provided when your student returns to school.
Contact Information
Please make sure the school has updated phone numbers for you and other contacts listed for your student. When a student experiences an illness or condition described above, he or she is not allowed to remain at school for the rest of the day. Students are not permitted to walk home alone (with siblings/friends) or ride the bus if they are sick.
Doctor's Notes
If you keep your child home, because he/she is not feeling well, please send a note with your child upon returning to school.
Sneakers/ Change of Clothes
Proper footwear (sneakers/tennis shoes) are required for physical education and recess. Students can wear Crocs, sandals, boots, etc., and change into sneakers for physical education and recess.
Please send a change of clothes with your student to keep in his/her locker. All students have accidents such as spilling milk or juice on themselves.
Inhalers and Prescription Medicine
Each year, a for must be completed by your student's doctor in order for medication, including inhalers, to be distributed at school. Please call the nurse to get access to the form.
Please remind your student that there is no food sharing at lunch. We have a lot of students that have severe food allergies. We want every child to be safe while at school!
Local Health Department Dental Services
Eastern Family Resource Center
9150 Franklin Square Drive, Third Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21237
To schedule an appointment, call 410-887-2780.
Please see flyer below for full description of services offered.
Message From Ms. Tate, School Counselor
Please see attachment below.
Back to School Transportation Safety - The Maryland Center for School Safety
Please see attachment below.
Sussex Elementary School
Website: https://sussexes.ss3.sharpschool.com/
Location: 515 South Woodward Drive, Essex, MD, USA
Phone: 443-809-0182
Twitter: @Sussex_ES