Kestrel Heights Newsletter
Returning Scholar Information Forms
We greatly value the accuracy of our records and kindly request your assistance in completing the Returning Scholar Information Form.
If your scholar is newly enrolled at Kestrel this year, you can be assured that this requirement has been fulfilled during the enrollment process and there is no need to submit this form.
For families with multiple scholars enrolled at Kestrel Heights Charter School, we understand that it may require extra effort, and we kindly ask that a separate form be completed for each scholar.
We deeply appreciate your cooperation and thank you for being an integral part of our community.
Returning Scholar Information Form: https://forms.gle/yR8DZHDqwoUszZBB7
For questions/concerns, please contact Ms. Vargas at Vargas@kestrelheights.org
Back to School Open House
We invite you and your family to our annual Open House on August 19th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Families are welcome at any time during the event to visit their child's classrooms, and teachers.
Scholar Schedules
Official scholar schedules for the 2024-25 school year through the parent portal. Schedules may also be picked up at the open house.
While new staff are being onboarded, the placeholder for their classes will be listed as Mr. Touchette (elementary and Ms. Villegas (middle). These will be updated as soon as onboarding is complete.
If you are unable to log into your portal:
Ms. Vargas at Vargas@kestrelheights.org
Questions about your schedule:
Elementary - Mr. Touchette: andrewtouchette@kestrelheights.org
Middle - Ms. Villegas:
Seats Available! SOAR with us!
Do you know someone who might be interested in applying for the 2024-25 school year? We are currently accepting new scholar applications.
If seats are available, they will be offered to new applicants. Otherwise, they will be added to the grade level waitlist. You can find the applications on our website at https://kestrelheights.org/apply-now/.
And here's some exciting news: every time you refer a family to our school and their scholar enrolls, you will have a chance to win Kestrel Merchandise!
2024-25 Kestrel Bus Transportation Application
Thank you to all the parents who have completed the survey. At this time, there is a waitlist for our bus hub transportation . To apply for transportation please complete the form below: https://forms.gle/iSoZHBi3A6cJc1Gr6
Bus transportation to and from Kestrel Heights Charter School is provided by a contracted service, WeeTramz. Kestrel will provide transportation to scholars on a first come first serve basis due to limited seating.
Complete this form to sign up for bus transportation. Those who secure a seat will be emailed directly before the start of the school year with specific information. Those placed on the waitlist will also be notified.
If you have any questions and/or concerns please visit our website to review FAQs or you may email andrewtouchette@kestrelheights.org
Kindergarten Orientation
Kindergarten families, you are invited to join us for the kindergarten orientation on August 16th from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Parents should plan on attending with their scholar!
This will be your child's opportunity to get a "sneak preview" of elementary school life. Kindergartners will meet their teachers, try out their desks, and begin to learn some of the procedures that we'll be using in class this year. This will also be an opportunity for parents to meet with myself, our counselor, and our dean of school culture.
Please RSVP by Friday 8/09 to let us know if you will be attending!
RVSP Here: https://forms.gle/uSKDpS1WoCwRHMjX6
6th Grade Orientation
Hey there, 6th-grade scholars! You're all invited to our super exciting 6th-grade orientation on Monday, August 12th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Parents, please drop off your awesome scholar at the Middle School.
You'll get to:
- Meet your new friends
- Say hi to your cool teachers
- Check out your daily schedule
- Learn more about our awesome KHS Middle School
- Enjoy a delicious lunch provided by the school
- Don't forget to bring your locker locks and stuff to give your lockers some pizzazz!
Remember to let us know you're coming by Monday, August 5th. Thanks a bunch!
Immunizations and Health Assessment Forms
New Kestrel scholars are required to submit an up to date Immunization Record.
7th Grade scholars - All 7th grade scholars are required to submit an updated immunization record showing receipt of the Tdap and Meningococcal (MCV) immunizations.
Kindergarten scholars and scholars who are enrolling into a public school for the 1st time are required to submit the NC Health Assessment Form
Immunization Records and the NC Health Assessment form may be scanned and emailed to Vargas@kestrelheights.org, dropped off to the front office, or faxed to 919-375-2479
Scholar Supply Lists
One of the most exciting things about going back to school is picking out your new school supplies! Please see the attached PDF for the grade level supply list for the 2024-25 school year.
Dress Code Reminder
Kestrel believes that a uniform dress code is an important part of a safe, orderly school environment where the focus is on our scholars learning how to become respectful, responsible young citizens. The policy allows for some scholarly choice, yet establishes parameters for an acceptable dress. Scholars at KHS should be in the “dress code” from the time they arrive at school until they leave campus for the day. Please review the KHS dress code policy below:
2024-25 School Calendars
The Kestrel Heights Charter School Calendars and the Parent and Family Engagement Calendar are located on our website at https://kestrelheights.org/calendar/
Please make sure you check it often to stay informed of all the amazing events taking place within our Kestrel Community!
Athletics - Fall Sports Tryout
Fall Sports Tryout Information & 2024 - 2025 athletic registration forms can be found in english and in spanish on our athletic website under the ”FILES” tab.
See registration packet form attached or you can find it on the Hawk’s athletic website under “files and links” (spanish/ Español available)
Fall Tryout Information
Boy's Soccer
August 13, 14 & 15
3:30 - 5:00
Kestrel Heights School
Joe Drevenak
Co-ed Cross Country
August 13, 14 & 15
3:30 - 5:00
Kestrel Heights School
Girl's Volleyball
August 13, 14 & 15
3:30 - 5:00
Kestrel Heights School Gym
Dale Edmonds
PTA Uniform Swap and Water Party
Join us on Saturday, August 17th from 1-3pm for this free back-to-school event. We'll have over 1,000 water balloons and frozen treats to beat the summer heat! Bring a towel and a bathing suit or clothes to get wet in.
We'll also have our annual uniform swap during this event. Bring your clean, gently used uniforms to share with the community or choose some new-to-you uniforms to take home.
Come on out and have some summer fun with other scholars and Kestrel families!
Questions? Call or text Cieraca, at 252.623.8355
PTA KHCS Spirit Wear Sale
The KHCS Spirit wear sale starts today and runs through September 4th. Spirit wear can be worn on ANY school day in place of a uniform shirt and is a great way to show school pride. To order please visit our online store. http://kestrelheights.itemorder.com"
If you have any questions please email the PTA at
Kestrel Heights School PTA
The PTA consists of parents/caregivers and school staff. As an organization, the PTA takes an active role in supporting the school and providing special funds for the school. We aim to enable and support a partnership between parents and staff; home and school.
How does the PTA benefit my children?
The PTA funds and supports school projects such as: purchasing equipment for our music and athletics programs as well as classroom technology and furnishings. We also organize events and social functions such as: Book Fairs, Spirit Nights, and School Festivals.
How can I keep up with the PTA?
If you would like additional information or if you are interested in joining the PTA, please email us at pta@kestrelheights.org
You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter @khcspta
Upcoming School Events
August 12: 6th Grade Orientation
August 13: Fall Sports Tryouts
August 13: KHCS Board Meeting
August 15: August PTA Meeting
August 16: Kindergarten Orientation
August 17: PTA Back to School Water Party and Uniform Sawp
August 19: Open House
August 21: First Day of 2024-25 school year!
Follow us on Social Media!
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KestrelHeightsSchool/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KestrelHeights
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/kestrelheights/
NextDoor: https://nextdoor.com/pages//pages/kestrel-heights-charter-school-durham-nc/recommend/
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/school/kestrel-heights-school
Email: Vargas@kestrelheights.org
Website: www.kestrelheights.org
Location: 4700 South Alston Avenue, Durham, NC, USA
Phone: 919-484-1300
Facebook: facebook.com/KestrelHeightsSchool
Twitter: @kestrelheights