Franklin 411
Issue #1 - September 1, 2024
A Word From Mrs. Loor
Welcome back!! Happy Labor Day!
It's time to pack those lunches and snacks, for early bedtimes, and for the rush and bustle of the morning routine. I hope we are all coming back this fall with a new pep in our step, eager to make new friends and learn new things. The teachers have been working hard to get their classrooms ready and we're excited to have our building bustling with children again. Franklin School has never looked better thanks to all the hard work by our custodians!
We have a beautiful new mural downstairs courtesy of the PTO. The work was finished over the summer and it completely brightens up the space. The PTO has also funded a large sunshade and new tables for our playground which will be installed sometime in the fall. We have a new sensory path downstairs as well. Thanks to Ms. Audino for submitting the SEF grant and a HUGE thanks to Ms. Luther and Ms. LoConte for helping me place all the floor decals! The SEF also helped us to finish providing amplification systems in our remaining instructional spaces that didn't have one and every classroom got new whiteboard tables to increase collaboration. We are so grateful for the support of the Summit Educational Foundation. Finally, we have a new Franklin logo welcome mat for our main entrance.
Now on to business: the first day of school is Tuesday, September 3rd. It is a full day so there will be lunch and snack. For arrival, adult supervision begins at 8:05 AM. The students will enter the building at 8:15 AM. The doors close at 8:25 AM. If your child is late, you do not need to sign them in. They may enter the building on their own. Our arrival and dismissal entrances remain the same. Please have your children line up behind the cones with the teacher's names. You can refer to the Franklin Handbook if you are unsure of the locations listed below.
1st and 2nd grade - Main entrance doors
3rd grade - Library doors
4th grade - Warwick entrance doors
5th grade - Blacktop doors
Please review our morning drop-off procedures especially if you are new to the car line. Please remember to pull all the way up to the first black post and do not pull out of the car line between the cones. Students should be ready to exit as soon as you are stopped. Mrs. Mills, Mr. Story and I will be there to assist your children. As reminder, there is no parking on either side of Blackburn Road in front of the school at dismissal.
Please mark your calendars for our PTO Back to School Party on Friday at 6 PM.
See you on Tuesday!
With Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Loor
Our New Faces of Franklin
Welcome Back from Pomptonian & New Expanded FREE Lunch Program
Please see the flyers below from Pomptonian.
See below for additional information on the New Expanded Free Lunch Program
Updated Code of Conduct
SPS Elementary Code of Conduct
FYI Videos
There are two areas that continue to come up as topics that the community has expressed more clarity on. Please watch the video between explaining our Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) procedures and the Special Education classification process.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)
Please read through the Franklin Parent Handbook 2024-2025 thoroughly as it contains important information you need to know before the first day of school including arrival and dismissal instructions and other general information pertaining to the school.
Genesis Parent Access is open. You can find your child's placement through the portal. Please remember to fill out all the forms found in Genesis under the "Forms" tab.
You can find school supply lists on the PTO website.
From the Nurse's Office
A gentle reminder to families entering Franklin for the first time from an out of district school to please submit any outstanding immunization records, physical exam forms and health history questionnaires prior to the start of school.
Medication administration forms, EpiPen and inhaler forms and orders must be renewed each school year. Please send in all EpiPens, inhalers and any other prescription medications with the updated paperwork for the 2024-2025 school year.
All physical, health history, medication administration, EpiPen and inhaler forms are located on our district website.
Never hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns!
Kind regards,
Ann Zanelli
Important Dates
September 3 - First Day of School (full day 8:15 AM - 3:00 PM)
September 6 - PTO Back to School Party, 6:00 PM
September 11 - Back to School Night, 6:30 PM
September 20 - Picture Day
Franklin Attendance From
Last year's form is no longer accepting responses. Please use this year's form.
Fly High, Falcons!
Location: 136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ, USA
Principal's Email: eloor@summit.k12.nj.us
School Phone: (908) 277-2613
Other Websites: