Fisher Family Update
January 24, 2025

Good Afternoon Fisher Families,
Please take a moment to read through this week's newsletter. Included in this edition:
- Afterschool Enrichment
- February Vacation Camp Information
- January Student Support and Attendance update
- Scenes from Fisher!
Have a great weekend,
Upcoming Dates and Events
7 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:25
17-21 February Vacation
24 - Classes resume
11 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 5-7pm
13 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 5-7pm
14 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:25/Parent/Teacher Conferences 1-3pm
19 - PAC Meeting 7pm
28 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:25
2025 MCAS Dates
February Vacation Camp Registration
Families can create an account/register at this link: https://register.capturepoint.com/reg/login.cfm?cuBNAf%2FV0p4trnasCJNBkrfRqxVbA8M1ugTdgJwcwr%2BLxIFL2ZCtvf%2Fw
Afterschool Enrichment
Winter Enrichment Session 3 will begin on Tuesday, February 4, and classes will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for five weeks (no classes the week of February 17 for Winter Break). The cost is $35 or $45 per class. Sign-ups will begin on Monday, January 27 at 7:00pm and will not be accepted prior to that time. The Sign-Up Genius link can be found here. For confidential scholarship information, contact Kate Anderson directly at: kanderson@walpole.k12.ma.us.
Special Request - Boxes of Cereal
All Fisher students (K-5) will be participating in a special team building activity in March. We kindly request donations of unopened, regular size boxes of cereal. We need approximately 500 boxes since we are looking for enough to line our halls to make a "domino formation". After our team building activity, the cereal boxes will be dontated to the Walpole Food Pantry. Thank you!
Snow Gear Reminder
If there is snow on the ground, please remember to send your students to school with snow pants, boots, hats and mittens (don't forget to label them) for recess. They will be unable to play in the snow without them.
Updated School Store Schedule
From the WPS Office of Student Support & Attendance:
Here is the January newsletter that highlights the current Chronic Absenteeism rate in Walpole. Spoiler alert: Families and schools are doing a great job! Chronic Absent totals are down!
Click here to see our numbers: https://secure.smore.com/n/kgqr0
This newsletter is also posted on the WPS website.
Scenes from Fisher!
Grade 1 and Grade 4 Buddies puzzling together
Miss Nichols class has been learning about animal needs and habits. They investigated different birds, designed and built bird feeder prototypes to attract specific birds!
PAC News
Walpole Scholarship Foundation's Trivia Night
Walpole Scholarship Foundation's Trivia Night is happening on Saturday, February 1st at the German Club in Walpole. Tickets are available online at https://tinyurl.com/wsftrivia25. Buy a table of 8 or come as an individual! Support this great local foundation that has awarded over $4.5 million dollars in scholarships to Walpole students!
Rally Against Cancer - January 2025
Fisher’s Finest returned from our Winter Break with enthusiasm and inspiration to move into high gear with our fundraising. Our new Green Monster Wall is up and ready for baseballs. We will be kicking off our My Grandma’s Coffee Cake fundraiser in the next week or so. And, our Change for a Cure has begun! Here is our link to join the Rally team or make a direct donation: Fisher's Finest Rally 2025. If you are on Facebook, you can follow us here. We are already off to an incredible start, thanks to our Meadow Farms fundraiser. With sales of over $17,000, we just today received a check for the Jimmy Fund for $11,821.55!!! Again, we offer our sincerest thanks to the Lodge family for sharing the link with so many, and to those who responded! There is more to come, and we are very excited!!
Our first baseballs have been hung on the 2025 Green Monster Wall of Honor. Donations of any amount can be sent in to school and a baseball in honor of or in memory of a loved one, friend, co-worker, neighbor, or anyone you choose will be posted on the “wall.” Photos are also encouraged. The forms were sent home with school messengers (the youngest child at Fisher) on Tuesday. If you need additional forms, please let me know. The wall happens to be across from my classroom, and I am always touched to see students walking by, pausing to look at and talk about those who are on the wall who they know. Perhaps a classmate donated for their grandparent, or a staff member for a student. This puts a face to cancer and makes it real and personal for everyone.
Teachers are being reminded to pull out their Change for a Cure jars to start collecting change. Our Change for a Cure will run for several weeks, until March 28th. Students can bring in change to add to the change jar that will be collected and counted weekly. They are encouraged to do chores around the house to earn money, or bring in the bottle deposit refunds they receive. If Fisher’s Finest is the top fundraising school, the class that donates the most money per student (one of the ways we incorporate math learning into Rally!) will earn a private Meet and Greet with the Red Sox player who comes for the visit! They get photos with the player and an autograph! It’s a way we teach our students that every penny counts and no donation is too small to make a difference.
Forms have also gone home for our coffee cake fundraiser. Our goal is to have the coffee cakes at school to be picked up on February 12th or so. Orders and payments are due January 24. This has always been one of our most popular fundraisers, with the coffee cakes making great gifts, and they freeze well, too!
If you want to order one of our exclusive Excuse Notepads for $5, all of which goes to our Rally, please click here: Student Excuse Notepad Order
Thank you all for your amazing continued support of Fisher's Finest!
Carolyn McDonough - Rally Captain for Fisher’s Finest cmcdonough@walpole.k12.ma.us
Private Lessons through the WPS Music Department
The Walpole Public Schools Music Department is pleased to announce the spring session for our Private Lesson Program for students in grades 4 - 12. If your child is interested in taking private instrument or voice lessons, here is your chance. Lessons are offered in flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, tuba, piano, percussion, violin, viola, cello, guitar and voice. All lessons are taught by accomplished performers on their respective instruments. Some lessons are currently being taught virtually.
Session 2 will run February 3 to June 13. Registration is open Friday, January 10th through Monday, January 27th.
For more information, visit:
To register, visit:
For questions, email:
Tim Fleming (K-12 Music Coordinator) at tfleming@walpole.k12.ma.us
Click the banner above to view announcements from the community that were traditionally sent home as a hard copy or "notice". In this "backpack" you will find information regarding community events, youth sports sign ups and much more. This link will be updated and included in all Fisher Family Update newsletters. The Virtual Backpack can also be found on the Walpole Public Schools District Website
Beginning of the School Year Information
Main Office Information
Absences: If your student is going to be absent or tardy, please call the absence line and let us know in advance. You may call this line at anytime and leave a message. The telephone number is 508-660-7234 and then press 1
Dismissals: Please send a hand written note with your student in the morning or fill out this form with at least 2 hours advance notice.
Afterschool dismissal changes: If your student is changing their typical way of leaving Fisher at 3:25pm, please send a note into school with the plan that morning.
We understand that there are unavoidable last minute changes, however, please be mindful that we must call the classroom and upset time on leaning with each change.
Please feel free to email the front office: fisher-secretaries@walpole.k12.ma.us
Start and End Times 2024-2025
School Day Begins at 8:55am
Dismissal is at 3:25pm
Early Release Days - Dismissal is at 12:25pm
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Click HERE to view our arrival and dismissal procedures