Parent Update on OH Senate Bill 29

November 1, 2024
Hello Avon Lake City Schools Community,
We hope you all had a fruitful, fun, and safe Halloween trick-or-treating the neighborhoods of our community. At school yesterday, students and staff of all ages and grades took time to let the festive nature of this particular holiday make for a fun day. We saw ghosts, princesses, animals of various types, Avenger characters, and more. The students and staff looked great! Our administrative team used the opportunity to costume in Sesame Street-style. See the nearby pictures for a glimpse at some of the Halloween fun.
Watch our Interactive Strategic Planning Video
The Avon Lake City Schools video production department has masterfully created an interactive video of our very important and recently adopted Strategic Plan. Easy to watch, and utilizing our very own staff and students to demonstrate the power and meaning of our new mission, vision, goals, and portrait of an Avon Lake City Schools graduate, this video is several minutes long and we encourage you to watch until the very end! Thank you for your support on our journey to making Avon Lake an ALite school district.
Reminder: Take Back Togetherness Night on Wednesday, November 13th!
Keep in mind that Wednesday, November 13th will be our first Take Back Togetherness Night in the ALCSD! These nights will provide opportunities for families to spend time with one another exclusively, as there will be no homework given, activities after school, or athletics practices. We want families to unplug from social media and devices and spend quality time with one another. Keep this date, and more information will be forthcoming!
Student Privacy and District-Issued Devices
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.327 and in conjunction with the Senate Bill 29, which recently went into effect, the ALCSD is writing to inform you that our district directly does implement general monitoring on the school-issued devices that are provided to our students. This monitoring is generally for instruction, technical support, or exam-proctoring. However, the district may also generally monitor where:
- permitted under a judicial warrant
- the school district or technology provider is notified or becomes aware that the school-issued device is missing or stolen
- the activity is necessary to prevent or respond to a threat to life or safety, and the access is limited to that purpose
- the activity is necessary to comply with federal or state law; and/or
- the activity is necessary to participate in federal or state funding programs.
Monitoring may include the:
- location-tracking features of a school-issued device;
- audio or visual receiving, transmitting, or recording features of a school-issued device; or
- student interactions with a school-issued device, including, but not limited to, keystrokes and web-browsing activity.
In the event that one of the circumstances described above is triggered, the Avon Lake City Schools is required to notify you within 72 hours of the access, unless the notice itself would pose a threat of life or safety (in which case it will be given within 72 hours after the threat has ceased). Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!
Joelle M. Magyar
Superintendent of Schools
Upcoming Important Dates
Nov. 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 23 - Jan. 3 - Winter Break
Jan. 17 - End Second Quarter/Semester and Early Release for Students
To view the complete district calendar, click here.
Building newsletters
Just in case you missed a newsletter from your child's school, or have multiple children in our district at different buildings, we have links below from each building principal for your convenience with the most recent information sent to families. A link to our quarterly District Facility Focus newsletter is also below.