Dolphin Tales
At Stono Park
Principal's Corner
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope this message finds you well, having enjoyed the holidays and ready for the New Year! As we begin the remainder of our school year, we want to take a moment to remind everyone of our school’s uniform dress code policy and the importance of following the uniform policy. Our dress code is designed to create a focused learning environment, foster school pride, and ensure equity among all students. Wearing the proper school uniform helps eliminate distractions, promotes a sense of community, and prepares students for success. We also hope it helps ease your morning routine. Recently, we have found many scholars are out of uniform on a daily basis. To ensure compliance with our policy, beginning January 21, students who arrive at school out of uniform will be required to wait in the front office until a change of clothes is brought to the school. We kindly ask for your support in avoiding disruptions to your child’s learning day by ensuring they are dressed in full uniform each morning. If you have any questions regarding the dress code, please refer to our handbook or contact the front office for clarification. We have also created a reminder with visuals that can be accessed here. Your partnership in maintaining this standard is greatly appreciated and plays an important role in the success of our school community. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Warm regards,
Principal Richards & The Stono Park Family
Upcoming Events at Stono Park Elementary
1/6-Students return to school
1/7- PTA Spirit Night at Cici's Pizza
1/8- 5th Grade Field Trip to the Aquarium
1/9- CD/K Parent Information Night- 4pm-5pm
1/10- Kona Ice
1/17- Class Picture Day
1/20- Martin Luther King Jr. Day- No School
1/24- PTA Dress Down Day - Pay $2.00
2/14- Black History Month Performance during school
2/14- Half Day- Dismissal at 11:30am
2/17- President's Day- No School
2/26- 5th Grade Field Trip to James Island County Park
Amplify CKLA Family Resource!
Do you need help supporting your student's math work?
Math may look different from when you were in school, but we are here to help! The Bridges Family Support Page is a helpful tool to find out not only what your student is learning in math but can help you assist your scholar with their math homework. You can also ask your student's teacher what unit they are currently working on, and the Family Bridges Resource Page explains how to support your student at home.
Always feel free to reach out for fun math games you could do at home to help strength your scholars math skills!
January's Character Trait is Communication.
School Attendance Matters!
School Attendance Policy
Stono Park Elementary School Day- 8:30am - 3:30pm
Students can enter the building starting at 8:05am but are considered tardy after 8:30am. If your student has more than 5 unexcused tardies a conference is held to problem solve getting to school on time. (If bus is tardy then the tardy is excused)
We begin dismissal at 3:25pm. If your student is a car rider please ensure that you are in our car rider line by 3:40pm.
We also offer Kaleidoscope After School Program for our Stono Park Scholars from 3:30pm-6pm daily. Kaleidoscope is open on teacher work days, early release days and 1/2 days of school. You also have the option to register your child for Kaleidoscope and not use them every day if you don't need the service but would still be available to your student on days you might need a late pick up or on those early release/teacher work days!
If your child is absent, please make sure an excuse is sent in within 3 days of the student returning back to school. A student is considered Truant if they have missed 3 consecutive days of school without a doctor's excuse or 5 unexcused absences total. Once a student has 3 unexcused absences then a Truancy Warning Letter is sent home. Once a student has 5 unexcused absences a Truancy Conference has to occur with the caregiver.
You can always fill out our google form for a parent note as well. https://forms.gle/RVBRyULyitaczNHC6
A student is chronically absent if he or she misses only two days of school per month (18 days per year). Even one year of chronic absence can cause a child to fall behind academically and decrease a child’s chances of graduating from high school, which can have long-term consequences on their financial independence, physical well-being and mental health.
Stono Park After School Program
For more information, please contact Mrs. Hew at 843-518-1133 or email her at Vanessa_hew@charleston.k12.sc.us
Nurse's Note
Please help us keep our school healthy. Assess your child each morning and evening. Do they have fever? Any number close to 100 degrees or higher means that they are sick and contagious. Are they coughing, having a severely runny nose, worsening sore throat, headache, earache, asthma symptoms or stomach upset and vomiting? These are all signs to stay home and see a doctor. This allows your child to get the proper diagnosis and treatment for a faster recovery. Germs and illness spread quickly in families and in school. If you have a flu or covid diagnosis, please let us know, so that we can properly clean the building and track outbreak numbers for DHEC. Remember to bring your doctor note when you return.
Make sure to schedule your child's well child check up and get any vaccines needed. If you are catching up on vaccines, please make your appointment now. Flu season runs through April. Get your flu shot, if you have not done so. Restock your first aid kit and any over the counter or prescriptions that you will need.
Happy New Year!
Nurse Wendy
Swap Out Sugary Drinks
Amount of Sugar and Calories in Common Drinks
Sugar content derived from US Department of Agriculture Food Data Central
Drink (12-ounce serving) Teaspoons of Sugar Total
Tap or Unsweetened Bottled Water- 0
Unsweetened Tea-0
Lemonade, powder, prepared with water- 3
Sports Drinks-5
Brewed Sweet Tea-7
Energy Drink-9
Regular Soda-10
Fruit Juice Drink-10
Regular Orange Soda-13
Stay Connected to Stono Park! Download your Apps!
Class Dojo
Parent Portal Power School App
Bus Riders App
If you have any issues or complaints regarding the bus, please fill out this form so our school district is aware of any issues that may need to be addressed!
Don't forget to like Stono Park's Social Media Pages!
Did you Know?
The Charleston County Public Library also has Free Virtual Tutoring with student's library Card. Visit Tutor.com Student Center | Charleston County Public Library (ccpl.org) to take advantage of this free resource.
Free Tutoring Support for your Child
Rent & Utility Assistance
Neighbors Together
Neighbors Together’s four primary pillars of service involve Hunger, Health and Wellness, Homelessness and Economic Mobility. However, we provide a number of additional services to help people in need. If you need help, please know you can turn to us.
Call: (843) 747-1788
Visit: 2105 Cosgrove Ave., North Charleston, SC 29405
The Navigation Center
Housing Support, Financial Assistance, Employment Support
Financial Assistance
If you are looking for financial assistance, please call 855-355-1200. You will be screened briefly over the phone and if you meet the general criteria required, you will be sent a Financial Assistance Request Form. This form will be reviewed by our social workers to determine which (if any) assistance programs or referrals you are eligible for.
SC Stay
If you need rental or utility assistance, fill out application for SC Stay Plus by calling 803-336-4320 or Home Page - NMA Portal (onlinepha.com)
Palmetto CAP
Rent, prescription medication, food, car repair assistance. 1069 King Street, Charleston, SC 29403. Please call the toll free hotline 1-844-769-6448 to book an appt. OR go to Palmetto CAP.
HALOS, the local non-profit that assists kinship caregivers, has lots of funding to give to grandparents (or other relatives) who are caring for CCSD students. Families are eligible for $1,000 at a time for rent/utilities/other emergency needs. Contact (854)444-3716 or autumn@charlestonhalos.org
Food Assistance
Lowcountry Food Bank
Emergency Food Pantry
Each client receives enough food for one month. Clients are asked to call ahead and make an appointment for food. Walk-in clients for emergency food will be served as soon as possible by CASC staff. Clients must complete a brief application before receiving a box of food. All clients are entered into Charity Tracker, a Tri-County database for basic needs services. 259 Meeting Street in Charleston. Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1-3:30.
Lowcountry Blessing Box
Blessing boxes are stocked with non-perishable food items, basic toiletries, and baby supplies. Leave what you can, take what you need.To find a location, contact them at (843) 737-2517 or chsblessingbox@gmail.com.
TriCounty Families Ministries
Charleston County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
Program provides: *emergency Rent & Utility Assistance for eligible Charleston County residents *up to 12 months in back rent and up to 3 months prospective rent *see website for in-person application options APPLY through ONLINE APPLICATION - United Way 2-1-1 (sc211.org)
East Cooper Outreach
The Salvation Army
Community Resource Center
Traci Alter - Parent Advocate
Email: Traci_Alter@charleston.k12.sc.us
Website: https://www.ccsdschools.com/stonopark
Location: Stono Park Elementary School, Huntley Drive, Charleston, SC, USA
Phone: 843-763-1507