My Ride K-12 Information
Dear 622 families,
District 622 uses the bus tracking app My Ride K-12. Tracking is available for all of our buses.
Please take a moment to download this free app from your app store. We have created the directions below to help you get started.
622 Transportation Services
My Ride K-12 app
Download the My Ride K-12 app from your phone's app store.
Click on sign up.
Create an account by entering the following information.
- Email address
- Given Name (first name)
- Family Name (last name)
- Password (create one)
Sign into the My Ride K-12 app.
Select our district by entering "622".
Select ISD622, MN as your district.
Click on Add Students to add your children to the list.
Sample of a student profile in My Ride K-12.
Sample of a map in My Ride K-12.
Tips for success
- Click on your student's profile to verify their information.
- Regularly check for app updates to make sure your device is running the latest version.
- Stay logged in to receive notifications from District 622.
For more information
Translation on a mobile device
Para traducir este boletín en un dispositivo móvil, localice este icono en la parte inferior de su pantalla.
Yog xav txhais cov ntawv xov xwm no rau lub xov tooj ntawm tes, nrhiav lub cim no hauv qab ntawm koj lub screen.
Translation on a computer
Para traducir este boletín en una computadora de escritorio, localice el botón “Traducir” en la pantalla de su computadora.
Yog xav txhais cov ntawv xov xwm no rau hauv lub computer, nrhiav lub pob Txhais Lus ntawm koj lub computer screen.