East News Flash
July 22, 2024
Welcome Letter
Dear Plano East families,
With a projected enrollment of approximately 3100 students, the staff at Plano East is planning an industrious year for our Panthers. In addition to preparing classes for approximately 2700 juniors and seniors, we are also priming for two academies at Plano East- the International Baccalaureate World School Academy and the Health Sciences Academy.
Please review the following safety/security rules and procedures for the upcoming school year:
- Student absences should not exceed nine per class for each semester. 10 or more absences may result in absence make-up time or loss of class credit.
- Students must submit a parent note within three days upon return from an absence in order to excuse the absence.
- Administration will routinely check students in the hallways during instructional time to ensure students have authorization to be outside of assigned class.
Dress code
- Clothing not in compliance with PISD dress code must be resolved by:
Seeking alternative clothing from the Refresh Room, or
Authorized passage to go home and bring back appropriate clothes, or
Remain in the Refresh Room for the remainder of the school day.
- The PISD dress code can be found on pages 4-6 of this document:
· Student Code of Conduct - English (Adopted August 8, 2023)
· Student Code of Conduct - Spanish
ID badge enforcement
Students must display, in a clearly visible manner, their Plano East authorized ID badge at all times while on campus.
For students who forgot to bring their ID, staff will provide a temporary ID sticker. Students must wear the temporary sticker for the remainder of the school day while on campus.
Persistently out of compliance (not wearing ID badge/needing a temporary badge) will result in disciplinary action.
Student conduct
Students and staff should treat one another with dignity and respect at all times.
Students will be held accountable for the Plano ISD Student Code of Conduct:
There are many ways to stay connected at Plano East.
- ·East News Flash-Each Friday we send out an East News Flash that has all the details you will need for the coming week.
- Plano East Website- We also encourage you to regularly check the Plano East Website. This site is regularly updated and is your one place to find most all your questions. https://www.pisd.edu/pesh
- Twitter-Follow Plano East on Twitter @EastPanthers1 Throughout the year, we will tweet important information as well as many photos of our students doing many great things.
- Instagram-Follow Plano East on our Instagram page @EastPanthers1
To our students- please get involved with clubs and organizations and find a place to share your talents.
We would like to ask any parent that is able and willing to be a substitute for the District to consider doing so. You can gain more information about how to be a sub and the requirement by clicking here.
To our parents- please support your child by volunteering your time in our programs. Most importantly, my door is always open to assist you. One great way to do this is by joining the Plano East PTSA. Your support allows our PTSA to do many wonderful things for our students and staff. To join, please click here.
David Jones, principal
Plano East- Winning with class!
Campus Items
Annual Registration and Skyward
2024-2025 Annual Registration and New SKYWARD Access
- July 22, 2024, at 9 AM for families with returning students.
- Families can sign up for a new Family Access account and start their annual registration.
- Students with finalized schedules can view them in Family Access starting August 5.
- This link will help you create your new account in SKYWARD.
- For a list of items that each family must complete for each student, please follow this link.
- If you need assistance with the process, please email familyaccess@pisd.edu or call the PISD Helpdesk at 469-752-8767.
Student handbook
Student Handbook
Plano East has a student handbook that will help guide students and families in all the important things to know to have a successful year. Please view the handbook here.
Schedule Changes
Schedule Changes
Schedule Correction/Change Guidelines
A schedule change MAY be made if:
- A student is enrolled in a class for which they already have credit
- A student has the same class on their schedule twice
- A class needed for graduation is not on the schedule
- Government/Economics are in the same semester and the student would prefer to separate these classes out.
- A class period is missing on the schedule
- A student wants to move in or out of a sport or other UIL activity (requires permission from the coach/teacher)
A schedule change MAY NOT be made if:
- A student wants to change electives they selected during the course selection process.
- A student wants a teacher change.
- A student wants to change periods.
- A student wants to change lunches.
- A student would like to change levels of a course. (These requests will need to be made at a later date.)
Expedition East
Expedition East August 5th 5:30-7:00
Expedition East
Students are encouraged to come to campus and take care of any of the following during this time:
- Walk the campus and find their classes
- Purchase spirit wear
- Campus tours brought to you by Student Senate
Please be aware that our counselors will not be on location for Expedition East. Counselors are working hard to assist all students with changes that meet the criteria outlined on the website and East News Flash. Please allow 2-3 days for counselors to work through the number of requests being submitted.
First Day of School
1st Day of School (August 13th)
PISD first day of school is August 13th. Plano East begins school at 9:05 am this year unless you have a zero hour which starts at 8 am. Our full bell schedule can be found here. (Please note, East will be on an alternative schedule the first three days of school which can be found here.)
Students should bring their schedule either on their phone or paper. If a student needs assistance with getting their schedule, they should report to the library which is located in the upstairs B2 above the cafeteria.
First three days of school
First three days of School Schedule August 13-15
For the first three days of school, East will be on an alternative schedule to allow all staff and students to complete the necessary first day attendance, safety and security drills, and share pertinent information with our students they will need to be successful at East.
This schedule can be found here.
School Pictures
School Pictures and Student ID's
Students will receive their student ID when they have their picture taken. School pictures will follow this schedule:
August 19-20...9-11th graders (Building A Auditorium Stage)
August 22-28...Seniors that did not have their picture taken during the summer (Gym Foyer)
Students will be escorted to have their picture taken through their Social Studies class. Each teacher will be assigned a time and day to take their class.
Any student that does not have a Social Studies class, should go to the designated location listed above during their lunch. If a student is enrolled in a dual credit social studies class, they should go to the designated location when they are scheduled to have dual credit social studies class.
Student Parking Tag Purchases
Purchasing Student Parking
Students and families, this year student parking will be purchased through Rycor instead of during your registration process. We are in the process of getting this set up currently and hope to have it ready for our families to make those purchases on Monday, July 26th. We will update everyone when it goes live and or if there are any delays.
Student parking tags will be available during when school starts. They can be picked up before school or during lunches the first week of school. Students will not begin getting tagged or towed until the second week of school.
School Supplies
School Supplies
Plano East does not have a blanket school supplies list. Each teacher will share items students need for their course through the course of the first couple of days of school. Beyond these items, it is up to each student to determine what organizational tools work best to help them be successful.
IB World School does have a school supplies list that will be shared with you or can be found on their website.
Video Intern
Video Interns
The PISD Athletic department is looking for motivated students who are interested in learning how to video live sporting events. No experience is necessary. Learn how to shoot video from the press-box camera deck and the sidelines. Instruction will be provided on-site. Video interns are needed for Clark Stadium on Friday nights. Earn volunteer hours for service clubs. This internship will be a great addition to your college resume.
Interested candidates please contact Jim Macaluso at: Jim.Macaluso@PISD.edu
Free and Reduced Lunches
2024-2025 Renewal of Free or Reduced-Price Meals
Students who qualified for free or reduced-price meals at the end of last school year are eligible to participate at their current eligibility status for the first 30 operating days of the 2024-25 school year.
- In order for meal benefits to continue, a federal meal application for the 2024-25 school year must be completed.
- Students with no application on file after 30 operating days will return to full-paid eligibility status effective September 25, 2024.
- Households that have submitted a federal meal application for free or reduced-priced meals for the 2024-25 school year do not need to reapply.
- Households who wish to apply for free or reduced-priced meals will need to complete an online federal meal application for the current school year.
- Applications will be processed within 10 business days.
- Eligibility notification letters will be sent via email.
- If you have not received the letter in your inbox, please check your junk and spam folders.
Greetings Plano East Community!
I want to welcome everyone to the 2024-25 school year! I am proud to be serving as the PESH PTSA President. The PTSA Board has already been hard at work, planning many exciting things. First, the Senior Parking Committee has been diligently working to organize the parking assignments. The selling of the reserved Senior parking spots is our largest fundraiser, allowing us to be able to carry out many of the other events that have come to be traditions at Plano East. Thank you to all that have purchased a spot for this year! We will have a table at Expedition East on August 5th, where you can purchase spirit wear and PTSA memberships. On August 9th, we will be hosting a Back-to-School lunch for the teachers and staff. Throughout the school year, the PTSA will partner with the school and other organizations on campus with activities such as Homecoming, Stay Days, and Prom. In the Spring, we will host the Senior Luncheon and give out several college scholarships. All these opportunities are possible because of your support. Whether that is by becoming a PESH PTSA member, volunteering, or through your participation in our fundraisers, it is greatly appreciated.
To stay in the know, visit the PTSA’s website www.planoeastPTSA.org. There you can purchase your PTSA membership, Spiritwear, subscribe to our calendars, and find many resources. You will need to create an account, or if you already have an existing Membership Toolkit (MTK) account from another school, that same login information will work. We are also on social media. Follow and Like us on Facebook @peshpanthersinc, Instagram @peshptsa, and Twitter @pantherspesh.
Enjoy the last few weeks of summer and let’s make 2024-25 a great school year!
Richonda Hunte, President
Get your 2024-25 Spirit Gear!
Senior '25 T-shirts and yard signs as well as new PESH T-shirt designs will be available for purchase at Expedition East. If you would like to preorder visit the PTSA website to place your order and pickup will be at Expedition East on August 5th from 5:30-7pm. https://peshptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/spiritwear
EVERY student who parks on campus (even if you have a reserved Senior parking spot) must purchase a PISD parking permit. The PTSA cannot assign a reserved Senior parking spot until you have submitted proof that you have purchased a PISD permit. The permits are available for purchase in Rycor.
Winning with Class!!!
Thank you for subscribing to our listserv. Encourage your friends, family and neighbors to subscribe to this service at: http://elist.pisd.edu.
To unsubscribe, please visit elist.pisd.edu or the parent portal.
Plano East Senior High School
Website: https://www.pisd.edu/Page/107
Location: 3000 Los Rios Boulevard, Plano, TX, USA
Twitter: @EastPanther1