Caloosa Elementary Newsletter
May 2024
Message from Administration
It is hard to believe we are finishing up our final four weeks of this school year. As we wrap up this month, please make sure your child is arriving on time to school each day. Just a reminder, school breakfast ends at the 7:55 bell.
May brings a busy schedule and a lot of items to complete. Please see below for the testing schedule for the month of May. We also have many celebrations planned for our students this month including AR and PBIS parties. Please encourage your students to continue to read each night as they work towards meeting their reading goals We will be having Awards Ceremonies for all grades as well. This year, our 5th grade ceremony is located at Cape Coral High School for an evening event. Those dates and information can be found below .
It is always sad to see our 5th graders leave us and head off into the world of Middle School; however, we have thoroughly enjoyed our time with them and are excited to watch them soar into their futures. We wish all our 5th graders an amazing educational journey.
Thank you so much to our families and staff for all their work and dedication that went into making this school year so successful. You are all so amazing!!
With much appreciation,
Mr. La Mar and Mrs. Metzger
Media Messages
Library books checked out from the media center should be returned no later than May 17th.
Tech Talk
Check us out on:
Facebook - Caloosa Elementary School
Twitter - @CaloosaElem
Aloha Art
Hello, Caloosa families!
Thank you for all of the support, donations, and aloha that you have given to our visual arts program this year! Over the summer, when you’re out and about, we’d love some donations as you’re collecting seashells, natural sticks or pinecones. We use realia quite often and we’d love to get a bulk supply for next year. 😊 Wishing you all a very happy summer! Get out in nature and find the most beautiful art there is out there!
Much aloha,
Ms. Heidi Endress
Tiffany Moore
Congratulations to Tiffany Moore for being a 2024 Golden Apple Finalist. We are very proud of all your hard work and accomplishments.
Rhonda Rainer
Congratulations to Rhonda Rainer for being a 2024 Golden Apple Teacher of Distinction. Thank you for your dedication to the students and staff at our school.
Dates to Remember
5/23 - PBIS Q4 party
5/24 - Awards ceremony (kindergarten - 9:00 a.m. / 3rd grade - 10:15 a.m.)
5/28 - Awards ceremony (1st grade - 9:00 a.m. / 4th grade - 10:15 a.m.)
5/28 - Awards ceremony (5th grade @ Cape Coral High School - 6:00 p.m.)
5/29 - Awards ceremony (2nd grade - 9:00 a.m. / ESE - 9:45 a.m.)
5/30 - Early Dismissal Day (12:10)
5/31 - Early Dismissal Day (12:10) and Last Day of School
Testing Schedule
Below is the testing schedule for the month of May. Please remember to have your child to school on time with enough time to eat and get settled in before testing begins.
5/8 - 5th grade Science Test
5/13 - 3rd grade Reading Test
5/14 - K & 4th grade Reading Test
5/15 - K & 5th grade Reading Test
5/16 - 1st & 2nd grade Reading Test / K Math
5/17 - K, 1st & 2nd grade Math Test
5/21 - 3rd grade Math Test
5/22 - 4th & 5th grade Math Test
School Supplies for 2024-2025 school year
Something to Ponder...
Yearbook Orders
Lee County School Board
Samuel Fisher, District 1 (Chair)
Jada Langford Fleming, District 6 (Vice Chair)
Melisa W. Giovannelli, District 2
Chris N. Patricca, District 3
Debbie Jordan, District 4
Armor Persons, District 5
Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan, District 7
Dr. Ken Savage, Superintendent
Caloosa Elementary School - Español
Mensaje por Nuestra Administración
Con mucho aprecio,
Sr. La Mar y Sra. Metzger
Mensaje Desde Nuestra Biblioteca
¡Que tengas un verano maravilloso!
Charla técnica
Visítanos en:
Facebook - Escuela Primaria Caloosa
Twitter - @CaloosaElem
Aloha Arte
Mucho aloha,
Sra. Heidi Endress
Golden Apple
Tiffany Moore
Felicitaciones a Tiffany Moore por ser finalista de la Golden Apple 2024. Estamos muy orgullosos de todo su arduo trabajo y logros.
Rhonda Rainer
Felicitaciones a Rhonda Rainer por ser Maestra Distinguida de la Manzana Dorada de 2024. Gracias por su dedicación a los estudiantes y al personal de nuestra escuela.
Allison Randall
Adam Skocik
Fechas de Recordar
5/24 - Ceremonia de premiación ( jardin de infantiles (kinder) - 9:00 a.m. / 3er grado - 10:15 a.m.)
5/28 - Ceremonia de premiación (1er grado - 9:00 a.m. / 4to grado - 10:15 a.m.)
5/28 - Ceremonia de premiación (5to grado @ Cape Coral High School - 6:00 p.m.)
5/29 - Ceremonia de premiación (2do grado - 9:00 a. m. / ESE - 9:45 a. m.)
5/30 - Día de salida temprana (12:10)
5/31 - Día de salida temprana (12:10) y último día de clases
Calendario de Pruebas
5/8 - Prueba de ciencias de 5to grado
5/13 - Prueba de lectura de 3er grado
5/14 - Prueba de lectura para jardín de infantes y 4.° grado
5/15 - Prueba de lectura para jardín de infantes y 5to grado
5/16 - Prueba de lectura de 1.º y 2.º grado/Matemáticas K- jardin de infantes
5/17 - Prueba de matemáticas para jardín de infantes, 1.º y 2.º grado
5/21 - Prueba de matemáticas de 3er grado
5/22 - Prueba de matemáticas de 4.º y 5.º grado
Lista de Útiles Escolares para el Año 2024/2025
Algo Para Refleccionar
Yearbook Orders
Abra el documento a continuación para ver información sobre FortifyFL, una aplicación de informes de actividades sospechosas.
Junta Escolar del Condado de Lee
Samuel Fisher, District 1 (Chair)
Jada Langford Fleming, District 6 (Vice Chair)
Melisa W. Giovannelli, District 2
Chris N. Patricca, District 3
Debbie Jordan, District 4
Armor Persons, District 5
Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan, District 7