Denmark Digest
June 2024
Message from Kim Oliver, Principal
Dane Families,
The school year has come to a close, and we are thankful for the many successes that we had on our campus. To all of our families, thank you for choosing Denmark. It has been an honor to work with your students on a daily basis.
If you are a senior parent, we are especially grateful to you for sharing your sweet students with us - they were such a beautiful addition to our campus. We are wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness.
If you are a rising freshman parent. Welcome! Each month, we send out a newsletter with highlights from the previous month and information about upcoming events. In this newsletter, you will find the information for Freshman Orientation.
It is our hope that all of your interactions on this campus remind you of why It is always a Great Day to Be a Dane!
I hope that all of you enjoy your summer and find some time to relax and unwind with family and friends.
It's a Great Day To Be a Dane!
Kim Oliver
Graduation 2024
We were excited to honor our graduates on May 21st. We wish them the best in their futures and hope that they forever remember why It Was a Great Day to Be A Dane!
Students of the Month for April
We enjoyed recognizing and celebrating our April Students of the Month at a luncheon and short ceremony. Please click HERE to access the slide show for our students. Congratulations to our students!
An Important Note About Summer School and Schedules for Next Year
Important Notice: Summer Course Completion and Fall Course Placement
Reminder: Successful completion of a summer course does not guarantee automatic placement in the next level course for the upcoming fall semester.
Several factors contribute to the placement process, including course availability, prerequisites, and overall academic performance.
We recommend considering alternative options or backup plans in case your desired course placement is not available. This might include exploring elective options.
For Your Calendar
July 31: Freshman Orientation
July 31: New Student Orientation for 10th - 12th Grade Students
July 31: Walk-About for Returning 10th - 12th Grade Students
August 1: 1st Day of School
Vote for Our New LSC Representatives
The Local School Council serves as an advisory board for schools. This board provides feedback for our school and serves as a voice for our students, parents, business partners, and community members. We recently asked any parent interested in serving on the LSC to submit short biographies and explain their interest. Please click the link below to select up to three parent representatives for the 2024 – 2025 school year (We have three parent seats available). Voting will close on Tuesday, June 4th at 4 PM. We appreciate your time in submitting your vote.
Parking for 2024 - 2025
Parking is available for 2024 - 2025! We are currently accepting payment through Schoolpay.com.
(If you need to pay with cash or check ($135), we will begin accepting those forms of payment on July 24th)
- If you need to create a School Pay account, please click https://schoolpay.com/login/registration
- You will need the student ID number and last name to set up an account
- The parking fee for the 2024-2025 school year is $135.
*Parking Pass Pick Up will begin on July 24th in the front office between 8:00-12:00.
Students MUST come in person (no parent or friend) and bring their driver’s license (NO LEARNERS PERMITS WILL BE ACCEPTED) and proof of payment (printed receipt or phone receipt) in order to pick up their pass.
- Students that do not pick up their pass BEFORE the first day of school are NOT allowed to drive the first day. You must have your pass in your car before driving into the school lot.
Link to application: https://forms.gle/Yrgj7cRhSHoihuLs8
Please Note:
Parking is a privilege and students are not guaranteed a spot. Extracurricular activities, grade level, and designations such as IE2, Work Based Learning, Mentorship, Out of District and Dual Enrollment DO NOT guarantee preferential parking
Teacher of the Month for May: Vicki Donza
Congratulations to Mrs. Donza who was selected as the Teacher of the Month for May. She is a math teacher who works with students inside and outside of the classroom.
Mark Your Calendars!
Counseling Corner
Sometimes in the summer, students and adults may need assistance with mental health struggles. Please see the link below for resources for our families.
Join The Place for an ESL Event
We are excited about the opportunities below to assist families in our community - ESL Family Literacy Series and Free Tutoring
Mentoring Opportunity for High School Students
High School Students- Here is a mentoring opportunity for the summer!
Summer News
GA State Requirement of Meningococcal (MCV4) Booster Dose
If your child will be 16 years of age prior to the start of school on August 1, 2024, they must receive this booster dose!
Don't Wait! Schedule their appointment as soon as they are eligible!
Counseling and Administration Pairings for 23 - 24
About Us
Website: https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/dhs
Location: 645 Mullinax Road, Alpharetta, GA
Phone: 470.533.2521
Twitter: @DenmarkHS