February's Frosty Principal Update!
Campus News and Events for February!
Principal's Message
Hello Eagle Parents!
It was a super fun January with snow days and all! Who knows what February will be like weather-wise! I can tell you our Eagles will have just as much fun as they learn this month as they did in January!! Who knows, maybe we will get a little snow action? ☃️ 🛷
January 30th/Thursday: new 100th day of school date due to snow days!
(Details in teacher newsletters)
There is a lot on our calendar in the coming weeks---- especially as we prepare for Feb. 13th! This is the Thursday before actual Valentines day. That day is going to be incredibly busy with a morning assembly, class Valentines parties, and our world famous Multicultural Night! Our 2nd graders will be performing Music Around the World as well!! You won't want to miss school on this day!!
Additionally this month, we have a super important Red Cross Blood Drive on Feb. 28th, a Friday, as part of our February Healthy Heart month! (See below to sign up to be part of these great and worthy events!) There is a huge blood shortage, so let's all pitch in and donate! You never know when someone you know and love will need blood and we want it to be there if that ever happens!
Remember to please check your child's grades for each 3 wk Progress Reporting period. As always, if you have any questions about grades, please contact your child(ren)'s teacher.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled news broadcast! :-)
Please see our February Space Station Overview below for the month's important dates!
Thanks for reading!
Tasia Thompson, Principal
February Dates to Remember
Would you like to be a Wonder Wagon Volunteer for K,2,3?
If you would like to volunteer to help with students during their Wonder Wagon STEM time, please fill out the links below!
Feb 24 Voly link: https://lewisvilleisd.voly.org/opportunity/view.html?id=102807
2nd gr - 8:15-9:30 Freeman
9:40-10:55 Robinson/Stengem
Kinder 12:35-1:35 Kohutek/ Lupkes
1:45-2:45 Buckley
Feb 25 Voly link: https://lewisvilleisd.voly.org/opportunity/view.html?id=102808
3rd gr - 9:30-11:00 Bianco
11:10-12:40 Cox/Simson
Help fill other's hearts and tummies with your kind food donation of the items listed above. This is also a fun Grade Level vs. Grade Level competition with the winning Grade getting an ice cream party!
Sign Up to give blood on FRIDAY, Feb. 28th!!
We had a packed schedule last year, so let's all give a little RED and help ease the critical blood shortage in our area!!
Help us celebrate our Awesome Counselor, Feb. 3-7th!!
Rally Day!
Hello Ethridge Parents,
As you know, we need to continue to advocate for Public Education. PTA is sharing this Rally Day info in hopes you can participate!
Be on the lookout: School Report Card available soon!
Additionally, be on the look out for the new 2024 TAPR soon. each year we get a State and Federal Report to share with our school community. TEA issues a Report Card for each school in Texas. All of this has been uploaded to our Ethridge website. Click HERE for the direct link to the 2023 TAPR. Click each item for a direct link to our Federal School Report and our TEA Report Card. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. 2024 will be out soon!
Ready Tech Go! Parent's Guide to Children's Digital/Internet Safety Session
- Ready Tech Go! It's a Parent Digital/Internet Safety informative session with a catered dinner, FOUR door prizes, free childcare, free meal for kids, on top of a great presentation with parent resources.
Mountain Mike's Pizza Spirit Day fundraiser for PTA!
- Mountain Mikes Pizza--Jan. 28th! ALL DAY PTA Spirit day fundraiser! Dine and and Carry Out only! But--they are giving us a full 50 percent back! WOW!!
WOW! Hawaiian Bros PTA Spirit NIght!
- Hawaiian Bros - next Spirit Night on February 25th from 5 to 9pm!! Sounds like a delicious way to help support our awesome Eagle PTA!
In the Gym BEFORE.....
Under Renovation during Winter Break.....
Oh WOW! Look at all that new stuff!
Coach is overwhelmed with this huge undertaking!
Coach's daughter takes over! :-)
So, where's Coach in all this?? LOL!
Definitely needed a team approach!
Looks like Coach's daughter organized his office too! :-)
The wonderful results of your Fun Run $ & Coach's hard work for our kiddos!
Would you like to RECOGNIZE an Ethridge Staff Member?
Ethridge Elementary
Email: thompsont@lisd.net
Website: www.lisd.net/Ethridge
Location: 6001 Ethridge Drive, The Colony, TX, USA
Phone: 469-713-5954