Falcon Flyer
Important Events & Dates from F.AVE

October 24, 2024
In this Issue
Order School Pictures
Ms. Hanson's Notes
- Professional Employee of the Year: Malik Morrow
- Upcoming Coffee Chat - Friday, November 1
- Halloween at F.AVE
- Red Ribbon Week
- Grants Announcement - Ms. Staggs & Ms. Carty
- Upcoming Events at a Glance
F.AVE News
- GR8 Reads November Book Club Sign Up
- Spotlight on Specials - Spanish
- F.AVE Game Hawkers Podcast Season 2, Episode 3 - 3rd Graders Emily & Wren
- Read-A-Thon Information
- Movie Night Fundraiser
- Yearbook - Candid Photos Needed
- Save the Dates
- Business & Family Sponsorships Wanted
- Sponsor's Corner - Reminis
DEI Committee
- Diwali Festival at Oakhurst
Community News
- Decatur Education Foundation
Scroll down to learn more!
Ms. Hanson's Notes
Next Friday, November 1, we will have another Coffee Chat. Our counselors will be sharing information about peer relationships and social media. Please plan to join us!
Holidays and traditions play a significant role in shaping our identity and values. During the holiday season, it is essential to remember that not all students and families celebrate the same holidays or have the same annual traditions.
At F.AVE, our primary concern is that all our students are safe, seen, and successful. In that spirit, we would like to remind you that we ask that students not wear a costume to school for Halloween and not bring their candy to school on November 1. The latter is because a number of students have allergies and our students like to “share”.
Red Ribbon Week 10/28
This week is Red Ribbon Week, and this year's theme is "Life is a Movie. Film Drug Free!" In observance of Red Ribbon Week, our school counselors will provide activities to support healthy, drug-free lifestyles.
Some of the activities will include:
10/29: I Pledge to Stay Drug Free (sign the drug free pledge)
10/30: Put a Cap on Drugs Day (wear favorite cap)
10/31: My Future is Bright Day (wear sunglasses)
11/1: Red is the Color of Being Drug Free (wear red)
11/2: Sock it to Drugs Day (wear colorful socks)
Drug abuse prevention starts with parents learning how to talk with their children about difficult topics. Therefore, as a part of Red Ribbon Week, on Wednesday, October 30, the Student Support Services Division is supporting the community by increasing awareness of drug and alcohol use among children and young adults. Representatives from the Decatur Parent Network (DPI) and the DeKalb Juvenile Justice Youth Substance Use Prevention Program will provide information regarding current trends and ways to help children make healthy choices. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period. In addition, attendees will receive resources to help initiate, facilitate, and maintain healthy relationships with their children.
We invite you to attend. The workshop is scheduled to occur in the Professional Learning Center (PLC) Room of the Wilson Center on Wednesday, October 30, from 5:30-7 p.m.
Grants awarded to F.Ave for STEAM initiatives
The Kapor Foundation who seeks proposals from K12 educators for projects for interdisciplinary activities or cross-curricular lessons involving computer science/computational thinking and core content for students has awarded Ms. Staggs and Ms. Carty grants to enhance computer science education in the classroom.
Ms. Staggs received a $1000 grant to cover a Portable Scanner, a 10-pack of leatherette noise-reducing headphones with microphones for multimedia/communicative projects/assessments, a "Makey Makey" engineering kit to use with third grade's unit on heat energy, and a Root Pro interactive coding robot that allows students to navigate any flat surface, including whiteboards/vertical magnetic surfaces, and can be coded to draw, play music, light up, and more.
Ms. Carty received a $2500 grant to purchase a Sphero Bolt Power Pack, including 15 Sphero coding robotic balls. She can design projects that connect classroom learning with real-world applications. Our F.Ave Falcons will have an exciting learning experience to become programmers and engineers while exploring Math, Science and Technology standards. Sphero Bolts impact student learning by encouraging them to use collaboration to problem solve, creativity to design their project, and learn technology. There are also many opportunities to connect to our 3rd and 4th grade Life Science, and 4th and 5th Earth Science standards.
Ms. Carty is also happy to report that our F.Ave STEAM lab has received the Teacher Innovation grant from the Decatur Education Foundation (DEF) for a project titled Lego Robotics for ALL. The DEF has awarded $1950 to purchase 6 Lego Spike Essential kits. Ms. Carty will teach ALL F.Ave students the fundamentals of Lego Robotics. The Lego Spike Essential kits are a part of the LEGO® Learning System. It is the cross-curricular STEAM solution for elementary education. SPIKE Essential engages students in hands-on investigation of STEAM concepts while contributing to literacy, math, and social-emotional development. Currently, F.Ave has an after school Lego Robotics club that uses this hardware and software. This grant will assist our students to be more knowledgeable of Lego Robotics, and help our parent leads focus more on getting our afterschool teams to competition level.
Upcoming Events At a Glance
Tuesday, October 29 & Thursday, October 31: 5th Grade Field Trip to Oakland Cemetery
Wednesday, October 30: Early Release Day, Dismissal at 12:15 p.m.
Thursday, October 31: 3rd Grade Field Trip to Native American Festival
Native American Heritage Month
Friday, November 1, 7:45 - 8:30: F.AVE Coffee Chat
Tuesday, November 5: Digital Learning Day (students do not come to F.AVE)
Week of November 11: School Psychologist Week
Wednesday, November 13: School Pictures - Class Pictures & Make Up Day
Wednesday, November 13: Walk & Roll to School
Friday, November 15: PTO Movie Night Fundraiser
Tuesday, November 19: Thanksgiving Lunch at F.AVE
Friday, November 22: Early Release Day, dismissal at 12:15
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Holiday Break - No School
F.AVE News
Sign up for our November GR8 Reads Book Club! Click the flyer below!
Spotlight on Specials: Spanish
4th graders are learning the months of the year in Spanish. When adding the months of the year in Spanish to their previous lessons on days of the week, the students are now learning vocabulary words to organize their time and schedule in a foreign language. Students engaged in conversation where they shared their favorite months in Spanish.
5th graders are learning the months of the year in Spanish. 5th graders also finished their lessons on learning how to tell time in minutes. Previous lessons taught students how to tell tim in Spanish but only covered how to communicate time in hours. Students now have additional tools to organize their time and schedule in a foreign language. Students engaged in conversation where they shared their favorite months in Spanish.
F.AVE Library Game Hawker Podcast - S.2, Ep.3
Click the image below to listen to 3rd graders Wren & Emily discuss several of Patricia Polacco's classic picture books. You don't want to miss their enthusiasm and insights into one of the most iconic picture book authors/illustrators of our time.
The reading is complete and the minutes have been counted! Our students read a total of 56,115 minutes (that is a little over 935 hours) in just a little over 4 days!! They did an amazing job and we are so proud of all their hard work
We had a number of different classes take the lead over the week but our overall winners are....
- Grade 3: Ms. Hancock
- Grade 4: Ms. Finch
- Grade 5: Dr. Vickery
Now it's time for us to collect and submit all those donations from your sponsors. If your sponsors pledged by the minute, now is the time to calculate those totals and get the donations submitted. Please get donations in by Friday October 25.
Donations can be submitted directly at paypal.me/FavePTODecatur or by scanning this QR code. Checks can be made out to "F.Ave PTO" and dropped off at the front desk.
Thank you for supporting F.Ave through the 2024 Read-a-thon!
F.AVE Movie Night 11/15, 5pm-8pm
One of our most popular fundraisers is back! Drop your FAVE students off for pizza, play, popcorn y pelicula - tickets go on sale next week!
F.AVE Yearbook: Candid Photos
The F.AVE Yearbook Committee wants to see all you've been doing in school this year! Please email your photos of F.AVE Falcons in action to yearbook@favepto.org. We love photos of school events, field trips, student groups, and school work! Important: Please include student names and teacher/grade in your email if known.
SAVE THE DATES (more info coming soon)
Summer Camp and Holiday Expo: 12/7
Around the World Holiday Tasting: 12/18
We’re seeking to partner with businesses, organizations or brands that would like to support our school through sponsorship, while also benefiting by connecting with the local Decatur community! Don’t have a business but want to sponsor as a family or individual? Check out ALL PTO SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES HERE.
If you have questions, please contact us at sponsorship@favepto.org.
The PTO would like to give a huge shout out to Reminis for being a SkySponsor of the PTO. How cool is this? Listen to what they can do:
At Reminis, our team of expert photo curators scans old photos and slides, converts home movies, and organizes digital photos. Every Reminis client receives a Family Photo Collection that’s tidy and shareable. Your photos tell your story and capture some of the most important moments of your life. Our team wants you to enjoy your photos, not feel overwhelmed by them.
DEI Committee
Diwali Festival at Oakhurst
Join us to celebrate the Indian festival of Diwali at Oakhurst Elementary on Oct. 26, 5-7 p.m., brought to you by the PTA/PTO DEI committees! Food, drinks, crafts, music, performances, and more! Dance workshop will be at 5:30pm.
This is a great opportunity for older students to volunteer for a fun community event. CLICK HERE TO VOLUNTEER.
Community News
Decatur Education Foundation
Supper & Sips Returns!
Grab your friends and neighbors and help us celebrate the return of Decatur Education Foundation's highly-anticipated fall FUNdraiser - Supper & Sips! Join us on Thursday, Nov. 14th, from 6-10 pm at The Chapel on Sycamore for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship - all for a good cause. The Supper provides crucial support for DEF, allowing us to continue our work addressing unmet needs, providing enriching opportunities, and supporting our educators.
Get your tickets today! Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Email Meagan@DecaturEducationFoundation.org.
STEP UP for Decatur Youth!
DEF was founded more than 20 years ago by a group of residents who wanted to ensure that EVERY student in CSD had what they needed to learn and thrive. Today, DEF's mission remains focused on Decatur's kids and educators, and we are still 100% reliant on the support of the Decatur community. DEF puts the community's contributions where they will have the biggest impact on our students, and DEF's Step Up Circle is a special group of supporters that allows us to operate programs like Lighten the Load, Teacher Innovation Grants, behavioral health support, arts programming, and so much more. There are also benefits - for both businesses and individuals - to joining DEF's Step Up Circle (beyond the warm and fuzzy feeling you get from supporting Decatur's kids!). Visit https://decatureducationfoundation.org/step-up-circle/ to learn more about the different giving levels.
About Us
Lynn Hanson
Assistant Principal
Meagan Ferguson
Assistant Principal
Shannon Stewart
School Manager
Malik Morrow
Shronda Edwards
Email: fave@csdecatur.net
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/FAVE
Location: 101 5th Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: (404) 371-6680
Please do not reply to this newsletter. See the Who Do I Contact link above and direct your inquiries to the correct individual.