Susie Dasher Elementary School
Week of August 22nd
PRIDE Under Construction - Week #3 🚧
Greetings, STEAM Family:
This was an eventful, yet productive week at SDE! Once again, our teachers planned and our students participated in engaging learning experiences with a dynamic cap off being a Fighting Irish VICTORY over the Wilco Warriors during Friday's 1,000/100 Commemorative Game! Also, SDE was featured as 13 WMAZ's "School of the Week"! Be sure to check out the link below. As a PROUD alumni of Dublin City Schools, it's always a pleasure to celebrate our rich tradition of excellence in academics and athletics in the BEST color combination ever - GREEN & GOLD! Go Irish!
DCS believes a safe, secure, flexible, and loving environment promotes positive learning communities for academic achievement, personal growth, and emotional well-being. Therefore, please take a moment to review the attached memo highlighting a few of the measures which have been put in place to ensure your child's physical safety while at school.
In the meantime, we're always looking forward to another awesome week @ SDE. Who are we?.... (You know the rest!)
Congratulations to SDE's newly elected Local School Governance Team 2022-2023:
Dr. Theresa Chatman - Teacher Representative (2-Year Term)
Rebecca Jordan - Teacher Representative (1-Year Term)
Maci Wood - Teacher Representative (1-Year Term)
Lashanna Knight - Parent Representative (1 - Year Term)
Keith Coney - Parent Representative (Alternate)
Matt Lake - Community Representative (1 Year Term)
This Week at SDE:
ATTENDANCE MATTERS - Parents, please make sure your child maintains regular attendance and arrives to school in a timely manner. Students are tardy at 8:15 am. Five (5) tardies and/or early dismissals count as one (1) unexcused absence. Student attendance will be a part of criteria used to determine eligibility for school-wide celebrations. Remember, every minute really counts!
- Weekly grade level newsletters will be sent home each Monday, so please check your child's folder and/or book bag.
- This year, as an added safety precaution, all book bags must be CLEAR or MESH.
Meet Our "PIERRE the STEAM Bear" Recipient: Ms. Rebecca Jordan
Ms. Rebecca Jordan is a 4th grade ELA teacher at Susie Dasher Elementary, and this is her 5th year serving as part of our STEAM Family! During last week's Instructional Faculty Meeting, Ms. Jordan was selected to be the first recipient of "PIERRE the STEAM Bear" for this school year because she has continued to model all of the desired traits (Positive, Innovative, Energetic, Responsible, Resilient, Educator). With Ms. Jordan's positive attitude towards our students and staff, as well as her "every minute really counts" mindset for instructional planning and maximizing classroom instructional time, we will definitely stay tuned to the great things to come from her classroom this year! Additionally, Ms. Jordan has been selected by her colleagues to serve as one of the teacher representatives on this year's Local School Governance Council!
As an act of our teachers' recognizing and celebrating the work of each other, Ms. Jordan is now tasked with not only taking great care of PIERRE, but also "passing him along" during our next faculty meeting to the care of another colleague who has gone above and beyond to exemplify the established traits.
Keep Up the GREAT Work, Ms. Jordan!
Coming Up Next...
Thursday, September 1st: Back to School Night / 1st 9 Weeks Progress Reports (5:30 pm)
September 5th: Labor Day Holiday (No School for Students or Staff)